My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 253 There is an anchor cheating on eating and drinking

Once upon a time, how precious were the heavenly exercises?

In the whole world, only those top forces have the opportunity to possess a heavenly skill.

Every time a heaven-level exercise appears, it will set off a bloodbath in the world.

However, since Chu Ming appeared in the public's field of vision, the heavenly skills seemed to have become worthless.

To be precise, Chu Ming has too many heaven-level exercises.

Any celestial-level kung fu method can become the treasure of the town's teachings, and can make a little-known sect develop something positive and transcendent.

When Chu Ming left, he left Gu Yue with a lot of heaven-level exercises, which instantly added tens of thousands of years of foundation to Binggang Mountain.

Now, Chu Ming has come up with ten more heaven-level exercises, which is equivalent to adding tens of thousands of years of foundation to Binggang Mountain.

With so many heaven-level exercises as the backing, it's hard for Binggang Mountain not to be popular.

You must know that warriors who have heaven-level skills can practice to the soaring realm naturally, and the qualifications of each warrior are different. The more suitable the qualifications and skills are, the smoother the practice will be.

If it is said that only 10% of people can adapt to a book of heavenly exercises, then only 10% of people can practice it to the Soaring Realm, and the remaining 90% will be stuck due to aptitude problems. In the bottleneck everywhere.

However, when there are enough heaven-level exercises and warriors choose exercises based on their own aptitude, it means that everyone has the opportunity to practice to the sky.

In the past, people were selected by exercises, but now it is people who choose exercises.

When Wu Xi and Gu Yue saw Chu Ming take out ten heavenly exercises so easily, they were all shocked from ear to ear.

This is a heavenly skill.

However, thinking that Chu Ming could easily come up with countless high-level exercises before, it seems that there is no need to make too much fuss about being able to come up with so many heaven-level exercises now.

Master Gu Yue was moved to tears.

"How can I, Gu Yue, be able to accept so many heavenly exercises!"

Gu Yue held the exercises with trembling hands, feeling a little hard to bear the weight of these exercises.

Chu Ming smiled and said, "Because you have a good apprentice!"


When Wu Xi heard this, her pretty face flushed with embarrassment.

However, she was very useful to Chu Ming's statement.

Although she knew that Chu Ming was joking, she could still feel that Chu Ming cared about her.

After finishing all this, Chu Ming said to Gu Yue: "Master Gu Yue, I still have things to go to other places, and I will leave after dinner."

While speaking, Chu Ming turned to look at Wu Xi, and asked, "Are you going to stay in Binggang Mountain, or continue traveling with me?"

Before Wu Xi had time to meet, Master Gu Yue got up immediately and said, "Go, definitely go, of course Wu Xi will travel with you."

Hearing this, Wu Xi gave her master an angry look.

Well, this stinky master even gave up his most beloved disciple for the sake of a few heavenly exercises.

However, Wu Xi blamed Master on the surface, but she was actually happy in her heart.

What's the point of staying in Binggang Mountain? It's more fun to wander around with Chu Ming.

After drinking and eating, the sunset has already hung on the top of the mountain.

Dusk is approaching, night is coming.

"It's so late, why don't you stay for one night and leave tomorrow?"

Seeing that it was getting late, Master Gu Yue immediately advised Chu Ming and Wu Xi.

Chu Ming chuckled, and said: "When we were in another world, we were unimpeded no matter day or night. It doesn't make sense to go to a safer earth, but we are timid."

Wu Xi also responded: "Master, don't worry about it. Don't be afraid when it gets dark. We are flying in the sky and we are not afraid of traffic jams."

Gu Yue: "..."

In the end, under Gu Yue's concerned eyes, Chu Ming took Wu Xi to the sky and rushed towards the northeast.

Thousands of Binggang Mountain disciples looked at the two who looked like a couple of gods, and all showed envy.

When can we fly in the air?

With the breeze blowing, Chu Ming felt quite happy.

Especially after learning the secret of the Sifang Bronze Kyushu Instrument, Chu Ming clarified his goal and direction. Only those who are really confused will understand this feeling of seeing the blue sky through the clouds and mist.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, taking advantage of the glow of the sky, the two landed at the foot of Mount Tai.

The two stood in front of a tall stone tablet, Wu Xi couldn't help being a little lost in thought.

"Chu Ming, why don't we just land on the top of the mountain, are you going to climb up from here?"

While walking, Wu Xi stood in front of a vigorous and simple pine tree, took out her phone and took a beautiful selfie.

Chu Ming smiled lightly and asked, "Have you climbed Mount Tai before?"

Wu Xi shook her head slightly, and said: "I have been practicing in Binggang Mountain before, and I rarely go out for activities. This is the first time I have come to Mount Tai."

While talking, Wu Xi bounced forward, found a stone tablet, and said in surprise, "Chu Ming, look quickly, is this Li Bai's poem?"

"Let me tell you, my favorite poet is Li Bai. I heard that Li Bai's swordsmanship is very good. If he was born in this day, he would definitely be regarded as a famous swordsman!"

"Look at this sentence, you will be Ling Jueding, and you can see all the mountains and small mountains at a glance, what a majestic spirit!"

Hearing Wu Xi's words, Chu Ming's complexion turned dark.

He scratched his head in embarrassment, and said: "If Li Baiquan knew it, he would never admit that you like his poems."

"Huh? Is there a problem?"

Wu Xi asked with a blank face.

Chu Ming coughed dryly, and responded: "No problem, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Then what do you mean by that sentence just now? Could it be that this poem was not written by Li Bai?"

Wu Xi continued to ask.

Chu Ming was embarrassed to hit the opponent, and immediately responded: "I don't know if Li Bai wrote it, I only know that Li Bai is not a sword fairy, but an assassin."

Wu Xi: "???"

The two chatted as they walked, and soon they passed the ancient temples and walked deeper and deeper along the stone stairs.

To Chu Ming's surprise, although it has come to the era of national practice, there are still many people who come to Mount Tai to travel.

He saw an old man with a red ribbon tied around his head, with the word "Come on" written on it.

Holding a selfie stick in one hand, he yelled at the screen of his mobile phone: "Babies, watch out, this time I will challenge you to run up to the Jade Emperor Peak of Mount Tai in one breath. If you stop midway, I will live broadcast Chixiang."

Hearing this angry voice, Chu Ming narrowed his eyes and looked at the screen of the mobile phone held up high by the other party.

Chu Ming's eyesight is very strong, even if he is far away, he can still see clearly that the other party is engaged in a live broadcast, even the barrage of the live broadcast can be seen clearly.

There was a barrage that made Chu Ming laugh.

A water friend replied: "Everyone pay attention, there is an anchor here who wants to cheat food and drink."

Thinking of what the other party said just now, Chu Ming planned to help him.

Chu Ming wanted to see if the other party stopped midway, would he eat or not.

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