My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 54: Hong Meng Comes Again

Over the sky of Mingzhu City, a helicopter gunship roared past, flying towards the Chu family factory.

The propeller rotated rapidly, and the violent roar of the motor attracted the attention of many people.

However, fighter jets often fly overhead these days, and it seems that there is nothing to be surprised about when an armed helicopter appears at this time.

Sitting in the helicopter, Mu Yuan and Xia Wei didn't know what they were thinking, and their expressions were not very good-looking.

The strong wind blew on the two of them, making the clothes on them rattle.

Mu Yuan looked at the ground under his feet, his brows were tightly furrowed, his hair was a little disheveled by the strong wind.

After pondering for a while, Mu Yuan said to Xia Wei: "When you get to the Chu family factory later, you go to discuss the matter with Chu Ming, and I won't go down."

Xia Wei: "???"

Xia Wei was very speechless.

In other words, you know you want to save face, so why don't I?

Of course, Xia Wei definitely didn't dare to say it, so he could only nod honestly at this time.

The leader's arrangement, even if I don't like it in my heart, I can't show it.

"What if he doesn't agree?"

Xia Wei thought for a while, and asked the question in his heart.

Mu Yuan rubbed the center of his brows, looking tiredly at the white clouds in the distance, he couldn't think of a better way for a while.

This time, Chu Ming can't be 'arrested' directly like last time, right?

If they offend the super strong man behind the opponent, the two of them will probably die here.

Even if the strong man behind the opponent didn't make a move, the leaders of the headquarters would have to chop the two into pieces.

"If he disagrees, I will go over and discuss with him in person."

"If you still don't agree, then call Shang Zhijie over."

"If even Shang Zhijie can't invite the other party, then the leader of the headquarters can only do it himself."

Mu Yuan said to Xia Wei in a solemn tone, revealing a strong message in his words:

"You can figure it out by yourself, and try not to bother the leader."

Xia Wei grinned awkwardly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

I can only hope that when I see Chu Ming, the other party can take care of the old relationship.

After all, I have invited the other party to eat noodles, okay?

After a while, the helicopter came over the Chu family factory and landed smoothly on the open space near the south gate.

The strong wind generated by the propeller constantly shakes the surrounding trees, and a large number of leaves are stirred by the wind and blown around.

The security uncle at the gate was terrified, shouted wildly with the walkie-talkie, and reported what he saw as soon as possible.

Soon, Chu Jianghe ran quickly from the office to the south gate with several high-level personnel of the factory, endless questions arose in his heart.

Chu Jianghe was worried, and thought to himself: "Why did an armed helicopter come to my factory? Could it be that the previous case is not over yet, and it is going to be overturned?"

The workshop director followed closely behind Chu Jianghe, and asked in a trembling voice: "Mr. Chu, who is the other party? What are you doing in our factory?"

Chu Jianghe shook his head lightly, and responded: "I don't know yet, first get in touch with the other party, and pay attention later, and don't talk nonsense if you shouldn't say it."

The workshop director and production supervisor nodded one after another to express their understanding.

They have been in the workplace for many years, and they are all veterans, so they still have the ability to adapt to changes.

Soon, the two sides met. Xia Wei was dressed in a neat suit and looked as cold as ever.

He saluted Chu Jianghe with a standard military salute, and said, "Hi, I'm Xia Wei from Hongmeng Training Camp. Nice to meet you."


Hearing the word Hongmeng, Chu Jianghe was shocked, and there was a subtle change on his face.

His father, Chu Tiankuo, was in the Fourteenth Legion of Hongmeng,

Therefore, he still has a certain understanding of Hongmeng.

The Hongmeng Training Camp is a place to send fresh blood to the Hongmeng Legion. What is the other party doing here?

Out of politeness, Chu Jianghe responded to Xia Wei: "Hi, I'm Chu Jianghe, the owner of this factory. May I ask why you are here?"

Hearing Chu Jianghe's name, Xia Wei's expression changed immediately, and a look of joy appeared on his stern face.

"You are Mr. Chu Jianghe, it's very kind."

Xia Wei stepped forward and shook hands with Chu Jianghe cordially.

Chu Jianghe was a little confused, so he asked, "Do you know me?"

Xia Wei said: "It's like thunder!"

Chu Jianghe: "..."

Chu Jianghe gradually frowned, and thought to himself, "Could it be that father sent someone to pick him up?"

With the intrusion of alien beasts, the world became unsafe. Chu Jianghe remembered what his father said more than ten years ago:

If one day the strange beasts break into China, they can go to the Fourteenth Legion of Hongmeng to seek shelter.

Even if your father dies in battle, there are comrades in arms who will protect you.

Thinking of this, Chu Jianghe's eyebrows relaxed, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

The fact that my father sent someone to pick me up meant that my father was still alive and well.

That's great!

Chu Jianghe was overjoyed.

He knew that the Hongmeng Legion was a very dangerous place, and the Hongmeng soldiers were in danger of dying at any time.

All along, Chu Jianghe had prepared for the worst, thinking that his father was gone, but unexpectedly...

"I heard that Chu Ming is here, we are here to find him."

Xia Wei's words interrupted Chu Jianghe's meditation, making the joy in the latter's heart gradually disappear.

"Chu Ming? Why are you looking for him?"

Chu Jianghe's face became stiff, he narrowed his eyes, and gradually guessed the other party's intention.

It was not because of my father.

It turned out to be because of the son.

Chu Ming had already revealed to Chu Jianghe about the Hongmeng training camp before, and said that there was a bit of conflict with the Hongmeng training camp.

The other party made a special trip to find Chu Ming, could it be that he came to seek revenge?

Xia Wei said with a smile: "Chu Ming is here, let him come out for a while, I am an old friend with him, I have something to discuss with him."

Chu Jianghe was expressionless, and responded, "He's not here."

Hearing this, the smile on Xia Wei's face became stiff, and his brows were slightly frowned.

The Hongmeng organization's information will not be wrong, Chu Ming is in this factory, why does the other party not want me to see Chu Ming?

Now, Chu Ming's status is no small matter, Xia Wei did not dare to show dissatisfaction with Chu Jianghe, and immediately explained patiently:

"We came to Chu Ming this time to conduct a friendly cooperation. If he is here, I hope you can introduce him."

Before he knew it, Xia Wei had already used honorific words.

This time, he really didn't want to mess up again.

Reaching out without hitting the smiling person, the other party's attitude is very good, and Chu Jianghe can't say too badly, so he immediately explained:

"I really don't know where that kid is, in fact, I haven't seen him since he was fourteen.

He has a group of cronies and dog friends who hang around outside all day and don't usually go home.

Now I guess I went drinking with those guys again. I can't control him. "

Xia Wei laughed awkwardly. Although he knew that the other party was talking nonsense, he had to listen patiently.

It wasn't until Chu Jianghe finished speaking that Xia Wei asked politely: "Why don't we ask our people to help find it here?"

Chu Jianghe's expression turned serious, and he said displeasedly, "This is not very good, is it?"

"I remember my son said that when you first met him, you had an arrest warrant on you."

"Could it be that you came here this time with a search warrant?"

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