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Chapter 324 I'll Help You Take Off

"Chu Ming!"

Wu Xi whispered in her heart, but she didn't dare to go forward.

She was worried that her actions would interrupt Chu Ming's enlightenment.

With Chu Ming's strength, the collapse of the palace will definitely not hurt him, but if he goes to help, it may backfire.

what to do?

what to do?

what to do?

Wu Xi was very anxious, and kept flying in mid-air, but she didn't dare to approach the area where Chu Ming was.

Obviously became very strong, but at this time there is still a sense of powerlessness.

However, Wu Xi could feel Chu Ming's presence, and the other party was still standing where he was. Even though his body was buried by the ruins, he still maintained his original posture.

Wu Xi had no other choice but to continue guarding beside the ruins.

At the same time, Chu Ming stood proudly among the ruins, and the deduction in his heart became clearer and clearer.

This should be a formation that can gather aura.

This gathering array is buried under the palace, which can bring a steady stream of spiritual support to the palace, so that it has been preserved until now.

Of course, when Wu Xi broke through just now, he sucked up the aura of this place, and this palace, which had survived for a long time, finally collapsed.

Chu Ming's heart in the ruins became brighter and brighter. Through the formation here, Chu Ming saw a possibility.

This is the Spirit Gathering Formation. If this formation is moved to the Chihuang Continent, it will definitely gather endless spiritual energy.

With the help of these auras, people on earth can grow faster.

At that time, not only will there be the help of the national ancient martial arts system, but also the assistance of external spiritual energy, which will definitely allow everyone to advance by leaps and bounds.

In time, after the arrival of the half-human mother planet, I am afraid that it will be blown up by the people on earth.

Time flies, the sun and the moon shuttle.

Chu Ming's enlightenment lasted for three days and three nights.

If she hadn't been able to feel the powerful aura emanating from Chu Ming, Wu Xi would have even killed Chu Ming.

Being buried in the ruins is really a bit inelegant.

However, when Wu Xi thought that this kind of result was all caused by the fact that she had sucked up the aura, she felt an indescribable embarrassment in her heart.

"After Chu Ming's enlightenment is over, don't you blame me?"

Wu Xi's pretty face was flushed, as if she was a child who had done something wrong, a little at a loss.

At this moment, Chu Ming, who had been buried in the ruins, seemed to have moved.

As a special energy dissipated, all the ruins that originally buried Chu Ming below were automatically suspended in mid-air.

The next moment, Chu Ming walked from the bottom of the ruins.

His body was clean and clean, and the ruins and dust did not contaminate him in the slightest.

After practicing to Chu Ming's level, this kind of mundane stain can no longer be close to him.

What's more, to Chu Ming's delight, the three days and three nights of enlightenment practice made his strength a step further.

Although the energy in the body hasn't changed much, the understanding and use of power has become more proficient.

Chu Ming took a step forward, and with a wave of his big hand, all the dust was swept away.

At this moment, his heart is clear, and he has a complicated connection map of the earth veins in his mind.

According to this connection of the earth veins, the spirit gathering array can be condensed.

Chu Ming got the Spirit Gathering Formation, and now he is very eager to return to the Chihuang Continent and try to set it up there.

However, when he saw Wu Xi who had been waiting here, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Wu Xi looked at Chu Ming pitifully, her big watery eyes were flickering, she stepped forward quickly, walked to Chu Ming's side, and asked cautiously: "Chu Ming, are you okay, are you not hurt by the rubble?" ?”

It wasn't until Wu Xi asked, that Chu Ming remembered that when he was enlightening, Wu Xi sucked up the aura of this place during the breakthrough process, which eventually led to the collapse of the palace.

Wu Xi was no wonder what happened during the breakthrough.

However, it was rare for Chu Ming to find such an opportunity, so he immediately took a step forward pretending to be uncomfortable, and lay on Wu Xi's shoulder all at once.

"Oh no,

I was injured by the palace and urgently need treatment! "

Hearing Chu Ming's words, Wu Xi was shocked immediately.

She hurriedly checked Chu Ming's body, and found that there was no scar on the other party's body, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, you're fooling me."

Wu Xi pouted and said, looking charming and cute.

Chu Ming responded: "How can you fool you? It is true that you smashed me down and made me dirty. You have to be responsible."

Wu Xi looked at Chu Ming pitifully. Although Chu Ming was fine, it was indeed because of her that this happened.

So, Wu Xi asked in a low voice: "Then what should I do? How can I be responsible to you?"

Chu Ming smiled and said, "Of course it's a bath, go, take a bath with me."

Hearing this answer, Wu Xi flushed with shame.

This guy, I knew he had no good intentions.

"Your body is not dirty, so why not wash it?" Wu Xi said dissatisfied.

Chu Ming retorted: "The result is not important, but the process, which must be washed."

"All right!"

Wu Xi could only nod her head in agreement, but she was also secretly happy in her heart.

It feels really great to be so close to Chu Ming, giving people a strong sense of security.

Chu Ming took a step forward, held Wu Xi's hand, and said, "I know a good place, I'll take you there."

Before the words fell, Chu Ming flew into the sky, dragged Wu Xi and rushed towards the depths of Penglai Mountain.

This time, Chu Ming did not use space to teleport, so the distance should not be very far.

Two minutes later, Chu Ming and Wu Xi stopped by a beautiful hot spring.

There are flowers and green grass growing everywhere here, and there are big green trees in the distance, surrounded by white clouds, making this place look like a fairyland.

There is a water pool about ten meters in size in front of it. Steam is steaming above the water pool, and it is trickling.

The water aura in this hot spring is extremely dense, which may have an extraordinary significance on Mount Penglai.

But now, it has become a place for Chu Ming to take a bath.

Chu Ming took off his shirt and jumped down. The warm water swept his whole body, giving people an indescribable comfort.

"Come down!"

Chu Ming waved to Wu Xi and sent out a warm call.

Wu Xi blinked, her beautiful eyes were full of shyness.

This is not good, is it?

"Forget it, this is an open place, it would be embarrassing if someone saw it."

Wu Xi whispered, determined not to go into the water.

Chu Ming laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, I've already checked. Within a radius of thousands of miles, no one showed up. Even the creatures in the ocean were scared away by me. Don't worry."

"That's not the case either!"

Wu Xi twitched.

"Don't be embarrassed, come down!"

Chu Ming stretched out his hand and pulled gently, and Wu Xi's graceful figure fell into the hot spring, splashing a large amount of water.

Wu Xi's face was blushing, she was drenched all over, revealing a kind of soul-stirring beauty.

Chu Ming couldn't help but his eyes were burning. He swallowed hard and said, "It's so uncomfortable to soak in the hot spring with clothes on. Come, let me take it off for you."

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