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Chapter 288: Powerful Blocking

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Amidst the flustered sirens, the Shuguang soldiers stationed in the northern Xinjiang passage area immediately entered their respective combat positions.

Captain Peng Zhongjie rushed to the highest point immediately to check the enemy's situation.

Zhou Ming and the others also took up their own weapons and stood up in the blocking positions that had been practiced countless times.

More than two hundred Dawn warriors returned to the fort, aiming the barrel of the plasma light cannon in the direction of the space passage.

This is the latest research result of the scientific research department, a powerful plasma light cannon.

This plasma light cannon has extremely strong attack power and has unparalleled penetrating ability.

You must know that the hot weapons on the earth basically have little effect on the alien beasts in the upper true vein state. If you encounter the alien beasts in the sky state, they are basically a pile of scrap iron.

But plasma light cannons are different. Their materials come from other worlds.

The Dawn Organization mined rare metals in another world, extracted them and then refined them. After many tests, they produced this weapon.

Plasma light cannons can directly threaten the lives of alien beasts in the True Vessel Realm, and also have a certain deterrent effect on alien beasts in the Void Realm.

At least, this kind of plasma light cannon can cause damage to the alien beasts in the sky without making them unscrupulous.

Although the space channel in northern Xinjiang is not a key defense project, sixteen forts have been established, and four plasma light cannons are mounted on each fort.

Therefore, when a strange beast breaks into Huaxia's northern border, the first thing to play a role will be the plasma light cannon.

Peng Zhongjie has been staring at the entrance of the space passage, trying to judge the enemy's situation.

He held a blue remote control with a red alarm button in his hand.

This is a special alarm device outside the space channel in Northern Xinjiang. Once a large number of alien beasts are found attacking, the Shuguang warriors who are responsible for guarding this place will press the red alarm button.

In this way, the Shuguang soldiers stationed everywhere in China can receive the news immediately, and thus send strong men to reinforce them.

However, Peng Zhongjie is also a more assertive person,

He knew the meaning of this alarm.

There are a thousand Dawn Warriors here, and sixteen large plasma light cannon turrets, which are enough to deal with the invasion of general alien beasts.

It would be ridiculous if just a few alien beasts broke in by mistake and he pressed the red alarm.

Therefore, he had to be cautious.

He didn't want to stage a real-life wolf.

Holding a gray plasma light cannon in both hands, Zhou Ming asked Peng Zhongjie beside him, "Captain, do you want to fire the cannon?"

Everyone held their breath, waiting for Peng Zhongjie's order.

Peng Zhongjie frowned, and said: "The opponent is still in the tunnel and hasn't come out yet. It's too early to fire. As long as the opponent doesn't come out of the tunnel, it doesn't make any sense for us to fire now."

Hearing Peng Zhongjie's words, everyone couldn't help but nodded silently.

Although everyone knew about this matter, after all, no one had ever really fought against the opposite sex, so nervousness was inevitable.

But everyone is also very curious, which race is the alien beast attacking here?

Could it be the gluttonous subspecies?

To be honest, I have eaten a lot of gluttonous subspecies recently, and everyone wants to change their taste.

Gradually, the figure in the passage was getting closer and closer. Because the space passage was too narrow, it seemed that only one strange beast could come over each time.

Soon, everyone could clearly see the enemy figure in the passage.

What was shocking was that the visitor turned out to be a half-human, half-animal terrifying form, which looked very awkward.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately thought of something.

"Captain, they said before that there is a half-human, half-horse monster in another world. Last time, they captured all the disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect and the Wuyou Sword Sect. They must have returned, right?"

Seeing the shadow of the enemy, Zhou Ming immediately said with an ugly expression.

Peng Zhongjie narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the space channel with an ugly expression.

He shook his head vigorously and said, "This is not a centaur. Judging from the opponent's body shape, it looks more like a lion with half a human body. It should be a sphinx."

"Sphinx? Sphinx face?"

"Don't talk nonsense, keep an eye on it, once the opponent steps out of the passage, your plasma light cannon will fire immediately."


Zhou Ming didn't say much anymore, he was staring at the entrance of the space channel intently, and the plasma light cannon had already aimed at their only way.

Once they break into this end of the space channel, the plasma light cannons in the hands of the soldiers will launch a fatal attack without hesitation.

When Peng Zhongjie saw that the person who came was a sphinx, he pressed the alarm button in his hand without hesitation.

He had heard from the leadership of the Dawn Organization before that half-orcs were a race living in another region and did not belong to the Holy Beast Continent.

Since the other party appeared here, it must have been premeditated, and they wanted to attack humans.

Fortunately, the space passage here is too narrow, and the sphinx is too big to accommodate one person at a time.

This gave the soldiers the possibility to block each other.

After pressing the alarm button, the Shuguang fighters stationed in other areas will come to increase their troops as soon as possible, and they can get support within five minutes at the fastest.

It is enough for everyone to stick to it for five minutes.

It was at this time that the first sphinx warrior passed through the space channel and appeared on the territory of the earth.


When Peng Zhongjie gave an order, the soldiers who had already been ready to fight immediately opened fire, and the plasma light cannon in their hands sprayed out a special purple light wave shell.




A series of explosions sounded, and the sphinx warrior who had just passed through the space channel had not had time to react, and was already submerged by the densely packed plasma light cannon waves.


The sphinx warrior roared, and a huge ax lay horizontally in front of him, blocking most of the plasma light cannon attacks.

Immediately afterwards, the sphinx warrior dragged his scarred body and rushed towards the Shuguang warrior. His heart was filled with endless killing intent, and his violent fighting intent swept all directions in an instant.

Everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Unexpectedly, the sphinx's defense is so strong, and it was not killed after being attacked by so many plasma light cannons?

However, looking at the scene where the opponent's body was covered with scars and blood, everyone could know that the plasma light cannon was still useful to the alien beasts or half-orcs in the sky.

Seeing the sphinx warrior come up to kill, Peng Zhongjie immediately raised his sword to meet him, and the bright sword light shot up into the sky immediately.

The Shuguang warriors who had already been waiting in full force made their moves one after another, and countless sword qi howled vertically and horizontally, instantly drowning the scarred sphinx warrior.

Finally, the sphinx warrior did nothing and died under the sword light of the warriors.

However, with this sphinx warrior attracting firepower, a large number of sphinx warriors rushed in from behind.

They had just rushed out of the passage, and the first thing they did was to rush to the fort.

They're going to destroy the plasma cannon!

A fierce battle broke out in an instant!

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