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Chapter 294: The Royal Family of the Scarlet Desolation Continent

This is a memorable day in human history.

Above the East China Sea, the waves are monstrous.

The billowing aura surged, and the entire East China Sea was shaken crazily.

Dozens of aircraft carriers originally docked on the East China Sea were all swept up by the strong wind and directly shattered into endless debris.

Many sea creatures were swept into the air, and were torn into endless pieces under the berserk energy.

Fortunately, all the human warriors who practiced on the East China Sea were far away from this place, otherwise no one would survive.

Gradually, an aura that made the whole world tremble exploded. Around the three fairy islands, an ancient ferocious beast seemed to wake up in the center of them.

And Chu Ming is the ancient beast that just woke up.

After consuming countless energies, Chu Ming finally succeeded in completely cultivating the body-refining technique of gods and demons, and stepped into the air-flying state.

The vacating of the gods and demons body refining technique is not an ordinary vacating. With Chu Ming's current strength, he has actually reached the extraordinary state in the eyes of the four holy beasts. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest Mobile terminal: https:/

Chu Ming took a deep breath, the sea suddenly became violent, and countless auras rushed into his body at an extremely incredible speed.

Chu Ming could clearly hear the muffled thunder coming from his body.

This is the bursting sound produced by too powerful and violent forces stirring each other in Chu Ming's body. First release www.(x81zw) m./x81zw/

Opening his mouth to let out a foul breath, Chu Ming slowly got up, with a strong sense of self-confidence.

At this moment, Chu Ming felt that his whole body was full of strength. He could pick up the sun, moon and stars with his hands, step on the galaxy of the universe with his feet, and blow up a planet with one punch.

Chu Ming's body shook, and the violent energy gathered around him instantly dissipated.

His eyebrows glowed, and his tyrannical mental power instantly rippled in all directions.

Countless information was fed back to Chu Ming's mind along the golden energy, making Chu Ming instantly understand what happened on the earth in recent days.

At this moment, Chu Ming raised his eyebrows suddenly, and felt a trace of sadness in the northern border of Huaxia with his powerful spiritual power.


Chu Ming frowned, and the powerful mental power instantly enveloped the entire northern battlefield.

Here, in front of a thousand tombs that have just been built, Wu Xi is bringing a large number of warriors of dawn to lay wreaths here.

Not far from these tombs, a tall monument to the heroes of the dawn stands tall.

It is engraved with the names of Dawn Warriors, and there are a thousand in number.

Seeing this scene, Chu Ming couldn't help but tremble.

He clearly remembered that there was no such monument on the northern battlefield.

It was evident that the monument had just been erected.

"No, something went wrong!"

Chu Ming was startled, and a bad feeling rose in his heart.

During the days of his retreat, something must have happened on the land of Huaxia.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming's mental power was highly concentrated, and the golden energy locked on the sky above the northern border battlefield, and the energy in his body began to explode in a blowout, making his figure look blurred.

What is frightening is that the energy rippling from Chu Ming's body is so terrifying that the void around his body collapses.


Chu Ming's body shook, and he fell directly into the collapsed void, disappearing without a trace.

At the same time, over the northern battlefield, there was an inexplicable throbbing in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a slight distortion appeared in the space in the sky, as if a vague figure appeared.

The Shuguang soldiers who were paying homage to their teammates raised their heads one after another, all showing expressions of astonishment.

The next moment, the blurred figure in the sky gradually became clear, and a familiar figure appeared in front of everyone.

It turned out to be Chu Ming.

He actually directly moved across the void from above the East China Sea with the help of powerful force.

too strong.

Chu Ming was also shocked.

This is transcendence, you can move forward directly in the void, and the speed is countless times faster than vacating.

Seeing Chu Ming's sudden appearance, everyone opened their mouths in surprise, feeling that all this is so unreal.

Wu Xi raised her head slightly, with a trace of doubt on her beautiful face, she asked softly, "Chu Ming, is that you?"

Hearing Wu Xi's words, Chu Ming nodded slightly, and said, "It's me, what happened here?"

As soon as she heard that it was indeed Chu Ming, Wu Xi immediately flew into the air and rushed to Chu Ming's side.

She threw herself into Chu Ming's arms, tears welling up in her eyes.

In the past few days, her life was really too depressing.

The invasion of the half-orcs caused the death of a large number of Dawn warriors, and she felt extremely remorseful.

Before Chu Ming didn't come, Wu Xi had to show enough strength, otherwise it would be easy to shake the morale of the army.

Now that Chu Ming is back, she can finally let go of her burden and cry happily.

Chu Ming looked at the large tomb below, and couldn't help frowning tightly.

He asked murderously: "During the time I was away, did the orcs come over?"

The last time, Chu Ming went to the Holy Beast Buzhou to support him. Since the four holy beasts had ulterior motives, he used his plan to overshadow them and killed a large number of alien beasts in the sky.

In Chu Ming's view, it must be the Four Great Sacred Beasts who wanted to avenge the dead orcs, so they launched an attack while he was away.

Wu Xi choked up and said, "It's not an orc, it's a half-orc!"

While speaking, not far away, several dawn warriors pulled out the corpses of several sphinx warriors.

Chu Ming's eyes turned cold when he saw this scene, his stern face was covered with frost.

"Half-orcs dare to attack the earth from such a distance? They really have lived enough!"

Chu Ming snorted coldly, and the killing intent in his eyes had already begun to boil.

He lowered his body and presented flowers to the soldiers of the dawn who died in battle. After mourning silently, he left with a large number of strong men.

Next, Chu Ming will blow the horn to fight back.

This time, both the orcs and the half-humans will submit to the feet of the people on earth.

From then on, both the Holy Beast Continent and the Half-Human Continent will be territories outside China.

On the golden grassland, 200 million Dawn warriors have assembled.

Two hundred million human warriors spread out, and most of the entire Golden Grassland has been filled.

Just a golden grassland is not enough for the rapid development of the people on the earth. This time, Chu Ming will occupy the sanctuary of the Holy Beast Continent and turn it into a base camp for human practice.

Then use the sanctuary as a springboard to directly attack the half-human continent and wipe out all the hateful species like half-orcs.

As for the members of the orc clan, if they are willing to submit to humans, then Chu Ming will give them a chance to survive.

If they wanted to fight to the death, Chu Ming would grant their wish.

"Let's go!"

On the golden grassland, Chu Ming waved his hand, and an army of 200 million humans marched towards the sanctuary.

This time, Chu Ming wanted to attack clearly, and he wanted to unify the entire Chihuang Continent with the momentum of thunder.

From then on, the people on Earth are the royal family of Chihuang Continent.

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