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Chapter 43 The Dove Occupies the Magpie's Nest

Qin Mingcheng looked at Su Yong who was slumped on the sofa, and couldn't help but feel terrified.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have imagined that Chu Ming could produce so many terrible things.

If it were an ordinary person, Qin Mingcheng would definitely sneer at it, what kind of three corpse brainworm pill, can it be more nonsense?

But Chu Ming is different. He has been recognized as the ancestor of Gu Wu by the world.

The ancient martial art of body training, one yang finger, and the method of absorbing stars are all true, so the three corpse brain worm pill must also be true.

Qin Mingcheng looked at Su Yong with a trace of pity in his eyes. He really wanted to comfort him. If he offended Chu Ming, he could only be considered lucky for his life.

"come on!"

After thinking for a long time, Qin Mingcheng didn't think of a suitable word to comfort the other party, so he could only cheer Su Yong silently.

Taking one last look at Su Yong, who was in a daze, Qin Mingcheng sighed, and immediately ran after Chu Ming in the direction where Chu Ming left.

That night, Chu Ming received a transfer of 50 million yuan, which was sent by Su Yong.

At the same time, Chu Ming also received the crime written by Su Yong himself, which clearly wrote about how to harm Chu Jianghe.

The more Chu Ming watched, the more angry he became, especially when he saw the name of the second uncle, this anger climbed to the extreme.

It turned out that the second uncle and Su Yong cooperated with each other and secretly replaced the contract materials, which caused the purchase contract of Qiongjiang No. 3 to change, and one of the main materials was replaced by cheap HF60D.

Chu Ming clenched his fists with both hands, and his knuckles creaked.

My father trusted my second uncle very much, and I entrusted him with the management of important things like purchasing raw materials.

Unexpectedly, the other party would do such a tricky thing.

"It's no wonder that the attitudes of my second aunt and my second uncle are so different before and after. It turns out that there are ghosts in my heart."

Chu Ming snorted angrily, and the anger in his heart became more and more intense.

Beside, Qin Mingcheng couldn't help but feel frightened when he saw the change of Chu Ming's expression.

The two were considered friends before, but now he feels that he can't understand each other more and more.

Chu Ming took a deep breath, his expression didn't seem to change at all, but in fact, a storm had already set off in his heart.

"Come here, I'll teach you a set of palm techniques!"

Suddenly, Chu Ming waved to Qin Mingcheng, signaling him to come over.

Qin Mingcheng felt flattered immediately, hurried to Chu Ming's side, and stood up obediently.

Although he didn't know why the other party suddenly wanted to teach him, he knew that he just had to be obedient.

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes and said, "You should have heard of this set of palms. It's called the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. Now I'll teach you the first form. Kanglong has regrets."

While speaking, Chu Ming posed in place and began to explain the principles and methods of palm techniques to Qin Mingcheng.

Qin Mingcheng learned from others. Although he didn't practice it directly, as long as he takes time, he can definitely master this palm.

"The eighteen dragon-subduing palms require extremely high skill, and with your current strength as a second-rank fighter, you can hit one palm at most.

Therefore, when facing the enemy, we must find the right time to use it. If it is used well, it is a killer weapon, and if it is not used well, it is just looking for excitement. "

Qin Ming was ecstatic in his heart. When he pushed his palms according to the method taught by Chu Ming, he could clearly feel the power gathering in his palms.

However, the movement of internal energy is a bit unsmooth, and it is impossible to concentrate the energy in the palm of the hand.

This requires a lot of practice. Only with more practice will the movement of the skill be smoother, and then the palm can be successfully struck.

"Next, I will give you a task!"

Chu Ming's calm words immediately startled Qin Mingcheng.

Come, come, I know that the boss can't teach me how to palm for no reason.

Next, Qin Mingcheng stood obediently in front of Chu Ming,

The attitude is respectful and the expression is extremely dignified.

After pondering for a moment, Chu Ming said, "Go find a lawyer, join hands with Su Yong, and send this person to me."

While speaking, Chu Ming handed the phone to Qin Mingcheng, and asked him to look at the crimes sent by the other party. One of the main characters was his second uncle, Chu Jianghai.

In fact, without Chu Jianghai's secret help, even if Su Yong planned, he would not be able to succeed.

Qin Mingcheng thought for a moment, then patted his chest vigorously, and said, "Boss, don't worry, I also have a few friends in the law firm, and I will definitely handle this matter beautifully."

Chu Ming nodded noncommittally, even if Qin Mingcheng couldn't handle it, the other party's father would definitely be able to help him.

After everything was arranged, Chu Ming was also ready to go out to relax.

He came outside his home and looked at the sealed-up villa, unable to calm down for a long time.

Soon, his father will be able to redress his grievances, and then all of this will come back.

As he walked, he came to the place where he rented a house before he knew it. Chu Ming suddenly remembered the landlord, and immediately walked towards his room.

After such a long time, I don't know if my room has been rented out.

The landlord must have thought that he had fled in fear of crime. After all, he hadn’t paid the rent for three consecutive months and suddenly disappeared. He didn’t run away or something.

Before returning to his own door, Chu Ming took out the key and skillfully opened the door.

At the beginning, Chu Ming was forcibly taken away by Xia Wei's gang, and the room key was not returned to the landlord in time.

Generally speaking, this kind of rental house is too lazy to change the locks, and the previous owner has keys everywhere.

Chu Ming pushed the door open and entered, looked up, and immediately saw a scene with hot eyes.

A man and a woman have no clothes on, working hard on the bed, devoting themselves to the cause of human reproduction, and the scene is in full swing.

Seeing someone suddenly open the door and walk in, the young men and women were frightened and screamed.

The woman hurriedly pulled up the quilt to cover her body, while the man frantically looked for his pants.

"Who are you, horse rider? Who let you in?!"

The man was startled and angry, his pants were put on backwards in a panic, he jumped off the bed, grabbed the bench and threw it at Chu Ming.

As long as you are a normal person, if someone breaks into your door while doing this kind of thing, you will definitely be anxious!

Chu Ming tapped with one hand, and a bright white light erupted from one Yang finger, smashing the bench to pieces in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the man was startled and was too frightened to move on the spot.

When encountering such a thing, Chu Ming was also very speechless.

He originally just wanted to go back to his room to have a look, who the hell would have thought that such a thing would happen?

The more it comes to this kind of time, the more you can't panic.

Theoretically, since Chu Ming has not checked out, this room should belong to Chu Ming.

The pair of young men and women in front of them belonged to illegal occupancy.

Well, that must be the case.

Chu Ming was calm and relaxed. Anyway, he was wearing clothes, so he was not the one who was embarrassed, so he said confidently, "This is my room. I'm on a business trip these days, why do you occupy the magpie's nest?"

"This is the room we just rented today, and the rent has been paid!"

The man said angrily.

Chu Ming smiled calmly and said, "Isn't this a coincidence, I'm also here to pay the rent."

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