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Chapter 27 I want to fight in the ring

Beside the ring in the village, Chu Ming sat dryly on a chair, waiting for dinner.

On the opposite side, an aunt sat there with an unkind expression, and said to Chu Ming in a strange way: "Young man, hurry up, we will start a war in a while."

The aunt looks like she is in her forties, she is slightly fat, has a big braid, and likes to wear a checkered gown.

Chu Ming didn't understand, so he looked at the aunt, and asked: "Wait a minute, isn't there a ring? I want to leave after watching."

In fact, Chu Ming was not interested in their ring battle at all, mainly because he wanted to eat.

The aunt immediately looked down and said: "No, our Chentang Village has rules, and outsiders are not allowed to watch the ring battle."

Chu Ming was very speechless, what the hell, there is no dinner unless there is a war, isn't I coming here just to eat?

Spend money to buy but not sell?

What fucking rules!

I think it's intentional!

Through what he saw and heard along the way, Chu Ming discovered that the folk customs of Chentang Village are very strange, all of them are arrogant and domineering, full of strong martial spirit.

Although I don't know the martial arts level of these people, but judging by the vigorous posture and surging blood of the people around them, they should be quite strong.

At least stronger than the people in the Hongmeng training camp.

After chatting awkwardly with the aunt for a while, Chu Ming unexpectedly discovered that this village has been hiding from the world, and few outsiders come here.

The reason why I was able to break into Chentang Village should be related to Lingbo Weibu.

At that time, in order to speed up his journey, Chu Ming had been taking small steps on Lingbo, and he didn't stop until he saw the signboard of Chentang Village.

It must have been at that time that Lingbo Weibu accidentally broke through the phantom array arranged by the other party at the entrance of the village, and finally came here.

Hearing the conversations of the people around him, Chu Ming knew that the purpose of this ring battle was to run for the high priest.

There is a rule in Chentang Village, an election for the high priest is held every year, and the winner is the one with the strongest ability in terms of martial arts.

For the villagers here, the High Priest is like a village head.

This system plays a positive role in promoting the martial arts villagers, so as to ensure the vitality of martial arts and pursue a higher realm.

I heard that three years ago, a high priest's strength broke through the ninth rank and directly stepped into the true pulse state.

True Vein Realm warriors are the real strong ones, strong enough to beat hot weapons.

But the good times didn't last long. For some reason, the Hongmeng organization found out about this matter, and the High Priest of the True Vessel Realm was taken away directly.

It is said that he was selected into the Hongmeng Legion with an exception.

The Hongmeng Legion is a truly terrifying existence. Most of the fighters in it are warriors of the True Vein Realm, and there are even more powerful existences.

The high priest was worried that he would bring death to the village, so he agreed to the request of the Hongmeng organization and joined the Hongmeng army.

Since then, the high priest has never returned.

When Chu Ming heard about this, he couldn't help but sneer, this kind of approach is really ignorant.

After all, Chu Ming had a similar experience, except that the other party entered the more terrifying Hongmeng Legion, while he only entered the Hongmeng training camp.

The other party didn't want me to watch the ring battle, probably because they were worried that I would learn their martial arts secretly, right?

To be honest, Chu Ming lacks everything now, except for skills.

While on the road, Chu Ming focused on two purposes and exchanged a lot of exercises in the system mall.

In addition to the "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon", "Lingbo Weibu", and "Tathagata God Palm" that were exchanged at the beginning, Chu Ming also exchanged "Golden Bell Cover", "Yiyang Finger" and "Electric Light Poisonous Dragon Diamond" .

There are countless exercises in the system mall, and now Chu Ming still has a lot of reputation points, which can actually be exchanged for more exercises.

But he knows the principle of greedy for more than bad, as long as he has practiced the existing few exercises well,

It is sufficient for most situations.

Even if you really encounter difficult problems later, on-site exchange is also possible.

Chu Ming is very familiar with "Golden Bell Cover" and "One Yang Finger". One is super defensive, and the other is super offensive. These two are exchanged mainly for convenience.

In addition, "Electric Poisonous Dragon Diamond" is even more interesting.

This is a leg technique. When performing it, the body rotates at high speed like a top, concentrating power on the feet to attack the opponent.

No matter how strong the enemy's defense is, it will break through the opponent's defense like a poisonous dragon.

In addition to "Electric Light Poisonous Dragon Diamond", there is also a "Heavenly Disabled Foot".

Chu Ming looked at the introduction of Tiancanjiao, and found that this kick is quite powerful, powerful enough to restrain the Tathagata palm.

However, Tiancan's feet are too expensive for shoes. Every time he uses them, the feet are filled with extremely strong power, which makes the whole legs and feet bigger, so as to explode more powerful power.

In this way, the shoes will definitely not be kept, and the trouser legs may be broken.

After a comprehensive consideration, it is better to choose the electric-optic poisonous dragon drill with more beautiful movements.

This move seems to be very effective against the golden bell, after all, it is like a drill, and the golden bell may not be able to prevent it.

Most of these exercises have never been used. If possible, Chu Ming would also like to try it on the ring to see what level his current strength is.

However, the aunt on the opposite side didn't seem to want to let me stay any longer, and was trying to persuade me to leave.

Hey, I haven't eaten yet, how can I stay here openly?

At this moment, several beautiful girls appeared beside them, quietly hiding aside, pointing at Chu Ming.

As a rascal, Chu Ming has a good face. His life of rich clothes and good food made him look fair and clean, at least better than most of the boys in Chentang Village.

These girls rarely see people outside, but when they saw Chu Ming at this time, they immediately became very interested.

In fact, this is no longer known as the first wave.

The unmarried girls in the village have come to observe Chu Ming several times.

Chu Ming leaned back, and when he looked up, he happened to be looking at the three women opposite him.

The three women blushed and hurriedly hid in the crowd.

At the same time, there was a burst of laughter from Yingyingyanyan in the crowd, and there were quite a few girls.

Except for the girls who cast kind eyes on themselves, the boys next to them were not so friendly.

These five big and three thick men glared at Chu Ming, as if they really wanted to throw Chu Ming out now.

Chu Ming: "???"

Well, coming here by myself is considered a rare character.

The aunt put away the plate on the table, looked at the time, and immediately showed anxiety.

"The ring battle is about to begin, you must leave now."

The aunt said with a serious face.

Chu Ming couldn't help but be moved, so it's time for dinner!

Chu Ming pondered for a moment, then asked cautiously: "I also want to fight in a ring here, can I?"

In fact, he just wanted to find a reason to stay and eat.

"Do you want to play in the ring?"

Big Mom exclaimed.

Chu Ming frowned, and responded, "Yes, what's the problem?"

The aunt's face became serious, and said: "So, are you planning to run for the high priest with the people in our village?"

Before Chu Ming could speak, the aunt slapped the table and stood up, saying, "Guys, I caught a spy from the next village, so you don't need to ask anything, it's already confirmed!"

Chu Ming: "???"

What the hell is going on here!

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