My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 329: Alien Species Descend

Attention all, enter the battle state!

Xu Mingliang yelled crazily, and the members of the Combat Department of the Shuguang Organization immediately acted after hearing it, and set up the battle formation according to the battle formation that Chu Ming had practiced before.

Every warrior holds a long sword in his hand, and everyone has practiced the same sword technique, and the same sword technique operates at the same time, forming a large net of sword light, covering the sky and the sun.

At the same time, Chu Tiankuo, Cheng Ergang, Yu Chengfu, Lightning Sect Master, Zhou Motou and other strong men lined up around the battle formation holding their own weapons.

They are already strong in the Transcendent Realm, and everyone's eyes are filled with endless fighting intent, and they are not afraid of the huge planet that appears in the sky.

I smiled to the sky, no matter who his enemies are!

No matter how strong the enemy is, as long as you are strong enough, you will not be afraid of anyone who comes.

On the other side of the Scarlet Desolation Continent, the orc warriors were also startled by the terrifying sword in the sky. At this time, they gathered together and got ready to fight.

The bodies of the four holy beasts have already healed. At this time, they are at the head of many beast warriors, ready to face the invading enemy.

However, compared with the human warriors who are advancing by leaps and bounds, the strength of the four holy beasts is no longer top-notch.

You must know that any fighter from the Shuguang Organization has reached the peak of the Soaring Realm in strength, which is on par with the Four Great Sacred Beasts.

What's more, there are so many strong people in the Shuguang Organization who have stepped into the extraordinary with the help of the extraordinary lake.

A strong person in the extraordinary realm can easily crush the four holy beasts by anyone.

At this moment, far away in the infinite sky, a black dot suddenly appeared in the universe and flew towards this planet at high speed.

This black spot is getting bigger and bigger, gradually becoming clearer, it turned out to be a group of densely packed monster fighters.

The main reason for saying they are monsters is that most of them have many hands and many legs, and their bodies are strangely shaped. There are really all kinds of species.

They descended from the sky, and actually crossed the void directly from the half-human mother star.

These densely packed monster fighters are all strong in the sky.

rough estimate,

There are millions of giants.

These monsters passed through the high-altitude atmosphere of the Chihuang Continent, bringing up clusters of flames, like countless meteors falling towards the ground.


Xu Mingliang let out a loud roar, and the soldiers of Shuguang who had already formed a huge sword array swung their swords at the same time.

Immediately, dense sword lights shot up into the sky, as if the sword lights had exploded, rushing straight to the sky, splitting the sky.

However, the monster teams that appeared in the sky were not vegetarians either. At this time, they waved their weapons one after another, carrying the momentum of soaring to the sky, and launched a series of fatal attacks.

Immediately, clusters of light radiated in the sky, and two completely different energies surged wildly, bursting into collapses one after another in the sky.

The first collision between the two sides produced such a terrifying energy shock.

In an instant, there was a sharp whistling sound, and millions of grotesque multi-handed and multi-legged soldiers descended from the sky, passed through the atmosphere, and appeared in this airspace.

The Dawn warriors immediately changed their formation and confronted it head-on.

Immediately, the sword light roared.

The monster warrior blasted out beams of light to attack, which was also extremely sharp.

In the blink of an eye, the battle has reached a fever pitch.

However, the Dawn Warriors have a numerical advantage, with hundreds of millions of troops guarding here, millions of enemies are not to be feared.

However, the high-level members of the Dawn Organization absolutely dare not take it lightly, because they know that these millions of enemies are just vanguards.

Sure enough, when these monster fighters successfully landed on the Chihuang Continent, another black spot of light fell from the universe.

The Dawn Warrior couldn't help squinting his eyes, and there was an army of millions of monsters coming.

What the Shuguang Warrior didn't expect was that this was just a foreplay.

In the following time, black spots of light continued to appear, and densely packed monster legions continued to descend from the half-human mother star.

In just over half an hour, the number of monster warriors descending on the Chihuang Continent has reached hundreds of millions.

What shocked the Dawn Warriors even more was that the opponent seemed to be endlessly increasing their troops towards the Chihuang Continent.

Seeing this scene, Xu Mingliang, Wu Xi, Chu Tiankuo, Lightning Sect Master and others all showed shock.

Because they know that the real troublesome enemies of the half-human home planet have not yet appeared, and these are only half-orc warriors trained by the half-human home star fighters.

The shape of these monsters is very similar to the orcs that appeared before.

However, the racial characteristics of these half-orcs are different from those of the orcs on the Scarlet Desolation Continent, so the offspring produced after the union are also different.

Xu Mingliang stared at the battlefield without blinking. As the half-human tribes continued to send half-orc warriors, Xu Mingliang continued to send troops to adjust, and launched a fierce confrontation with the opponent.

At least in terms of numbers, they must not lose to the opponent.

Time passed slowly and the battle continued.

The number of half-orcs descended from the half-human mother planet has reached a terrifying billion.

This is already the total number of Vacant Realm fighters on Earth.

But looking up, black spots kept appearing, and the half-orc army continued to descend from the sky, joining the battle between the heaven and the earth.

The four holy beasts led the orc strongmen to make a decisive move, because it is impossible for the half-human mother planet to send fighters all in the same position.

Therefore, some half-orc warriors confronted the orc army of the four holy beasts.

The battle broke out in an instant. The two sides were old enemies. There was nothing to talk about, and the ultimate move immediately rushed forward.

However, the number of superpowers on the orc side is too small, and most of the orc warriors are in the sky.

Soon, except for the four holy beasts and a few beast kings, most of the orc warriors were being hanged and beaten, and soon there were many casualties.

Although the Four Great Sacred Beasts were anxious, they couldn't do anything about it.

Now is not the time to hide their secrets. They can only do their best to slaughter the invaders and minimize the casualties of the orc army.

But to the despair of the four holy beasts, the black spots in the sky still kept appearing, and the half-orc warriors on the half-human mother planet seemed to be endless.

The opponent intends to flatten the Chihuang Continent with crowd tactics.

On the battlefield of the human race, the soldiers of the Dawn Legion have all pressed forward, fighting with an increasing number of half-orc warriors.

Under the leadership of Xu Mingliang, the human race fighters displayed a strong combat effectiveness, constantly killing the invading enemies.

"Hurry up, the enemies are coming, we need to speed up the killing and kill all the invading enemies!"

Hearing Xu Mingliang's words, all the soldiers roared in unison, their combat power soared to the extreme, and the strength in their hands became faster and faster, beheading the enemy frantically.

It was at this time that a special race appeared.

They were all black and looked like corpses, covered in disgusting mucus.

Seeing the appearance of these dark monster races, the Lightning Gate Master and others who had been waiting for a long time stood up one after another.

The alien species on the half-human mother planet has finally arrived.

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