My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 257 Solitaire Veins

The bright moon is in the sky, and the cool breeze is blowing in the mountains, touching people's cheeks, which is comfortable and pleasant.

Chu Ming flew out of Mount Tai with Wu Xi, and flew directly towards the central part of Huaxia.

Exploring the caves at the bottom of Mount Tai was safe and sound. With the experience of being in Binggang Mountain for the first time, Chu Ming entered the caves at the bottom of Mount Tai a lot easier.

Similar to the previous experience, after entering the bottom of Mount Tai, Chu Ming encountered the hexagonal copper bell array again.

But this time, Chu Ming used his mental power as a barrier in advance to protect himself and Wu Xi.

Although the hexagonal copper bell rang halfway, it failed to bring Chu Ming and Wu Xi into the illusion.

The sound of the hexagonal copper bell is extremely strange, even if the ears are blocked, it may not be able to prevent this kind of phantom attack.

The only way is to completely isolate it with mental power.

And Chu Ming happened to have a strong mental power, and he was simply the nemesis of the hexagonal copper bell.

Throughout the ages, how many people have been stopped by the hexagonal copper bell array.

And today, it will finally be broken.

Just like last time, Chu Ming directly took away the hexagonal copper bells here, also twelve.

After that, it entered the bottom and pressed down the square bronze Kyushu instrument.

Chu Ming vaguely remembered that when he was in Binggang Mountain, the Square Bronze Kyushu Instrument was a huge bronze disc.

And the square bronze Kyushu instrument at the bottom of Mount Tai is completely made of jade.

Moreover, these jade stones seem to be products of the earth veins originally, and they were forcibly dug out, which is equivalent to cutting off the earth veins here.

When Chu Ming pressed the jade plate down, the jade veins were reconnected, and there seemed to be an inexplicable energy flowing through it.

There was a kind of understanding in Chu Ming's heart.

Perhaps, the earth was originally a holy place for spiritual practice, but it was forcibly cut off at some point.

If all the severed veins are connected back, can Huaxia's dragon veins be restored?

If China's dragon veins recover,

Will it be able to bring the whole earth into the era of spiritual recovery?

Chu Ming's heart was filled with turmoil, as if he knew what the system wanted him to do.

From the very beginning of dissemination of the cultivation method to the whole people, to the restoration of the Chinese dragon veins, it seems that everything is developing in the direction of the earth's rise.

Also, whenever a creature from another world is killed, whether it is a beast or a half-orc, the system will reward a lot of merit.

It seems that the system and the other world have a sworn hatred.

Through the current situation, Chu Ming seems to be able to imagine a picture.

In the distant ancient times, the cultivation civilization on the earth was very powerful, where martial arts were popular and warriors were extremely powerful.

Until one day, alien worlds invaded, they killed all the warriors on the earth, cut off the dragon veins on the earth, and destroyed the aura of the earth.

For unknown reasons, the ancient martial arts system came into the world and chose itself as the host to complete the destiny of the earth's rise.

After experiencing all kinds of hardships, I gradually saw the direction.


Chu Ming let out a long breath, feeling inexplicably desolate.

The trip to Mount Tai allowed him to see the tip of the iceberg of historical truth. It seems that in the long past, human beings have suffered too much suffering.

Chu Ming can be sure that there have been faults in human history.

You know, it is recorded in ancient books that there were immortals on the earth before.

The era is not too long, both the Shang and Zhou dynasties existed.

Even in the Tang Dynasty, it appeared on a large scale in front of ordinary people.

Where exactly is the fault, Chu Ming is not sure.

Maybe there was a fault in the pre-Qin period, and history was quietly connected by an invisible hand.

After the Zhou Dynasty, is it really just the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period?

At the place where they connect with each other, have they been forcibly cut off for hundreds or even thousands of years?

Things have developed to the present, no one can tell clearly.

Chu Ming is now eager to find out the truth. He feels that when the three mountains and five mountains and Kunlun's square bronze Kyushu instrument are all pressed down, it may be the moment when the truth emerges.

"Chu Ming, what's the matter, why do I feel that you are getting a little anxious now?"

Wu Xi asked softly.

Wu Xi has always been by Chu Ming's side, and has the most intuitive feeling that Chu Ming's mood has improved.

She clearly felt that Chu Ming was still in a good mood when he first arrived at Mount Tai.

After all, they had teased a small anchor together at the time.

However, when Chu Ming came out from the bottom of Mount Tai, his mood seemed to become less beautiful.

Even depressing.

Hearing Wu Xi's question, Chu Ming calmed down a little bit, and said calmly, "It's nothing, but the progress is a bit slow, we have to speed up the progress."

After finishing speaking, Chu Ming quickly swooped down and rushed down.

In just a few minutes, Chu Ming brought Wu Xi from Mount Tai to Mount Hua.

Huashan is tall, strange and dangerous, and the cliffs in the mountains are even more chilling.

Especially in the night, the moonlight shines on Huashan, making Huashan look like a sharp knife drawn straight into the sky.

Chu Ming stepped on the sword light and kept searching along the stone walls around Huashan.

His eyebrows glowed, and his majestic spiritual power swept towards the entire mountain like a tide.

At this stage, Chu Ming's mentality has changed. He is no longer in a hurry to explore the secrets of famous mountains and rivers, but a little anxious.

Therefore, his spiritual power should not surge out like a capital, like a vast ocean that will submerge the entire Huashan Mountain.

"found it!"

Chu Ming's eyes lit up, and the sword light whizzed under his feet immediately, leading Wu Xi to plunder towards the middle of the mountain.

When the two came to the cave, the light in Chu Ming's eyes swept across the entire stone wall, and once again saw the stone carvings of sacrifices from the traces of time.

Now, Chu Ming has entered three caves, and the murals in each cave are very similar, and they are all scenes of sacrifice.

What do these murals represent?

What is the purpose of engraving here?

Is it to remind latecomers of something?

Chu Ming's heart trembled, his eyes boiled, and his breathing became rapid.

I don't know how many years have passed in this cave, but the murals are still clearly visible, which is enough to prove the deep intentions of the people who carved these murals back then.

"Could it be that this is a precious proof that the lost cultivation civilization once appeared?"

Chu Ming felt that he was one step closer to the truth.

"Come with me!"

Chu Ming yelled at Wu Xi, and immediately slapped a certain part of the stone wall with his big hand, and the stone wall automatically opened a door.

Next, Chu Ming propped up the protective shield of mental power, wrapped himself and Wu Xi in it, and walked directly into the cave.

If nothing else, this is the underground core that will reach Mount Hua.

Chu Ming's mission is to connect Huashan's severed dragon veins!

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