My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 255 Taishan Stone Cave

On the simple and vicissitudes of the stone ladder, Chu Ming and Wu Xi walked together.

The two walked faster and faster, and finally flew up directly.

According to his last experience in Binggang Mountain, Chu Ming kept searching around Mount Tai.

He wants to see if there are similar caves on Mount Tai.

But after searching for a long time, I still found nothing.

"Could it be that there are too many people here?"

Chu Ming looked at the crowd jumping between the stone stairs, and felt that it was unlikely that there was a secret entrance here.

After all, the flow of people here is very large. If there is a secret cave, it must have been discovered long ago.

Therefore, if there are mysterious caves in Mount Tai, they must be in places with relatively few passenger traffic.

"What are you looking for?"

Seeing that Chu Ming seemed to be looking for something, Wu Xi immediately asked.

Wu Xi originally thought that Chu Ming brought her to Mount Tai to play, but after so long, she already knew that Chu Ming came here for a purpose.

Chu Ming stepped on the sword light, and frowned slightly.

"I'm looking for a mysterious cave, a cave that may lead into the ground, but I've been searching here for a long time, but I haven't found the corresponding area."

Chu Ming responded accordingly.

If there is no system prompt, Chu Ming might think that there is no square bronze Kyushu instrument on Mount Tai.

However, the system has clearly pointed out that the famous mountains and rivers such as the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains and Kunlun all have square bronze Kyushu instruments.

Mount Tai is the head of the Five Sacred Mountains, and it must have a square bronze Kyushu instrument, but it is too difficult to find.

Chu Ming's eyebrows glowed, and his mental power scanned back and forth on Mount Tai like an energy wave.

There are many large and small caves, but basically none meet the requirements.

Wu Xi looked at Chu Ming curiously, and asked, "Are you looking for a cave? Isn't there a big cave on the way we came just now?"

"Huh? Where?"

There was a flash of sword light under Chu Ming's feet,

The body pauses temporarily.

To be honest, Chu Ming was observing the whole Mount Tai all the way, but he couldn't find a cave of suitable size.

Either too big or too small, there are very few caves suitable for humans to enter.

Wu Xi responded: "It's the place where the anchor ate mutton stewed chicken. Isn't there a cave opposite the stone steps?"

Hearing Wu Xi's words, Chu Ming couldn't help being startled, as if recalling.

In Chu Ming's subconscious mind, this mysterious cave must be in an inaccessible high place. The place just now belongs to the lower half of Mount Tai, and many people pass by it every day.

Therefore, Chu Ming automatically ignored it.

Could it be that the cave on Mount Tai is at the bottom?

Thinking of this, Chu Ming immediately waved his hand and said, "Go, let's go back and have a look."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Ming took Wu Xi and flew towards the huge stone platform.

With Chu Ming's level of strength, it is too easy to avoid the sight of ordinary warriors.

Chu Ming placed a layer of mental protection in front of the two of them, and any gaze that looked over would be automatically deflected to the side.

In this way, the two of them flew around Mount Tai like no one else, and ordinary warriors could not find them at all.

When Chu Ming returned to Shitai again, the anchor Da Xiong had already left.

I don't know whether to continue the challenge of running and climbing or go home directly.

According to the direction Wu Xi pointed, Chu Ming saw a cave as expected.

This cave is located on the other side of Mount Tai. There is a river ditch that flows all year round. In the past, the ditch was the mountain where the cave was located.

Chu Ming was overjoyed when he saw the cave.

That's right, that's how it feels.

Chu Ming's mental power is exceptionally strong, and when he locks the cave, he can detect a trace of familiar aura.

If Chu Ming guessed correctly, it was the unique charm of the hexagonal copper bell.

The cave is not deep, only about one meter.

Chu Ming knew that the depth outside was imaginary, and there must be a hidden stone door inside.

Chu Ming immediately leaped lightly, and his body lightly crossed the river ditch and reached the other side of the mountain.

Wu Xi followed Chu Ming closely and flew over together.

As soon as it landed, a special sense of tranquility emerged spontaneously.

Just separated by a river ditch, the two sides of the mountain seem to be two completely different worlds.

On the other side of the ditch, there are bustling fireworks.

On this side of the ditch, there is the infinite peace of nature.

Chu Ming was surprised to find that the location of this cave is so strange, it looks very conspicuous on the surface, but in fact it is easily overlooked by people.

This cave is unremarkable. When everyone saw it, it felt too ordinary, and their eyes swept over it.

Even Chu Ming was only focused on watching the anchor Daxiong at that time, and failed to notice the situation here.

From this point of view, the ancients took great pains to find the location of the cave.

For a famous mountain like Mount Tai, there are too many people who have come here throughout the ages. If there is a cave with a secret, it will be discovered no matter where it is.

On the contrary, it is placed in the most conspicuous place, so that everyone will be familiar with it, and this kind of mystery has been fulfilled.

Chu Ming and Wu Xi stood in the cave. Although it was only one meter deep, there was no problem for them to stand alone.

As soon as he stood firmly, Chu Ming's spiritual power came out mightily, and a thick spiritual barrier was laid behind him.

The advantage of mental power is that it is invisible and intangible, and laying down a mental barrier can effectively protect one's own traces, making it difficult for others to see.

If it was skill, Chu Ming could easily set up a barrier of skill.

However, skill is a kind of energy visible to the naked eye. If Chu Ming sets up a barrier of skill here, one can see an energy mask glowing from afar.

In that case, it would be better to do nothing.

It is easier to attract people if you do it.

Chu Ming stood in front of the stone wall, staring at the stone wall carefully.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just an ordinary stone wall, that is to say, the bottom of the cave.

But in Chu Ming's eyes, he could see that there was an ancient mural hidden here.

At this moment, Chu Ming's eyebrows glowed, and his eyes boiled, like two golden lightning bolts hitting the surface of the stone wall.

The stone wall shook slightly, and a large amount of dust fell one after another, revealing the true face of the stone wall.

There are many magical scenes carved on the stone wall, which looks like it is above the Jiuzhongtian Pagoda, with a huge altar and countless mysterious tributes on it.

Similar to the murals on Binggang Mountain, what is recorded here should also be the scene of sacrificial offerings.

Chu Ming didn't care what the mural was painting, his eyes kept wandering on the surface of the mural, looking for what he wanted.

After a while, Chu Ming's eyes flashed and he saw a round bulge, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

"found it!"

Chu Ming laughed lightly, his eyes turned inward immediately, and he pressed his fingers towards the bump.


With the sound of a simple and vicissitudes of life, a huge stone door quietly emerged, and it was directly torn from the middle to both sides.

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