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Chapter 316 Fall of the Half-Human King

The half-human king escaped, although he almost died, but he was in a very good mood.

He actually succeeded in inseminating a super terrifying wild beast.

The half-human king has always been very proud of his genetic strength.

Although the strength of the other party is terrifying, but if he is injected into his body with his own sperm, the other party will definitely give birth to a lovely child for him.

The Half-Human King is really looking forward to it, what kind of posture this lovely child should have.

The combination of half-orcs and wild beasts has never been tried.

It is conceivable that when this new child is born, it must be extremely powerful.

Once it grows up, it may directly break through to the extraordinary realm.

At that time, not to mention the orcs and humans, even this barbaric continent may also become the world of half-orcs.

The half-human king became more and more excited as he thought about it. He was almost drained of strength, and he felt a sense of blood boiling.

A hope of rising again arises spontaneously.

At this moment, the half-human king noticed that the void in front of him was distorted, and a vague figure appeared.

Seeing this shadow, the Half-Human King's expression suddenly changed.

"No, he's chasing after me again!"

The half-human king turned around to leave, but his energy was almost drained, how could he escape Chu Ming's pursuit?

Even in his heyday, he couldn't escape, let alone now.

Chu Ming stepped out of the void and frowned slightly when he saw the half-human king fleeing.

Something is wrong.

Chu Ming knew how strong the opponent was.

The Half-Human King's strength has already half-stepped into the extraordinary, and his combat effectiveness is comparable to his own before the breakthrough.

I didn't expect the other party to be so weak.


Even if they flew all the way here from Banhuman Continent, it shouldn't be so depleted.

Could it be that the other party has fought against the wild and fierce people here?

Or did the other party have some indescribable things happened here with wild beasts?

Chu Ming is very familiar with the strange characteristics of half-orcs.

The reason why he chased and killed the half-human king not far away for hundreds of millions of miles was because he was afraid of leaving any trace of trouble.

Wild fire, in spring.

What Chu Ming has to do this time is to cut the weeds and root them out.

"System, are there any other species of half-orcs here?"

Since Chu Ming used the Guwu question and answer system, he has been fascinated by this feeling.

Although it consumes a lot of reputation points every time, this feeling of knowing everything still makes him very comfortable.

Hearing Chu Ming's question, the system automatically deducted 100,000 prestige points and responded: "There is an ancient swallowing sky beast 800 kilometers away to the southwest, and it has been detected that there are half-orc genetic elements in its body. If there is no accident, The other party will give birth to a half-orc cub in three months."

Hearing the system's reply, Chu Ming was a little startled.

Shit, shit, shit!

The half-human king is awesome.

Just came here and gave the desolate ancient swallowing beast?

The way Chu Ming looked at the Half-Human King changed.

I have to say that the Half-Human King is indeed unique. He can do this kind of thing, which is amazing.

Although Chu Ming didn't know what the Huanggu Swallowing Heaven Beast looked like, he knew it was very domineering just by hearing its name.

Chu Ming was really curious about how the half-human king did it.



"Keeping this half-human king is definitely a disaster. Even wild wild beasts will not be spared. It will definitely become more difficult to control in the future."

"So, it must be killed, and it will be ashes!"

Chu Ming snorted coldly in his heart, and the Youlong Zhantian sword in his hand emitted a brilliant light, and slashed at the half-human king.

The half-human king had just escaped a distance of tens of miles, and felt the terrifying sword light behind him, and immediately turned around to block it.

A huge heavy hammer lay in front of him. This giant heavy hammer made of unknown material emitted bursts of black light, forming a huge defensive light shield.

"call out!"

A fierce sword cut through the sky, and slashed at the defensive light shield formed by the heavy hammer at an extremely terrifying speed.

This sword light is invincible, and with the strength of the Half-Human King at this time, it is impossible to resist it.

With a piercing sound of splitting, the huge defensive light shield was cut open with a huge hole.

And the heavy hammer with exaggerated shape exploded directly from the middle, and the fracture was as smooth as water.


The sword light slashed on the half-human king's body, and the sharp sword light left a terrifying sword mark on the opponent's left shoulder.

After being resisted by the defensive light shield and the heavy hammer, most of the power of the sword light slashed by Youlong Zhantianjian was weakened.

If not, this sword is enough to kill him.

There was a crimson light in the half-human king's eyes, and bursts of black light emanated from the two huge bull horns, which turned into a terrifying spinning top energy column, which stabbed towards Chu Ming angrily like a spiral nail.

Chu Ming flicked his fingers, and a sharp sword light appeared out of thin air, directly smashing the Half-Human King's attack.

Chu Ming slashed horizontally again, and the Youlong Zhantian Sword burst out with endless sword light again.

This time, the half-human king did not have the defensive light shield and heavy hammer to resist, so he could only rely on his body to resist.

After the Half-Human King knew about this blow, he was sure to die, so his demeanor relaxed.

He opened his mouth wide, and scarlet blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, dyeing his terrifying fangs red.

He said arrogantly: "Humans, you will never know the horror of half-orcs. Before long, the whole world will be swallowed up by my half-orcs, and you humans will eventually become our breeding furnace for half-orcs!"

The Half-Human King has already reserved a backup. In his opinion, even if he dies now, the Half-Orc Race will not perish.

Looking at the other party's arrogant appearance, Chu Ming immediately sneered.

"What do you mean to say, if you leave a bastard in the body of the ancient swallowing beast, do you have a back hand? Do you think I will let that evil person be born successfully? You are the king of the clan after all, you are too stupid! "

Hearing Chu Ming's indifferent words, the half-human king was struck by lightning.

No, how did he know about this?

Could it be that the other party has already come?

If the other party also wiped out the last seed left by him, then the half-orc clan would really be completely wiped out.


The half-human king yelled wildly, his heart was terrified, and his huge bull's eyes were full of unwillingness.

However, the sword light had arrived, and he had nowhere to escape.


There was a sound of sword energy entering the body, and the huge bull head of the half-human king was cut off by Chu Ming with a sword.

So far, a generation of kings has fallen.

But Chu Ming was still not at ease.

The other party is a half-human king, maybe there is something behind him, absolutely must not leave any chance for the other party.

"Da Geng Sword Formation!"

Chu Ming roared loudly, his fingers connected in the void, and the golden light spots condensed into threads, and soon weaved into a big net, covering the body of the half-human king.

Immediately, the fine net of sword energy split the Half-Human King's body into countless parts, almost turning into meat paste.

Chu Ming was still not at ease, and pushed his hands forward vigorously, and two terrifying flames erupted immediately.

"Blow fire palm!"

The blazing flames burned fiercely, incinerating the half-human king's body that had been cut into countless parts.

In this fiery feast, the karma that was so strong that it could not be resolved was eliminated, and the endless merit turned into golden light and was absorbed by Chu Ming into his body.

Killing the Half-Human King was a huge benefit to Chu Ming.

The evil king was finally reduced to ashes.

But Chu Ming's eyes were looking three hundred miles to the southwest.

There is also a terrifying Desolate Ancient Swallowing Heaven Beast waiting for him.

If you want to completely wipe out the blood of the half-orcs, you must not keep the ancient swallowing sky beast.

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