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Chapter 268 Departure, Return to Earth!

The Lightning Sect Master suddenly spoke, making the atmosphere at the scene inexplicably weird.

Hearing the words of Lightning Sect Master, the Suzaku Holy Beast couldn't help looking away, and finally landed on him.

Looking at the strong electric arc emanating from the opponent's body, the Suzaku sacred beast suddenly heard something.

When the holy bird sparrow came here to investigate the situation, it was stopped by the scouts hidden here.

At that time, when the sparrow holy beast reported the situation, it specifically mentioned an old guy who was shining with electric light all over his body, saying that his mouth was particularly smelly and he always liked to say hi.

The holy beast Cangque once asked the holy beast Suzaku, if there is a chance, he must teach him a good lesson for himself.

The eyes of the Suzaku sacred beast boiled with murderous intent, and the flame of Nirvana in its mouth spewed erratically, as if it would pour out at any time, burning the human beings in front of it to ashes.

However, when the Suzaku Holy Beast felt the tyrannical murderous aura beside it, this kind of thinking quickly subsided.

Although the Suzaku sacred beast wanted to do it, it had to consider the consequences after doing it.

The scout captain with the sword was very strong, definitely not weaker than any holy beast present.

If the other party is angered, the alliance may be severely damaged this time.

Thinking of this, the Suzaku Holy Beast could only snort coldly, the killing intent in his heart gradually subsided, and he no longer stared at the Lightning Sect Master.

At this moment, the Lightning Sect Master was covered in cold sweat and almost fell from the void.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Is there anything wrong with that sentence just now?"

"Why does it have such strong hostility towards me?"

No one paid attention to the thoughts of the Lightning Sect Master, the Azure Dragon Sacred Beast glanced at the three great Sacred Beasts behind him, and immediately responded: "Okay, if that's the case, then let's go back, and three days later we will wait for the arrival of the human army on the Buzhou Battlefield .”

Speaking of this, the Xuanwu holy beast who was at the end kindly reminded: "At that time, you only need to go all the way west in this direction, and you will reach the Buzhou battlefield after about 18 million miles."

Chu Ming cupped his hands at the Azure Dragon Sacred Beast and the Xuanwu Sacred Beast, and said, "It's a deal, I won't send it away!"

Hearing that Chu Ming issued the order to expel the guest so simply and neatly,

The Four Great Sacred Beasts couldn't continue to force them to stay, so they left immediately.

However, when the Azure Dragon Sacred Beast turned around, it deliberately swung its huge dragon tail.

Immediately, a powerful tornado formed in an instant, rolling towards the people behind Chu Ming seemingly intentionally or unintentionally.

For some reason, Qinglong Saint Beast always felt that the guys behind were bluffing.

Among the many humans present, it seems that only the young man with the sword is really strong, and everyone else is fake.

Its purpose of doing this is to find out the reality of other people's strength.

If they were distorted by the tornado that he threw out, it meant that they were just a bunch of superficiality, and the real strength of the people on earth was not to be feared.

If they can all resist their own tornado, it means that the people on earth are really strong, and their guesses are all illusions.

In the void, Chu Ming stood in front of everyone with piercing eyes.

His mental power is extremely strong. In order to prevent the opponent from making a sudden attack, Chu Ming has been guarding against the four holy beasts, carefully watching the energy on them.

Therefore, the moment the Azure Dragon Saint Beast turned around, he had already sensed the energy change on the opponent, and knew that the opponent was going to attack quietly.

As a result, Chu Ming quietly took half a step forward with the soles of his feet, and an undetectable array of hexagrams quietly emerged, and then disappeared in the void.

There were only dozens of people present, and Chu Ming's Haoran Tiangang could easily protect them.

Therefore, when the harsh tornado appeared, the people present were not affected in the slightest.

Soon, the tornado passed through the crowd and swept away towards the distance. As the distance got farther and farther away, the wind column became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into nothing.

The Azure Dragon Sacred Beast didn't dare to make it too obvious. This tornado was not targeted and dissipated quickly.

However, when it saw the reactions of the people behind it, it couldn't help being shocked.

You know, it seems to flick its tail unintentionally, which contains 30% of its own power.

This kind of power didn't have any impact on these people, and they didn't even move their feet, which was enough to prove that the opponent could completely resist this kind of attack.

In other words, apart from the boy with the sword in the front, the strength of the others should not be underestimated.

After figuring this out, the Qinglong holy beast immediately restrained its contempt, and immediately flew towards the direction of the holy beast Buzhou with Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu.

It wasn't until the figures of the four holy beasts disappeared that the hearts of everyone were relieved.

"Fuck, I'm scared to death, it's so exciting."

Yue Youcai was trembling with fat all over his body, and the clothes behind him were already wet with cold sweat.

"Oh my god, I saw a dragon, it was amazing!"

Jia Yunpeng covered his round face, feeling so excited that it felt like a dream.

"This is the legendary Four Great Sacred Beasts that actually exist."

"Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, the four holy beasts are actually the rulers of this world."

"That's right, since the Four Great Sacred Beasts are the rulers of this world, why are there legends about them on Earth?"

"There must have been people who came to this world a long time ago. Perhaps they heard the legend of the Four Great Sacred Beasts here and brought them back to Earth."

"Everything is possible!"

With the departure of the four holy beasts, everyone relaxed and started chatting with each other.

Some guys with relatively rich knowledge began to salivate at this time, and gave everyone the ancient myths and legends of China.

"So, what do we do next?"

Wu Xi came to Chu Ming's side immediately, and asked in a concentrated voice.

Just now Chu Ming said that the people on Earth will send an army to the Buzhou battlefield in three days. Who will they send there?

Dawn Legion?

But they are only warriors in the True Pulse Realm, and they are a long way from the Tengkong Realm.

If it's just a martial artist in the True Vein Realm, it's no different from delivering food when they arrive on the battlefield. The soldiers probably won't come back after they go.

Chu Ming's eyes were bright, he smiled lightly, and said, "Of course it's back to Earth."

While speaking, Chu Ming lightly touched Wu Xi's head, and said, "Have you forgotten? The earth is not what it used to be. Three days is enough to cultivate a strong army."

Hearing this, Wu Xi immediately understood what Chu Ming wanted to do.

However, she still felt a little unbelievable.

Although the earth has entered the era of comprehensive aura recovery, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate a large army in three days.

Chu Ming just smiled and said nothing. For him, there is nothing impossible in this world.

"Let's go, back to Earth!

Three days later, you will come to this world again with me, and fight together! "

Chu Ming roared, exuding strong confidence all over his body, and immediately rushed towards the direction of the defensive fortress, and the terrifying momentum directly blasted the air.

The others looked at each other, and everyone was shocked.

Are you really going to conquer this world?

It's exciting to think about it!

Everyone looked excited, and immediately followed Chu Ming's figure and left quickly. \u003c/div\u003e

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