My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 314 In-depth pursuit

Seeing that Chu Ming was going to chase the Half-Human King alone, Wu Xi immediately stepped forward and came to Chu Ming's side.

Wu Xi hadn't fought side by side with Chu Ming for a long time since the war with the Orcs.

The current Chu Ming is too strong, and his battles are no longer for fighters of Wu Xi's level to participate in.

Even the strongest people couldn't bear the aura emanating from Chu Ming.

Chu Ming looked at Wu Xi with an urgent face, and immediately responded in a gentle voice: "I'm going to hunt down the half-human king, and maybe I'm going to enter the wild land, it's not suitable for you to follow."

"But, I want to be with you, and I want to help you."

Wu Xi responded immediately.

Chu Ming nodded with a smile, and responded: "Since you want to help me, you should stay and help me wipe out all the remnants of the orcs.

Don't worry, my speed is very fast, maybe I will be back in the blink of an eye. "

Having said that, Chu Ming's complexion gradually became serious.

He slowly raised his head and looked towards the sky, his eyes gradually became sharp and cold.

"The real disaster is coming soon, and the action to exterminate the orcs is very important.

Whether humans and orcs can survive in the future has a vital relationship with this action to exterminate the orcs.

Therefore, we must pay attention to it, and we must not leave any future troubles. "

Listening to Chu Ming's dignified words, all the human and orc warriors were shocked.

They only knew that Chu Ming wanted to drive out the orcs, but they didn't know the reason.

At the beginning, they thought that Chu Ming wanted to kill all the orcs because he had hatred for the half-orcs.

From this point of view, there must be something else hidden.

The matter actually involved the survival of the human race and the orc race, and everyone gradually paid more attention to this matter.

Chu Ming looked at Wu Xi again, his eyes softened again.

He said softly: "Don't worry, when we pass this test, we should be able to exchange for a period of peace.

Go ahead and strangle all the Orcs with the Warriors of the Dawn.

wait me back. "

While speaking, the energy around Chu Ming began to ripple.

The void began to distort and collapse, and Chu Ming's figure became more and more blurred.

Until a certain moment, there was a sudden sonic boom in the void, and Chu Ming's figure had disappeared.

At the same time, in the desert of death, a team of one hundred people is quietly moving forward.

This is a team of half-orcs fleeing. They have human heads and snake bodies, and they are snake-human warriors.

With the defeat of the half-orc army, this snake-human team has been fleeing.

The captain of the snake-human race was very wise and did not choose to stay and face it head-on. At this time, the human and orc armies were surprisingly strong, and their staying was tantamount to asking for a dead end.

Under the leadership of the snake-human captain Banasa, the hundred-member snake-human team finally survived and escaped into the desert of death.

Dragging their exhausted bodies, they continued to swim in the scalding desert, turning over one sand dune after another, and finally stopped behind a huge sand dune.

"Everyone take a break!"

Banasa shouted, her voice began to become hoarse.

Immediately beside him, a snake-human warrior handed it over with a water bottle.

Banasa took a few sips of clean water casually, and then sat down behind the sand dune.

Other snake-human warriors lay on the sand one after another. The shadow brought by the dunes made the sand not so hot, and it was very comfortable to lie on it.

The sand dunes here are very high, like a mountain, and it didn't know how long it took to accumulate to such an extent.

Banasa was lying under the sand dunes exhausted, her huge snake tail swaying weakly, her mood was extremely complicated.

It is really desolate that the snake-human race who used to be aloof has become like this now.

"Captain, what is the origin of our enemy this time, and why is it so terrifying?"

The snake-human warrior next to him put away the kettle and asked in a low voice to Banasa.

Hearing this person's question, Banasa sighed helplessly and said, "It's a group of guys from the earth, they are very cruel."

"About the earth, I've heard it before. Didn't it say that that place is very weak? How could it be so strong?" Genius remembers in a second 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

A snake-human warrior on the left asked puzzledly.

In fact, all the races of orcs have heard about the people on Earth.

Especially after the news of the talented superhuman descendants produced after the combination of the half-orcs and the earthlings spread, the news of the earthlings spread among the major races of the half-orcs.

At the beginning, the warriors of all races were very excited, thinking that they had found a shortcut to make the orcs stronger.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

But not long after the start of the battle, those lambs that were supposed to be slaughtered suddenly joined the battle, and they were extremely powerful.

Especially a human boy known as the ancestor of ancient martial arts, that is so cruel, it is simply a nightmare for the entire half-orc race.

It is said that the king had fought head-on with the opponent back then, and it seemed that the two sides could not tell the winner.

However, when the king met the other party again, he didn't dare to go up and ran away directly.

Thinking of this, many snake-human warriors couldn't help feeling depressed.

In their eyes, the omnipotent king fled without fighting, and one can imagine the blow to their fighting spirit.

"Okay, don't think about it too much. It is a fact that our half-human race has lost. You just need to hide here for a while, and wait for the opponent's pursuers to retreat, and we will go back."

Banasa comforted everyone.

When everyone heard Banasa's words, they were all excited, and hope was ignited in their eyes.

"Yes, as long as we get out alive, the Orcs will still be there."

"As long as we are given enough time, our half-orc race can develop again."

"Yes, at that time, we must be the nobles of the snake-human race, and Captain Banasa will be the new king at that time."

The many snake-human warriors became more and more excited as they talked, as if they had already imagined the future.

They intend to replace the tauren from the original half-orc race, making the snake-human race a new noble, and their captain, Banasa, will inherit the position of half-human king.

Banasa's blood was also surging when she heard it.

He suddenly felt that the defeat of the half-orcs was not all useless, maybe he had a chance to rise.

Just when all the snake-human warriors were imagining a bright future, a space distortion suddenly appeared in the clear sky.

Immediately afterwards, under the terrified gazes of all the snake-human warriors, the figure of a human teenager appeared in the void.

The figure of the other party gradually changed from unreal to real, and finally appeared completely in the void.

Chu Ming stepped out of the void in one step, and flicked at the hidden snake-human warrior.

Suddenly, a fierce sword qi burst out.

As soon as this sword energy appeared, it swelled against the wind, and then split at a very fast speed, turning into hundreds of giants in the blink of an eye.

Every sword light seemed to have eyes, and it stabbed precisely at every snake-human warrior present.

In an instant, sword energy roared, blood erupted, and screams could be heard endlessly.

Snake-human team of 100 people, pawn!

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