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Chapter 297: The Beast Clan Who Have the Same Enemy

Qiongqi is an extremely domineering member of the ancient beasts. Even in the Holy Beast Continent, its combat effectiveness is considered to be among the best in the second echelon.

During the many years of battle with the half-orc army, Qiongqi holy beast was invincible, and he killed many strong half-orcs.

It can be said that Qiongqi Holy Beast can be regarded as a super warrior in the Holy Beast Continent.

However, it was shocking that such a tyrannical general was crushed to death by Chu Ming.

You must know that after so many years of experience, the physical body of Qiongqi Holy Beast has already become unmatched, and it is very difficult for a strong person in the Void Realm on the substrate to injure its body.

However, Chu Ming pinched it lightly, and its body exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

How much power is contained in this grasp?

It's so scary!

In the Holy Beast Buzhou camp, the four holy beasts were all terrified, and countless strange beasts trembled with fear.

"What was that move just now?"

The Azure Dragon Sacred Beast was horrified.

If it is not mistaken, the opponent's attack bloomed from the void, directly ignoring the spatial distance, as if it could be controlled from the air.

Could it be that this is an extraordinary method?

The face of the Suzaku Holy Beast changed drastically, and the flames on its body became sticky. It said with a look of fear: "Maybe, this is the extraordinary, and there have been strong people in the extraordinary realm among human beings!"

There is also a hint of shock in the huge tiger eyes of the white tiger holy beast.

Extraordinary, that is the realm they have longed for for endless years.

Unexpectedly, the first time he encountered a strong man in the extraordinary realm was a human being.

At this moment, a voice resounded, echoing in this piece of heaven and earth.

"I'm Chu Ming. I'm passing through the Holy Beast Continent today and going to the Half-Human Continent to avenge the dead humans. Now that we have met, the orcs should make a choice."

"Should you submit to me, or fight to the end?"

"Give you three breaths and make a decision as soon as possible."

"When the time comes, the human army will conquer the world."

Chu Ming's voice echoed back and forth between the human and orc armies.

The human army was full of enthusiasm, while the orc army was extremely aggrieved.

All the orc warriors looked at the four holy beasts together, waiting for the final decision of the four holy beasts.

The four holy beasts were short of breath, and the aura of each holy beast was not stable, and their temper became violent.

The huge dragon body of the Qinglong Holy Beast kept rolling, and its hard dragon scales shone brightly in the sun. It breathed out fiery dragon flames from its mouth and nose, and there was endless luck circulating on the dragon's head.

Compared with ordinary orcs, the Four Great Sacred Beasts have no monstrous karma.

For example, the Xuanwu Holy Beast, which is the largest in size, still has a lot of merits circulating on it.

Merit and karma are inherently complementary, one yin and one yang, co-exist.

As long as the merit is greater than the karma, then the outward appearance is good.

Except for the four holy beasts, the other holy beasts or beast masters all had a lot of karma.

It seems that only the Four Great Sacred Beasts have found the true meaning of being promoted to the extraordinary.

Only when one's own merits are strong enough to a certain extent, can one have the opportunity to come into contact with the extraordinary realm.

Those members of the orc clan with huge karma, no matter how hard they try, their strength will always be a line behind the four holy beasts.

The high-pitched dragon chant sounded, and the Qinglong holy beast was full of fighting spirit, and said in a powerful voice: "My orc race was born in the Red Desolation Continent for hundreds of millions of years. It was first invaded by half-orcs, and now it has been attacked by humans. We How can you retreat?!"


Countless orc members roared in unison, as if all the anger that had been suppressed in their hearts for many years broke out at this moment.

A long, long time ago, only the orc race survived on the entire Scarlet Desolation Continent. At that time, the Four Great Sacred Beasts ruled the entire Scarlet Desolation Continent. Except for the wild area in the far west, all the land was owned by the Four Great Sacred Beasts.

Suddenly one day, the half-human race rose.

When they first appeared, the Four Great Sacred Beasts didn't attract enough attention. They didn't start to fight back until the other party started aggressively invading the territories of the Four Great Sacred Beasts.

Due to insufficient preparation, the half-human race rose rapidly and directly occupied most of the Scarlet Desolate Continent, fighting against the four holy beasts.

Since then, there have been two camps, the Holy Beast Continent and the Half-Human Continent.

For many years, the battle between the orcs and the half-orcs has never stopped, and the hatred between the two sides has accumulated more and more, and it has already reached the point where fire and water cannot be tolerated.

But now, the enemy of the orcs has one more human being.

Could it be that the orcs are really so weak and deceitable?


The majesty of the beast race cannot be desecrated, and even if they die in battle, they cannot be intimidated by the enemy.



The words of the Qinglong holy beast not only mobilized the blood in the members of the orc clan, but also excited the three holy beasts Suzaku, Baihu and Xuanwu.

For many years, the four holy beasts have not shot with all their strength.

And now, the four holy beasts are finally ready to fight.

"Brother Qinglong, no matter what decision you make, we will support you unconditionally!"

Flames lingered in the eyes of the Suzaku holy beast, and the undead flames began to blaze. The black flames caused the temperature of the entire area to skyrocket, and a violent blood pressure began to rise continuously.

The white tiger sacred beast nodded solemnly, its huge tiger head bloomed with divine patterns, endless starlight appeared on its fur all over its body, the air became dreamlike, and its breath became distant and mysterious.

The Xuanwu Holy Beast didn't say much. At this time, its body sank slightly, and its four legs were like pillars of the sky, directly supporting a part of the star field around the surrounding sky. The huge tortoise shell was like a sky, guarding the world.

The four holy beasts were full of fighting spirit, and directly issued the order to attack.

Hundreds of millions of members of the orc clan roared in unison, the sound shook the sky and the universe, and the aura of the orc clan reached an unprecedented peak.

In the human camp, Chu Ming could not help but narrow his eyes slightly. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest Mobile terminal: https:/

There is definitely a reason for the orcs to be able to stand here. This aura of fighting against the enemy alone is enough to deter the enemy.

But this time, the Orcs are doomed to decline.

Surrendering to Chu Ming still has a ray of life, but resisting can only lead to death.

Chu Ming stood up from the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster, and looked forward with his hands behind his back. His bright eyes were as bright as stars, and his terrifying aura was like a blade unsheathed, showing its sharpness.

"Attention all units, prepare to fight!"

Chu Ming snorted coldly, raised his sword fingers with his right hand, and lightly pointed at the beast army.

Immediately, a ten thousand zhang sword light rose into the sky in vain, and immediately turned into thousands, slashing and slashing at the camp of the orc army. The sharp light split the void, making the whole sky tremble.

The orc army that was attacking all changed their expressions in horror. In the sword light that appeared in the sky, they felt the threat of death.

At this moment, the huge body of the Xuanwu Holy Beast shook violently, and a gray halo rippling out, like an independent sky, instantly covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The endless sword light that Chu Ming cut all fell on the sky, and soon died down, without a sound. First release (www) m/.x81zw./com/

Chu Ming couldn't help squinting his eyes, and snorted coldly: "What a strong defense!"

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