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Chapter 322 The Mysterious Palace

Wu Xi entered Chu Ming's room and found that the other party looked very happy.

It was a heartfelt joy, as if the Wuzhishan that was pressing on my body was kicked away, and my whole body was released.

"Is there any good news? Why are you so happy."

Wu Xi asked in surprise.

In Wu Xi's impression, Chu Ming always kept a straight face, with the aura of a superior person on his body, even with a smile on his face, it gave people a feeling that strangers should not enter.

But today's feeling is obviously different. Today's Chu Ming is like a spring breeze, which makes people feel refreshed.

Chu Ming smiled and said, "If you ask me this way, I really have good news to tell you."

While speaking, Chu Ming took Wu Xi's hand and directly embraced her in his arms.

Wu Xi was startled, and immediately her pretty face turned red, showing a shy look on her face.

"I'll take you to a place, close your eyes, and you'll be there soon."

Hearing Chu Ming's soft voice, Wu Xi nodded slightly, then closed her eyes obediently.

Chu Ming kissed Wu Xi's forehead lightly, and then the energy surged all over his body, and there was a burst of strong energy ripples around him.

In an instant, the void collapsed, and Chu Ming's figure with Wu Xi in his arms disappeared into the room.

At the same time, the East China Sea, Penglai Xiandao.

The sky is bright and the air is clear, the wind is smooth, and the rich spiritual energy is floating around. A large amount of fairy fog covers the entire island, and any corner exposed is an extremely beautiful scenery.

Last time, Chu Ming made a breakthrough in the middle of Sanxian Island and absorbed a lot of aura, which greatly weakened the aura of Sanxian Island.

However, there are spiritual roots and ground veins on Sanxian Island. After such a long time, the recovery of spiritual energy has reached its peak again, and the spiritual energy absorbed by Chu Ming has recovered.

On this day, a burst of energy fluctuations suddenly came from the sky above Penglai Xiandao, the void seemed to collapse suddenly, and two figures appeared above the sky out of thin air.

With Wu Xi in his arms, Chu Ming moved directly from the defensive fortress of the Golden Grassland to Penglai Xiandao in the East China Sea of ​​the earth.

Wu Xi stayed in Chu Ming's arms obediently. Chu Ming didn't let her open her eyes, so she kept them closed.

It's just that at the moment just now, she felt an indescribable dizziness in her mind, and there seemed to be an extremely terrifying force around her that wanted to tear her apart.

However, Wu Xi could feel a gentle energy emitting from Chu Ming's body, completely wrapping her body to prevent the invasion of external energy.

In short, no matter where she is, as long as Chu Ming is by her side, she will feel infinitely safe.

"Okay, open your eyes!"

Chu Ming slowly let go of Wu Xi in his arms, and said softly.

Wu Xi's expression moved, and she slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was a vast island shrouded in clouds and mist.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Xi was shocked.

The concentration of aura here is unexpectedly so thick, even much denser than that of the Holy Beast Continent, which has the strongest aura in the Chihuang Continent.

Moreover, the scenery here is really beautiful.

The blue sky, blue sea, white mist and mountains, and an island that accommodates the world's great rivers give people a sense of grandeur and beauty, which makes people feel refreshed.

"This is where?"

Wu Xi was shocked, and asked in a surprised voice.

Chu Ming responded with a smile: "This is Penglai Island, which is also the legendary Penglai Immortal Island. The big mountain hidden behind the white clouds in the distance is Penglai Mountain."

"Penglai Fairy Island!"

Wu Xi murmured, her bright eyes were full of surprise, as if she never thought that such a place really existed in the world.

Chu Ming nodded and said, "That's right, this is Penglai Fairy Island. I saw a palace on Penglai Mountain before. I'll take you inside to have a look."

When Chu Ming came here last time, he had already discovered the huge building complex on Penglai Mountain, but at that time, time was running out, and Chu Ming didn't have time to check it out.

Now that I have time, I naturally want to investigate.

Chu Ming knew that Wu Xi's cultivation had reached a bottleneck, so if he brought her here, he might be able to make a breakthrough with the help of the rich aura here.

Wu Xi nodded lightly, and the two of them floated down towards Penglai Xiandao hand in hand.

"How did you find this place? It's so beautiful!"

As soon as she entered Penglai Xiandao, Wu Xi was overwhelmed by the beauty of the island.

Her bright eyes are as bright as stars, wherever she looks, there is an indescribably exquisite picture.

Chu Ming said solemnly: "I am the Patriarch of Guwu. Whether it is the Earth or the Chihuang Continent, there is no place I cannot go."

"Just brag, anyway, you don't have to pay taxes for bragging."

Wu Xi complained softly, and followed Chu Ming to the outside of a huge palace.

What shocked the two of them was that there were ruins everywhere. Except for the palace in front of them, all the buildings had been destroyed.

"This is?"

Chu Ming was also shocked, feeling a little unbelievable.

On the surrounding mountains, there are thick sword marks everywhere. Even after the age of weapons, you can still feel the fierce sword intent from the sharp sword marks.

In addition to the sword marks, there are many huge palm prints not far away.

That palm print was so familiar, Chu Ming's eyes widened immediately.

"Buddha's Palm!"

Chu Ming was very familiar with the palm of Tathagata. When he saw the huge palm print on the mountain in front of him, he recognized at a glance that it was the palm print left by the palm of Tathagata after the attack.

As far as the eye can see, except for this palace, everything has turned into ruins, making this place a ruin.

Chu Ming's eyes were slightly closed, golden light flashed between his brows, and the majestic spiritual power spread in all directions like a tide.

However, what shocked Chu Ming was that his mental power, which had always been extremely powerful, was severely restricted here, and it seemed that there were countless residual thoughts interfering with Chu Ming's consciousness.

Chu Ming immediately snorted coldly in his heart, and there seemed to be a thunderous explosion in the godhead, causing the golden spiritual energy to explode, sweeping across the entire Penglai Xiandao like a bomb in an instant.

At this moment, Chu Ming seemed to hear countless dead souls crying, and countless desolate and mournful voices shouting. On the entire ruins, there was a fighting spirit everywhere.

Chu Ming's face turned pale, and he quickly withdrew his mental strength.

He didn't know what happened here, but he could feel that on this mountain, countless extraordinary people had died in battle here.

"Could it be that there are other secrets hidden on the earth?"

Chu Ming frowned slightly, feeling that things had become difficult.

Wu Xi saw something wrong with Chu Ming's face, and immediately asked with concern: "Chu Ming, what's wrong with you?"

His thoughts were interrupted by Wu Xi's voice, Chu Ming immediately took a deep breath, and responded: "It's nothing, I thought of something after seeing the dilapidated scene here."

While speaking, Chu Ming waved to Wu Xi and said, "Go, I will take you into this palace to practice. The spiritual energy density here is the highest. Practicing here will definitely help you soar into the sky."

Wu Xi nodded slightly, she could also see the extraordinaryness of this palace.

All the buildings are in ruins, why is this palace still there?

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