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Chapter 60 International Call for Help

Zhou Guoping has always been very obedient and obeyed his grandmother in everything.

But now, he rebelled once again.

The reason why he came here to open a restaurant was not to make a lot of money, but to practice with the Hongmeng organization.

However, his aptitude was too poor, and he couldn't pass the pass line of the Hongmeng training camp at all, so he couldn't become a Hongmeng fighter.

Now the opportunity has come, he wants to fight with the ancestor of Gu Wu.

So he secretly got into Xia Wei's car with his grandma on his back.

That's right, after the Hongmeng Organization learned about this matter, they naturally followed suit and sent a few more death squads to Mount Taiheng.

If we can really get help from the people of the whole country, maybe this time we will have a chance to wipe out the strange beasts in Taiheng Mountain.

On the Hongmeng chariot, Xia Wei, Shi Gang, Xu Xinhua, Zeng Kailun, Xiao Ya, Fan Mengmeng and others gathered together and went to the battlefield in uniform.

Everyone looked at Zhou Guoping curiously, but they were not surprised that he appeared here.

The most combative guy in the entire Hongmeng training camp should be this little chef with pretty good skills!

"Zhou Guoping, if you just leave like this, aren't you afraid grandma will worry?"

Fan Mengmeng asked curiously.

Zhou Guoping responded in a low voice: "I entrusted grandma to Ah Liang and the others. I'll be back in a few days. It's fine."

"Are you really all right?"

"Should be all right?"

Zhou Guoping became less and less confident. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the training camp, feeling inexplicably heavy.

Grandma, I'll be back soon, so don't be angry.

When the vehicle left the Hongmeng training camp, the grandma who had been sitting in the room sighed softly.

"What should come will always come, and you can't stop it!"

She raised her head suddenly, a flash of determination flashed on her old face, and a flash of light flashed in her originally extremely cloudy eyes.

"Twenty-two years, for a promise, I have endured for twenty-two years!"

"I have already paid off what I owed you, and you don't have to pay back what you owe me."

"In this life, if we meet, we will be divided into life and death!"

Grandma got up, leaning on a cane, as if stepping on waves, she left the small restaurant tremblingly.

At the same time, Hongmeng headquarters.

Lan Canghai, Qi Yuanshan, Wei Zhongyuan, Shang Zhijie, Murong Xue and others gathered together and were holding an emergency meeting.

There is a thick stack of documents on the desktop, there are hundreds of them.

These are distress letters sent from various countries.

Space portals are not only found in China, in fact, they have appeared on all continents, such as the region where North America is located, some space portals have fallen.

Now the whole world is being threatened by alien beasts. Many countries are unable to resist the attack of alien beasts. A large amount of land has fallen and countless people have been swallowed up.

At this critical juncture, Huaxia spread a kung fu method called Ancient Martial Body Refining Technique, which can cultivate a large number of strong people at an extremely fast speed.

They learned that in China now, all the people are armed, and everyone can fight.

Therefore, these countries hope that the Hongmeng organization can send troops to help them resist the attack of alien beasts.

"Let's take a look, what's your opinion?"

Lan Canghai looked at the distress letter and asked everyone.

Qi Yuanshan thought for a while and responded: "The Hongmeng Legion must not move. Now that the situation in the alien battlefield has finally stabilized, we must not withdraw troops from the battlefield."

Wei Zhongyuan said: "China has a vast territory, and the number of space portals ranks among the best among countries. We have more places to defend than them!"

Lan Canghai slowly put down the document in his hand, and said, "Although that's the case, we Huaxia took precautions, but they didn't."

Qi Yuanshan immediately interrupted Lan Canghai's words, saying: "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we didn't guard against them, those strange beasts are still in Taiheng Mountain!"

Lan Canghai nodded noncommittally,

Said: "In comparison, we are on guard."

Hearing this, everyone nodded silently.

That's right, now Huaxia is chasing the alien beast, as long as it can find the opponent, there is a way to kill it.

But on other continents, alien beasts are chasing humans.

As the number of devouring human beings increased, the strength of the alien beasts continued to evolve. In North America alone, there were thousands of alien beasts in the True Vessel Realm.

This is an extremely terrifying force.

If it is not stopped as soon as possible, the scene may completely get out of control.

Everyone has a hunch that it won't be long before the North American United Organization will use a nuclear bomb.

However, once the nuclear bomb is used, most of the land in North America will be abandoned.

"Wei Zhongyuan, what do you think?"

Seeing that Wei Zhongyuan remained silent, Lan Canghai immediately asked.

Wei Zhongyuan pondered for a moment, then responded: "Actually, I was thinking that almost all Chinese people are warriors now, and their strength is not low. Can the Hongmeng Legion expand its recruitment?"

Hearing this, Qi Yuanshan, Shang Zhijie, Murong Xue and others all looked at Lan Canghai, wanting to know his answer.

In the previous Hongmeng training camp, as long as the strength reached the third rank or above, there was a chance to join the Hongmeng Legion.

Under normal circumstances, the top students in each class are around the fifth rank.

Now China's per capita combat power is rank seven, which has far exceeded the entry qualification of the Hongmeng Legion.

Therefore, expanding enrollment should be a very simple matter now.

Lan Canghai shook his head lightly, and retorted: "If you want to become a member of the Hongmeng Legion, you can't just look at strength, but also look at discipline."

"When it comes to the battlefield, strength is part of it, but discipline is the key to winning."

"If a team can't comply with the order and prohibition, even if it is empty-handed, it may be buried in the belly of a strange beast."

Everyone nodded silently, Lan Canghai had reached the crux of the problem.

Ordinary people have not been trained, and if they really want to go to the battlefield in another world, they will easily lose themselves.

If you can't follow the orders in a timely and accurate manner, don't rush when you should go up, and don't leave when you should retreat, it is very likely that the entire army will be wiped out.

Enrollment expansion is possible, but sufficient training must be completed.

"So, how do we deal with these countries' requests for help?"

Murong Xue, who had been silent all this time, asked softly.

This is where she has the lowest official position, and she doesn't have much confidence in speaking.

With a wave of his hand, Lan Canghai pushed aside the thick rescue letter in front of him, and said, "No, we are all on fire, how can we have the ability to save them?"

"If Chu Ming makes a move, it's almost the same."

Thinking of this, Lan Canghai looked at Wei Zhongyuan solemnly, and asked, "Do you know why? Why did Chu Ming suddenly publish the first seven layers of the ancient martial arts body training technique on the Internet?"

Wei Zhongyuan shook his head lightly, and said with a wry smile: "I can't guess what he's thinking at all. We asked so many times before and didn't give the following exercises. I didn't expect to send them out on our own initiative now."

Qi Yuanshan nodded and said: "Perhaps it was an order from the expert behind him. Now everyone in China has practiced his exercises. If the other party has some ulterior secrets, it will be a big trouble."

Hearing this, Lan Canghai's expression changed in vain, as if he had thought of something bad.

Should it be?

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