My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 320 Distribution Standards of the National System

Chu Ming really did not expect that the new national system launched by Guwu System would be so simple and rude.

what is this?

System provider?

The continental modules that Chu Ming chose before were originally intended to distribute systems to them.

From this point of view, people all over the world have now received the system issued by themselves.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the national system has been released. 】

[The global population is 6.4 billion, of which 5.9 billion meets the system distribution standards, 5.8 billion people received it, and 100 million people failed to receive it. 】

Hearing the system reply, Chu Ming couldn't help but frown slightly.

Through this system distribution, Chu Ming can be regarded as a census of people on earth.

Chu Ming really did not expect that so many people were harmed by alien beasts on all continents before, and the total population is still 6.4 billion.

It has to be said that the population expansion of the people on earth in recent years has been really powerful.

According to statistics from the previous mortal period, after being attacked by alien beasts several times, there are not so many people on earth.

In other words, some continents lied about their populations before.

Of course, this is not the focus of Chu Ming's attention. What he wants to know is why only 5.9 billion of the 6.4 billion people meet the system's distribution standards.

Why do the other 500 million people not meet the system's distribution standards?

Therefore, Chu Ming asked the Guwu system: "What is the standard for the system to issue?"

Hearing Chu Ming's question, the system immediately replied:

[The distribution channel of the system is based on the connection between the two parties. Only those who have given the reputation to the host have the opportunity to be distributed by the system. 】

At this moment, Chu Ming suddenly understood.

It turned out to be like this.

That's right, only those who have contributed reputation points to themselves, it means that they have all practiced ancient martial arts.

Whether successful or not, there have been such connections.

Those who have not practiced the ancient martial art of body training have never had a reputation for Chu Ming.

And the distribution of the nationwide system naturally excludes them.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming thought a little bit.

There are 500 million people who have never practiced the ancient martial art of body training. The number of people is beyond Chu Ming's imagination.

It seems that many places on the earth may not yet have access to electricity and the Internet.

Perhaps there are many secluded paradises.

Chu Ming no longer entangled with this problem, but continued to ask: "The system, among the 5.9 billion people issued by the system, why do 100 million people fail to receive it? What is the reason for the failure?"

[Only those who are loyal to the host can successfully receive the universal system, and those without loyalty cannot successfully receive it. 】

[The system will automatically judge the loyalty. The higher the loyalty, the richer the novice gift package you will get after receiving the system. 】

[The less loyalty, the poorer the gift package, or even no gift package. 】

Listening to the system's reply, Chu Ming gradually narrowed his eyes, and finally smiled happily.

Know me system also.

The setting of the system is very good, and it is in line with Chu Ming's wishes.

Now I am the Patriarch of Ancient Martial Arts, the king of the entire earth and the Chihuang Continent, and everyone is my own subject.

Since they are not willing to show their loyalty to the ancestors of ancient martial arts, there is no need to send them the national system, which will save them fattening up and rebelling.

As for the rewards of the novice gift pack, there is nothing wrong with that.

People with higher loyalty will get richer rewards, which can be regarded as some comfort and encouragement to those fighters who are loyal to themselves.

On the golden grassland, all the soldiers fell into silence. Everyone was in the process of accepting the system, and their faces sometimes showed shock and sometimes ecstasy. In short, their moods were very complicated.

These people had predicted what would happen in advance, knowing that it must have something to do with the boss, and when the system came down, they were still shocked.

Those who are mentally prepared in advance are like this, and those who don't know will probably feel more excited.

Seeing that everyone was in the joy of receiving the system, Chu Ming left alone without urging them.

At the same time, on Earth, in an ancient city garden with lush foliage.

Since the revival of Reiki, the green area on the earth has reached more than 90%, almost everywhere is covered by green plants.

This is an ancient garden, which used to be the garden of a rich family, but became a tourist attraction in the secular period.

Xiao Mian is the tour guide of this garden. Since his spiritual energy recovered, he has lived in this garden and cultivated in this pleasant environment.

Few people come here to play nowadays, making this vast garden look a bit desolate.

Xiao Mian, who was a tour guide, naturally lost his job.

Nowadays, most of the aspiring young people have joined the army and joined the Shuguang organization, and they have wine, meat and bonuses.

But Xiao Mian has been timid and fearful since he was a child, and he would never dare to do something like killing strange beasts on the battlefield.

All he can do now is to practice here with peace of mind, call home when he has no money, ask his parents for advice, and barely make ends meet.

However, Xiao Mian has always been full of confidence in life. He feels that he is born with talent and will be useful. Although he can no longer work as a tour guide, he will definitely find a more suitable job in the future.

In fact, it’s pretty good now. I live alone in such a big garden, and I can sleep in whichever yard I want to sleep at night.

It's just that there are a lot of mosquitoes, which is a bit annoying.

It has to be said that after the spiritual energy revived, these mosquitoes also became more vigorous.

With that sip, I wish I could suck up half the tube of blood.

"I'm sure I won't be mediocre for the rest of my life. My luck has not yet arrived. Sooner or later, I will become a master!"

Sitting by the lotus pond, Xiao Mian looked at the huge bullfrog lying on the huge lotus leaf, silently cheering himself up.

Chicken soup for the soul and the bullfrog here are indispensable every day.

The bullfrogs here are real bulls. They are as fat as calves, and they can be eaten for several days by catching one and stewing it.

In the days without money, Xiao Mian relied on the bullfrogs here to survive.

Just when Xiao Mian was about to catch the bullfrog, his head shook in vain, as if a heavy hammer hit his mind.

[Ding, Patriarch Gu Wu sent you a system invitation, do you accept it? 】

Xiao Mian was taken aback for a moment, his eyes suddenly widened.

what's the situation?

Is this the legendary system?

Am I going to reach the pinnacle of my life?

Let me just say, I have been gifted since I was a child, the system may be late, but I will never be absent.


Xiao Mian yelled suddenly, and his spirit became excited.

In an instant, Xiao Mian felt that he had become the protagonist of the whole world, that he was the chosen one.

The moment he accepted the system, many pictures that happened not long ago popped up in his mind.

At that time, he had conflicts with several people and was beaten violently by them.

And now, the opportunity has come.

The system is close, and the time for revenge has come!

"I have a system, let's see how I call you fathers!"

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