My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 32 The Ancient Warriors in the Ordinary World

The destruction of Chentang Village swept through the entire ancient martial arts world like a hurricane.

It is said that the entire Chentang Village has completely sunk into the ground, and a huge handprint with a diameter of more than a kilometer covers everything.

Many ancient martial arts families and ancient martial arts villages sent private reconnaissance planes to hover over Chentang Village for a long time before the news was finally confirmed.

At the same time, another piece of news was also spread in the ancient martial arts world, that is, before the disaster in Chentang Village, the Hongmeng training camp was also hit hard.

The same move, the same destructive power, is enough to prove that it is the same person or the same force who made the move.

That should be a very powerful palm technique, which has never appeared in the entire history of China, but it is very similar to some special effects palm techniques in movies or novels.

In any case, the appearance of this mysterious strongman has seriously threatened the normal operation of the ancient martial arts world, causing the entire ancient martial arts world to be in turmoil.

At the same time, at a remote county passenger station, Chu Ming bought a bus ticket and was rushing to Chunjiang Airport.

He has changed his outfit again, bought new clothes and shoes.

Lingbo Weibu is a magic tool for traveling, but it is a bit expensive for shoes. He ran all the way from Yulong Mountain to the village near Spring River City, and ran more than 100 kilometers.

He took a tractor at the entrance of the village to the county seat, bought clothes and shoes to change into, and finally sat on the airport bus, ready to fly back to Pearl City.

Sitting on the comfortable air-conditioned bus, Chu Ming felt extremely exhausted mentally. It seemed that he had spent three lives in just a few days.

The world of ancient martial arts is bizarre, but the mundane world seems real.

Chu Ming does not envy the world of ancient martial arts, he feels that he is just a layman, there is no need to pretend to be elegant.

First, he destroyed more than a dozen dormitory buildings in Hongmeng, and then wiped out the entire Chentang Village. Chu Ming's troubles were not small, so he naturally felt a lot of pressure and was very nervous.

However, after thinking about it carefully, it seems that no one knows that he did it.

Realizing this, Chu Ming's mood suddenly relaxed.

Even if people from the Hongmeng organization find themselves in the future, they will not be able to prove that they did those terrible things by themselves.

Of course, even if he admitted those things, no one would believe them.

"The Tathagata Palm can no longer be used. If someone sees himself using the Tathagata Palm, he will definitely think of the previous disaster."

"In this case, then I will exchange it for another mass destruction technique, which can be used to turn the table in a crisis."

Chu Ming thought for a while, and his mind slowly sank into the system mall.

After pondering for a while, he decided to exchange for a copy of "The Great Wilderness Prisoner's Sky Finger".

The Great Wilderness Prisoner's Sky Finger is extremely powerful. It can condense supreme power to form a fingerprint. The fingerprint can absorb the essence of the world, the sun and the moon, and stabs down from the sky. The attack power is even sharper than the palm of the god.

Chu Ming glanced at the price, and found that the value of this exercise was even more expensive than Lai Shen Zhang, and it had already reached one million reputation points.

In Chentang Village before, in order to defeat the enemy, Chu Ming exchanged all the reputation points for skills. Although the blow was very comfortable, it consumed all the stock.

As for the source of reputation points, it has become very rare nowadays.

Chu Ming took a look. The video of the second layer of the ancient martial arts body training technique he released is still there, and the number of hits is also increasing, but fewer and fewer people actually try to practice it.

There is no way, there are too many people who have tried it, and almost everyone can't practice successfully. After a long time, everyone thinks that this anchor is just here to deceive attention.

Although more than a thousand people successfully practiced the second level, among the millions of barrages, more than a thousand people were like weak duckweed, and were quickly submerged in the turbulent waves.

Chu Ming would not be able to get reputation points if no one practiced the ancient martial arts body training technique.

In doing so, although he kept his own skills from leaking out,

But the shortcut to gain reputation was cut off.

Chu Ming looked at the dense bullet screens on the video, and almost all of them were complaining that the anchor was a liar, so he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

To get something, you have to give.

Chu Ming is now in a critical period of arm wrestling with the Hongmeng organization. Prestige points are his important trump card. If he cannot accumulate enough prestige points, he will not be stubborn in doing anything at that time.

On the basis of not exchanging skills, with Chu Ming's current level of skills, even if he releases the Tathagata palm, the power is very limited.

Unless he keeps using Lingbo Microsteps to recover his exhausted skills as soon as possible.

Or, Chu Ming can exchange for a skill that can increase his skill, otherwise it will be difficult to restore the skill that was consumed just now to its peak.

"It seems that I need to really spread the ancient martial arts training to the world, so that all the people in the world can practice this exercise, only then will I have a chance to gain more reputation points."

Chu Ming thought for a while, carefully analyzing the pros and cons.

There are more than one billion people in China. If everyone practices a layer of ancient martial arts, then Chu Ming can gain more than one billion reputation points.

With the support of a large number of reputation points, even if they encounter the Hongmeng Legion in the future, they will not be afraid.

So here comes the question, how to popularize the ancient martial art of body training?

I have tried both the novel and the video, and there is a risk of being encrypted and blocked at any time, and the effect is not ideal.

Unless, there is an expert who can hack the entire network, it doesn't take too long, it only takes ten minutes.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming suddenly thought of someone.

With the help of that guy, I might be able to make a bold attempt.

Soon, the airport bus stopped at the terminal, and Chu Ming didn't have any luggage, so he got on the plane after getting his boarding pass.

Chu Ming is now a rich man worth tens of millions, and the money is all stolen from Hongmeng, so he doesn't feel bad about spending it. Of course, he chooses business class when flying.

As soon as he sat down, the conversation of the two people next to him caught his attention.

"Does your family know about the destruction of Chentang Village?"

A middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears lowered his voice and said, with a look of joy on his brows.

His name was Zuo Juncai. He wore a big gold chain around his neck, a big gold watch on his left hand, and a gemstone ring on his right. On his oily face, it said "I'm rich."

Next to him, a middle-aged man wearing a peaked cap frowned slightly, showing displeasure, and said in a deep voice, "You are an ordinary person, so you must be careful when you speak."

"What are you afraid of, Hou Fei, why are you getting less and less courageous!"

Zuo Juncai's greasy face couldn't hide his excitement, and he slumped on the seat with his fat all over his body, and said with great interest: "Chentang Village is over, and the Xianchen Group will lose its leader. How about the two of us join forces and eat him together? "

Hou Fei's eyes narrowed, and he said: "Chentang Village has offended that master, and it has not been figured out yet. If you eat the other party rashly, it may cause disaster. I advise you to wait and see how it changes."

Zuo Juncai was obviously unmoved, his small greasy eyes were full of light.

He has been staring at Xianchen Group for a long time, and now he finally has a chance, of course he will not give up.

Hou Fei had no intention of continuing to chat with the other party. He stretched out his hand and pulled the peaked cap, covered his eyes under it, and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.

Not far away, Chu Ming's eyes lit up, as if he had found an unusual path.

It seems that there are quite a few people from the ancient martial arts family among the common people.

As long as you keep an eye on them, will you be able to uncover the entire ancient martial arts world?

Chu Ming got up quietly, leaned against the seat next to him, pretended to turn around inadvertently, and poured a cup of scalding hot coffee between someone's legs.

"Oh shit, you don't have eyes!"

Zuo Juncai let out a scream, and stood up with a bang.

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