My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 63 The Arrogant Ancient Martial Family

Of course Chu Ming would not kill his little brother, he was just a little curious, what did the other party do to have so much karma.

So, Chu Ming asked Qin Ming's idiom earnestly: "What have you done to your heart before? Killed someone?"

Hearing Chu Ming's words, Qin Mingcheng was so frightened that his face turned ashen, and he responded: "Boss, I'm wronged, I've never committed murder or arson."

Qin Mingcheng is the same as Chu Ming before him, a proper playboy.

To say that they are arrogant and domineering, there must be some, but they dare not do things that violate the law and discipline.

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes, and continued to ask: "Then tell me, are you cheating?"

Qin Mingcheng smiled wryly again and again, he pondered for a long time, seemed to think of something, and responded, "Does the ex-girlfriend count?"


Chu Ming raised his eyebrows and regained his energy.

Qin Mingcheng coughed dryly, and muttered in a low voice: "Let me count, how many ex-girlfriends are there?

Only those who have a confirmed relationship can be counted, and those who have had sex without a confirmed relationship cannot be counted.

Well, there are about twenty-three or so. "

Hearing this, Chu Ming almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

What the hell, you bastard is less than twenty years old this year, right?

The speed of changing girlfriends is a bit frequent.

Also, what do you mean if you have been in bed and have no definite relationship?

It seems that you have cheated a lot of girls!

With so many girlfriends, someone might have had an abortion for him.

What a beast!

Chu Ming suddenly knew why the other party had so many karma, and it was all done.

Seeing Chu Ming's unkind expression, Qin Mingcheng was startled, and hurriedly explained: "I have been a sentimental person since I was a child, and when I saw weak girls, I wanted to protect them.

Unfortunately, I am not capable enough to protect everyone.

Now at last I understand a certain great poet.

There are tens of thousands of mansions in Ande, and all the poor people in the world are happy! "

"Okay, shut up now!"

Chu Ming rubbed the center of his eyebrows, and stopped talking to the other party.

What the hell, people are more popular than people, and there are many people who don't have girlfriends. You have caused so many disasters by yourself!


A few hours later, Chu Ming landed at the foot of Taiheng Mountain with Qin Mingcheng, Liao Bo, Pang Quanyong, Zhou Zhihao and others.

I don’t know if I don’t come, I’m startled when I come.

In such a vast and vast Taiheng Mountain, there is no place to land.

But all the flat places are crowded with people.

In the end, Chu Ming and others found an empty bush and landed, and finally landed safely.

The arrival of the helicopter has attracted the attention of many people. After all, the identity of the guy who can ride the helicopter is not simple.

Under the attention of everyone, Chu Ming brought Qin Mingcheng and others to the open space outside Taiheng Mountain.

Everyone looked at Chu Ming and others carefully for a while, and found that there was nothing special about this group of people, so they stopped paying attention.

The ancient martial art of body training is well known in the world, but as the author of this book, basically no one knows it.

Chu Ming likes this feeling very much, he doesn't want to be a public figure.

If you want to be an Internet celebrity, you don't have to hide it when you first recorded the video.

At this moment, there was another roar in the sky, and a formation of fifty helicopters flew from the northeast.

This time, everyone was shocked.

Who is the comer, that there is such a big crowd?

Could it be that the person who came was Gu Wu Patriarch?

Thinking of this, everyone boiled and began to cheer loudly.

Chu Ming also raised his head and looked towards the direction of the helicopter formation. When he saw the soaring gray aura, he couldn't help frowning.

"What's the situation? Why are there so many karma?"

The gray breath representing karma has turned black,

God knows how many sins those people have done.

At this moment, Chu Ming's eyes became cold, and a terrifying murderous aura brewed in his heart.

Perhaps because of the influence of the system, when he saw the karma, he had an urge to take action.


Chu Ming took a deep breath and reminded himself to be calm.

There are too many karma in this world, even if you try your best, it is impossible to eliminate them, so there is no need to add obstacles to yourself.

As long as the other party doesn't come to provoke me, I don't need to deliberately find trouble for the other party.

At this moment, a few black spots suddenly appeared in the sky, and then became densely packed.

Seeing this scene, all the people below who were looking forward to it showed shocking expressions.

"Look, someone jumped down!"

Everyone's eyesight was good, and they saw the dense black spots appearing in the sky, which turned out to be a single figure.

The people on the helicopter jumped off directly.

So awesome, so cool!

Everyone couldn't help cheering, this must be the ancestor of Gu Wu.

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes, looked at the figures in the sky, and found that they were all wearing wingsuits and gliding devices, he couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

Okay, you guys win this wave of pretense!

In fact, the people at the scene are all seventh-rank warriors, and warriors of this level can easily jump from a height of several thousand meters wearing a wingsuit sliding device.

Nothing to fuss about.

However, although the strength of the people at the scene has been greatly improved, they still do not have a clear positioning of their own strength.

Therefore, in their eyes, these warriors who descended from the sky are quite powerful.

Soon, more than three hundred figures flew down and landed in an open space not far away.

The people who had gathered there avoided one after another, making room for these strong men.

After the more than 300 figures successfully landed, more than 50 helicopters landed in the bushes not far away, and the propellers rotated violently, shaking the vegetation on the ground.

At this moment, the whole area became quiet.

Although everyone had been cheering just now, when the other party really appeared in front of him, the strong imposing coercion was truly revealed.

More than three hundred people came here, exuding a strong evil spirit, making everyone breathless.

Hu Haichuan, Liang Yuchen, Zhao Yifei and others stood proudly, looking at the crowd gathered around with disdain, their expressions were extraordinarily arrogant.

Those who came were all from the ancient martial arts family.

This time, they came here not to exterminate the alien beasts, but to express their opinion.

They want to make a high-profile comeback. In addition to the Hongmeng organization, the entire Huaxia has the ancient martial arts family to respect.

To be precise, when the Hongmeng Legion is busy dealing with the foreign battlefield, in China, everything should be decided by the ancient martial arts family.

Hu Haichuan glanced over the crowd gloomyly, and finally landed on Qin Mingcheng's private helicopter.

Presumably this is a helicopter purchased by rich people in the mundane society, and today I want to let them know that no matter how rich the mundane people are, they are nothing but ants in the eyes of the ancient samurai family.

He wants to stand up!

Thinking of this, Hu Haichuan sneered, pulled out the big knife behind him with a bang, and with all his strength, he slashed towards the helicopter angrily.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

Who is the visitor?

Why so rampant?

Why do you want to hack other people's helicopters?

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