My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 240 Kill all the people on Earth

On the Golden Grassland, the Dawn Legion won the first battle and achieved a very remarkable record.

In this battle, the Dawn Legion killed 100,000 alien beasts, and the corpses of the alien beasts piled up like a mountain.

Originally, the hunters had to travel a long distance to hunt back the strange beasts, which directly filled the entire defensive fortress.

Under Xu Xiaoming's arrangement, these resources were distributed uniformly, and all of them were assigned to the soldiers of Shuguang.

The fighters not only have increased combat experience, but their levels are also constantly increasing.

After the battle ended, about half a day later, another group of alien beasts came from a distance.

The Dawn warriors couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly prepared to fight.

It was only when they climbed the city wall that they discovered that the number of alien beasts in this wave was also 100,000.

Moreover, the strength of these 100,000 alien beasts is very balanced, and there is no particularly outstanding strong one.

It was as if they had been screened in advance.

With the first battle experience, this time, the Dawn Legion's operations are much more organized than before.

The first to appear is the ranged fighter.

Most of the weapons are longbows. After the sharp arrows are infused with powerful skills, the attack power of the arrows becomes extremely powerful.

During the first battle, the soldiers found that the damage of the arrows to the beasts was not high enough.

The main reason is that the size of the arrow is too small for the beast.

This time, the fighters made comprehensive preparations in advance.

After a volley of longbows and arrows was fired, javelins suddenly appeared, held in the hands of the soldiers, and after pouring in powerful skills, they threw them out one after another.

Sharp piercing sounds sounded one after another, and the javelin fell fiercely into the group of alien beasts with unparalleled momentum, piercing through the bodies of huge alien beasts.

This is a group of gluttonous Asian herds, and it is also a native animal of the Golden Grassland.

Since the Golden Grassland was occupied by humans, the gluttonous Asian ethnic group has avoided it far away.

For them,

Live wherever you are.

The reason why they returned to the Golden Grassland again was of course the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster's contribution.

After the first battle, Chu Ming immediately found the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster.

Chu Ming told the Nanhuang Beastmaster that the attack of the alien beast army could not stop.

Moreover, Chu Ming has also arranged the scale of the battle for the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster.

In the first three attacks, 100,000 alien beasts were dispatched each time.

From the fourth time, the number of strange beasts increased to 200,000.

Chu Ming will notify you of the specific end time.

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster who heard the news instantly understood what was going on.

This is definitely taking the lives of orc members to train human fighters.

But what if it is figured out, its spirit has been controlled by Chu Ming, and everything must obey Chu Ming's arrangement.

Even, it couldn't even have the idea of ​​disobeying Chu Ming.

There is no way, all its resentment is locked by the soul curse, and all it can show is gratitude and respect to Chu Ming.

According to Chu Ming's request, within six hours after the first battle ended, the second wave of alien beasts arrived as scheduled.

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster still did not participate in this battle.

It is Chu Ming's alien beast, so of course it can't fight humans in the past.

What's more, it doesn't have much time to waste, because according to Chu Ming's request, within six hours after the end of this battle, a third wave of attack will be organized.

In other words, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster will summon another 100,000 troops within the next six hours.

Fortunately, the area of ​​this land is vast enough, and the number of strange beasts living on it is countless, so it can barely complete the task.

At the same time, on the battlefield between the Holy Beast Continent and the Half-Human Continent, the army of the orcs and the half-orcs have been fighting for a long time.

The gluttonous holy beast returns and discusses with the other great holy beasts how to deal with the enemy.

"Gaotie, what did you see when you returned to the southwestern border? What is that astonishing momentum fluctuation?"

In the core area of ​​the orc army, the strong men in the sanctuary were having a meeting. Seeing the return of the gluttonous holy beast, the white tiger holy beast asked immediately.

The tentacles on Taotie's forehead trembled, and after pondering for a moment, he replied: "After I went back, I only saw a huge palm print there, and found nothing else."

"hand print?"

The angry holy beast exited in doubt, and black light bloomed on the sharp fangs, as if there was a strong coldness coming.

The Taotie Holy Beast nodded and said, "It's a palm print. It looks like a half-orc's palm, but its size has increased countless times."

Hearing this, all the holy beasts fell silent.

Xuanwu Sacred Beast said with a puzzled expression: "You mean, there are half-orcs who bypassed the front line and entered the interior of our Sacred Beast Continent?"

Some time ago, the orc army of the Holy Beast Continent discovered a half-orc army in the south. It was a half-horse army. It tried to break into the interior of the Holy Beast Continent, but was stopped by the orc army.

Could it be that besides the Centaur Legion, there are other Orc Legions breaking into the Holy Beast Continent?

Before the gluttonous holy beast had time to respond, the Qinglong holy beast spoke.

It said with a vicissitudes of life: "Now we have to figure out one thing, that is, why did the half-orc army enter the interior of the Holy Beast Continent at all costs?

What exactly are they trying to do? "

The sacred beast Suzaku with fiery red feathers responded: "My subordinates have already found out clearly. If there is no accident, it should be related to the new earthlings."


Many strange beasts frowned, and all the great holy beasts showed hesitation.

The Suzaku Holy Beast nodded and said, "That's right, Earthlings.

The bird warriors under my command have been cruising at high altitude, and they once found a centaur squad consisting of more than a dozen people leaving without permission.

Although it was not possible to find out where the team went, but based on the direction, it can be inferred that the other party should have arrived at the place where the earthlings live. "

Hearing this, the White Tiger Sacred Beast suddenly realized.

"It's no wonder that two powerful mutated babies were discovered in the Half-Human Continent a few days ago. They turned out to be the product of the combination of the Half-Human Race and the Earthlings."

The White Tiger Sacred Beast suddenly remembered the information it had obtained not long ago. In Banhuman Continent, two newborn babies appeared, causing great commotion in Banhuman Continent.

According to the information told by other holy beasts, it is not difficult to guess what secrets are hidden behind this matter.

It must be that the half-orcs discovered that they could produce more powerful offspring after combining with the earthlings, so they wanted to go to the golden grassland at all costs.

That being the case, the half-orcs cannot be allowed to succeed.

If not, the Holy Beast Buzhou will no longer be able to resist.

"Can the existence of earthlings make the offspring of half-orcs stronger?

That being the case, wouldn't it be good for us to kill all the people on Earth in advance? "

The Azure Dragon Sacred Beast said in a vicissitudes of life.

The eyes of all the holy beasts brightened, this is definitely a good solution once and for all.

Compared with Orcs, Earthlings are much weaker.

If all the people on Earth are wiped out, will the half-orcs continue to attack the Holy Beast Continent?

Shouldn't it?

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