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Chapter 306 The earth in full swing

The Holy Beast Continent, the holy domain.

Chu Ming brought the strong human race here, occupied the place with the highest concentration of aura, and then began to meditate.

Chu Ming cast four imperial spirit seals in one breath, which was also very expensive for Chu Ming who has a godhead.

Fortunately, he killed a large number of strange beasts in the previous battle, and the karma carried by the strange beasts was eliminated, which made Chu Ming gain a lot of merit.

These merits were continuously transformed into spiritual power, which made Chu Ming replenish the spiritual power consumed by using the imperial seal.

In addition, Chu Ming's spiritual power has also been greatly increased. It seems that the more he uses the Yuling Seal, the faster Chu Ming's spiritual power will increase.

After Chu Ming's mental strength returned to its peak, he did not rush to get up, but continued to meditate.

The Dawn Warriors didn't care, the key point was that the Four Great Sacred Beasts were seriously injured and couldn't return to their full strength in a short time.

Next, Chu Ming intends to attack the Half-Human Continent, and the four holy beasts will be the main force in the battle. Chu Ming can't let such a powerful thug go unused.

Therefore, it is not too late to wait until the strength of the four holy beasts recovers.

After all, people on Earth have eaten such a large piece of land in one go, and it takes time to digest it.

Just when Chu Ming was going to continue his practice, the gluttonous holy beast suddenly rushed from a distance and brought a very important news to Chu Ming.

"A large number of half-orcs have assembled on the border, the number has exceeded 80 billion, and the number is still increasing."

The gluttonous holy beast had just rushed back from the front line, and immediately reported the matter to Chu Ming after learning the news.

Chu Ming had expected the actions of the half-orc army.

But the astonishing number of the other party was unexpected by Chu Ming.

"Eighty billion? How many orcs are there in total?"

Chu Ming frowned slightly, and asked the gluttonous holy beast.

The gluttonous holy beast shook its head and said: "The number of half-orcs has always been a mystery. Our orcs have fought against half-orcs for so many years.

Never figured out the real number of each other. "

"The other party seems to have a magical magic that can summon endless orc warriors in batches, and they can't kill them all no matter what."

"However, in the battle with the orc army, the largest number was only about 100 million. An army of 80 billion half-orcs is really unheard of."

Hearing the report from the gluttonous holy beast, Chu Ming couldn't help but think a little bit.

He had already talked about Banhuman Continent with the Four Great Sacred Beasts before, and during the conversation, neither the Azure Dragon Sacred Beast nor the Suzaku Sacred Beast knew much about Banhuman Continent.

The White Tiger Holy Beast and the Xuanwu Holy Beast don't know much, they only know that this is a very evil race that can have a relationship with any species and produce offspring.

The large number of orcs may be related to this messy reproductive condition.

After all, there is no distinction between male and female orcs, whoever is on top is the attacker, and those who are pressed below automatically become the mother.

Although half-orcs can only give birth to one child, they can't hold back the number of births.

Some half-orcs with big bellies launched an offensive while others were picking up the soap, and then turned other half-orcs into mothers.

It can be said that if the orcs are in an emergency, all the orcs can be female, and the population can double every few months.

Therefore, the orcs who have been fighting with the orcs for many years gradually fell into despair.

Because half-orcs can never be killed.

As long as they are willing, they can continue to increase the population, and the consumption can also consume the orcs to death.

It is already a very incredible thing for the four holy beasts to be able to defend the holy beast Buzhou.

Unless there is a force that can instantly wipe out the half-orcs.

Otherwise, as long as one half-orc is still alive, the half-human race will never be extinct, and they can reproduce at the fastest speed.

"Master, the orc army has already started to move, what should we do?"

The gluttonous holy beast asked cautiously.

Now, the beast clan has surrendered to Chu Ming, and the identity of the gluttonous holy beast has become justifiable, becoming one of the most important holy beasts besides the four holy beasts.

After all, the gluttonous holy beast is from the orc clan, and it also wants to do something to help the orc clan as much as possible.

For the natural enemies of the orc race like the half-orcs, the gluttonous holy beast certainly hoped that Chu Ming could kill them.

Chu Ming nodded slightly, and said, "Let them continue to set up troops, and ignore them for the time being."

The gluttonous holy beast is a little unclear, so now that the half-orc army has been assembled, if it is concentrated on the holy beast continent, with the current strength of the holy beast continent, it is impossible to prevent it.

Chu Ming saw the doubts of the gluttonous holy beast, and immediately explained: "It is best to gather all the half-orc army together, otherwise it will be extremely troublesome to eliminate. The half-human continent is too big, and I don't have time to spend in such a large area. Non-stop minesweeping."

Hearing Chu Ming's words, the gluttonous holy beast immediately understood.

It turned out that the master wanted to wipe out the other party.

But when you think about it, everyone knows how strong the master's fighting power is. No matter how many troops the opponent gathers, it's still not enough to slap the master.

On the contrary, if they are scattered throughout the half-human continent, it will be quite a hassle to clean them up.

After getting an affirmative answer, the gluttonous holy beast knew what to do, and immediately returned to the front line, and began to carefully retract the line of defense to avoid unnecessary casualties.

At the same time, on Earth, a grand report is going on.

"The ancestor of the ancient martial arts showed his supernatural power and conquered another world!"

"The Dawn Legion is invincible, expanding its territory in other worlds!"

"The Patriarch Gu Wu led the Dawn Legion to sweep across the alien world, and now more than half of the entire alien world has become the territory of the earthlings!"

"Is anyone willing to go to another world? Let's set off together to enjoy the scenery of other worlds."

"The three-day tour to another world has begun, and the deadline for registration is 8 o'clock tonight. Warriors who want to register should hurry up and register."

The earth is very lively now, countless warriors have taken to the streets, talking about the glorious deeds of the ancient martial ancestors in other worlds, while thinking about traveling to other worlds.

Nowadays, cold weapons are extremely popular on the earth, especially weapons such as swords are the most popular among people.

Nowadays, when people go to the streets, if they don't have a decent weapon on them, they are embarrassed to go out.

The place that has changed the most is the school.

All the original subjects have become minor courses, and the major is a variety of cultivation methods.

In addition to practicing martial arts, martial arts is also a compulsory course in every school.

Those cultivation methods and martial arts handed down from the ancestors of ancient martial arts have all been compiled into textbooks now.

The current warriors have benefited from the teachings of the ancient martial ancestors, and their successful practice has reached a very strong level.

However, people have not forgotten the cultural inheritance. Everyone has compiled the practice exercises into the textbooks, and people have started to learn the knowledge of practice since kindergarten.

Humanity's ancient martial arts path has been completely on the right track.

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