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Chapter 248 The Bustling Binggang Mountain

Binggang Mountain, the top of the snow-capped mountain that will not melt for thousands of years.

Chu Ming galloped all the way with Wu Xi, and arrived here from the West Zombie Battlefield in less than three minutes.

However, when the two came here, they were all stunned by the sight in front of them.

Outside the mountain gate of Binggang Mountain, a large number of vendors came here and directly set up street stalls in the huge square outside.

There are all kinds of martial arts and martial arts, as well as weapons and equipment, as well as snacks and delicacies, as well as barbecue fried rice.

In short, the bustling level here has far surpassed that of ordinary night markets.

It is broad daylight now, and there are quite a lot of people.

Hundreds of uniformly dressed young disciples are shopping. They are gorgeously dressed with snow mountains embroidered on them, which should be the uniform clothing of Binggang Mountain.

Looking inside the mountain gate, nearly a thousand disciples are practicing sword dancing.

The sword light roared inside the mountain gate, and there were thriving scenes everywhere.

Not only was Chu Ming a little confused, but Wu Xi was also shocked when she saw this scene.

You know, Binggang Mountain is notoriously deserted.

But seeing the popularity of the scene is really surprising.

When did so many disciples come to Binggang Mountain?

Wu Xi and Chu Ming looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of doubt in each other's eyes.

The two of them stopped hesitating immediately, and headed towards the fortress of the main hall inside Binggang Mountain in a flash.

With the current strength of Chu Ming and Wu Xi, they don't have to worry about being discovered by ordinary disciples here if they want to hide their aura.

Chu Ming just took a cursory glance, and knew that the disciples here were only at the true pulse level.

In fact, their strength is not too strong compared to ordinary Chinese people.

It may be related to the reason why they just joined Binggang Mountain.

After entering the hall, a strong and heavy voice came.

Someone is preaching!

Wu Xi couldn't be more familiar with this voice,

It was his master Gu Yue.

The two approached quietly, hiding behind many disciples, quietly listening to Master Gu Yue's sermon.

The other party was explaining a set of boxing techniques, which was the set of Tiansha boxing that Chu Ming gave Gu Yue when he left here.

Unexpectedly, the other party used the exercises he gave to start a new sect.

Chu Ming looked at the red-faced Gu Yue on the high platform, and gradually understood the other party's thoughts.

At the beginning, Gu Yue was disheartened and had no plans to accept disciples after being exterminated.

It's not that the other party doesn't want to revitalize Binggang Mountain, but because he feels that he doesn't have the strength to make Binggang Mountain stronger.

Rather than being slaughtered by powerful enemies like before, it is better to stop accepting apprentices, so as to avoid the recurrence of previous tragedies.

However, after Chu Ming left him a lot of martial arts and martial arts, Gu Yue's mind gradually became more active.

Especially after his broken arm was successfully connected and his strength increased greatly, the idea of ​​developing and strengthening Binggang Mountain became more and more powerful.

Therefore, Gu Yue, who had greatly increased in strength, sent out a message of accepting disciples to the whole world. Binggang Mountain wanted to recruit disciples, and there was no discrimination in teaching. As long as they were dedicated to goodness, anyone could come to Binggang Mountain to practice.

After the news was released, Binggang Mountain was questioned by all parties.

After all, the former Binggang Mountain was already lonely, and it was so beaten up by Demon Zhou that it couldn't hold its head up.

Therefore, many people questioned the strength of Binggangshan.

Many people who wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to gain popularity jumped out one after another and wanted to challenge Gu Yue to Binggang Mountain.

It's just unexpected that all those who came to make trouble were brought down by Gu Yue.

In the end, someone invited out a master who hadn't been born for many years, a hermit strongman from the depths of the Hengduan Mountains.

This is a strong man in the sky, whose strength is shocking and has a very high prestige in the local area.

After he came to Binggang Mountain, he challenged Gu Yue.

In order to gain popularity, many people fanned the flames while the heat was hot, and turned on the live broadcast the whole time.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone and the attention of netizens all over the world, Gu Yue severely injured the opponent with one punch.

From then on, Gu Yue became famous in the first battle.

The reputation of Binggang Mountain climbed to the peak immediately.

From that moment on, more and more people came to Binggang Mountain to apprentice.

Gu Yue's sermon officially began.

What he said today was the Tiansha fist that he used to defeat the old man Hengduan with one punch.

"Qi is divided into yin and yang, and law has five elements."

"Mysterious skills are cohesive, condensing sand into a fist."

"Breathing and exhaling, holding yin and embracing yang."

"Calm your mind, defeat the enemy and win."

As Gu Yue was talking, her brows froze suddenly.

He suddenly turned around and saw two figures standing abruptly behind the crowd.

No one knew when they came, as if the other party appeared there out of thin air, completely silent.

Gu Yue's voice paused, and a smile appeared on his face full of vicissitudes.

"Teacher, why are you back!"

While speaking, Gu Yue immediately got up and floated towards Wu Xi's direction.

Wu Xi's face was full of smiles, and the beautiful simplicity was full of happiness. Seeing Master so happy today made her feel infinitely happy.


Wu Xi called softly, and immediately went up to Gu Yue.

The many young disciples who were listening to Gu Yue's explanation of Tiansha boxing method here all showed a hint of anger.

It is a bit of a pitfall to be interrupted just like this at a critical moment in teaching the Fa.

Just when they were about to start cursing violently, they suddenly saw Wu Xi's beautiful figure.

"What a nice view!"

Everyone was shocked, and immediately showed great joy.

This woman should only exist in the sky, how many times can the world hear about it?

"This girl is so beautiful, who is she? Is she also a new disciple of ours?"

"It doesn't look like it. She seems to be very familiar with the master. She should have started a long time ago."

"By the way, didn't our master have a female disciple before? It seems to be called Wu Xi."

"Wu Xi, isn't she from Patriarch Gu Wu? It is said that Wu Xi is Patriarch Gu Wu's girlfriend."

"Don't talk nonsense, how could Patriarch Gu Wu have a girlfriend, he belongs to all the girls in the world."

"That is, how can such an excellent man as Patriarch Gu Wu be monopolized by a girl."

"It is said that if you can become the girlfriend of Patriarch Guwu, you will definitely save the galaxy in your previous life."

In the main hall, many young disciples began to discuss in low voices.

However, it can be known from the tone of voice that the discussion directions of the male disciples and female disciples are completely different.

Most of the male disciples focused on Wu Xi's beauty.

Most of the female disciples were concerned about the man behind Wu Xi.

Standing outside the crowd, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

His spiritual sense was extremely powerful, and of course he heard what everyone was discussing in low voices.

Originally, he planned to take Gu Yue's place and continue to give everyone an in-depth explanation of Tiansha Boxing.

From this point of view, it is not necessary, so as not to cause unnecessary riots.

Seeing that Wu Xi and Gu Yue were chatting passionately at this moment, Chu Ming didn't bother.

Now that you have come to Binggang Mountain, let's go for a walk in the depths of this mountain to see if you can find the hidden secret that the system said.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming's sword light flashed under his feet, and he floated out of the hall silently.

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