My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 65 Nothing Good

On the battlefield, everyone was shocked.

No one thought that the powerful Lu Dazhuang would be severely injured by the opponent in just one encounter.

Moreover, from the beginning to the end, the opponent didn't seem to move much, and the latter's attack was rebounded with a shock of the body.

That's right, a rebound.

Everyone clearly saw that the shadow of Lu Dazhuang's fist was reflected back from another direction, and he was caught off guard and was severely injured.

Look at the location of the serious injury.

Hiss, it hurts to look at it!

Liang Yuchen and Zhao Yifei stepped forward in a hurry, helped Lu Dazhuang who was rolling on the ground, and quickly pulled him back into the team.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Ming had severely injured the two masters of the ancient martial arts family.

Everyone couldn't help breathing fast, and they all looked at Chu Ming with a hint of fear in their eyes.

The members of the ancient martial arts family appeared in front of the ordinary people in a high-profile manner. They wanted to give the ordinary people a blow, but they didn't expect to kick the iron plate with their first kick.

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the more than 300 members of the ancient martial arts family present.

These people are more or less entangled with gray karma, which shows that they are not good things.

Some people's karma is so thick that it cannot be resolved, and they must have had human lives on their hands.

The anger in Chu Ming's heart became more and more intense, and gradually he couldn't suppress it.


Chu Ming growled secretly, and quickly suppressed his anger.

He tried his best to maintain a normal state of mind, always reflecting on whether he was affected by the system.

Based on the information sent to him by the system, he wished that he would use the Tathagata Palm again to slap these dirty-handed guys into hell.

At this moment, Chu Ming's eyes fell on a figure behind the crowd.

The man was about forty years old, with a square face, short hair, and a big gold tooth in his mouth.

The reason why Chu Ming focused on him was because the karma on his body was so thick that it turned black, and he must have done something evil.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming's whole body was shaken, Lingbo microsteps appeared under his feet, and his figure suddenly became in a daze.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light flashed, and the two-meter-long golden dragon claw reappeared out of thin air, and accurately grabbed the karma-ridden guy.

Chu Ming turned around and returned to the position where he was standing before.

And his right hand grasped through the air, and pulled it violently, directly pulling a certain big man in the crowd.

The Dragon Capture Kung Fu is fierce and domineering. If it weren't for the golden phantom that looks like a dragon claw, Chu Ming felt that this kung fu was more like an excavator.

Cai Heqiang was originally standing in the crowd like everyone else, but suddenly saw a golden light flash in front of him, and his whole body was inexplicably restrained.

Before he had time to react, a strong pulling force appeared out of thin air, directly pulling him into the air, and fell heavily to the ground.

Looking up, he saw a young face.

Chu Ming looked at Cai Heqiang who fell in front of him, and the murderous aura in his heart raged wildly.

In fact, this person has no grievances or enmities with himself.

However, the other party has too much karma, which is not tolerated by the system.

The system subconsciously wants to eliminate these karma-filled bastards, and Chu Ming, as the host, should help carry it out.

However, Chu Ming doesn't want to become a ruthless killer. He must at least know the cause and effect, and then decide what to do next.

"System, I can feel your wishes, but I may not be able to do what you want before I don't know what the other party has done."

Chu Ming pondered in his heart, trying to communicate with the system.

The system is naturally unresponsive.

The system is more like an inherent program setting, which can only execute certain commands step by step.

In fact, the system has no ideology. From the system's point of view, eliminating karma can be exchanged for merit. It is just urging the host to obtain merit.

Chu Ming looked at Cai Heqiang unkindly, and asked in a cold voice, "Give you a chance to live, and tell me what you have done that angered people?"

Cai Heqiang was restrained by the Dragon Capturing Kung Fu, and his bones were pinched. At this moment, he raised his head in pain, and gritted his teeth: "I am a good person, and I have never done anything bad."

Hearing this, Chu Ming secretly frowned.

Could it be that you wronged the other party?

How to prove that the other party is a good person or a bad person?

Thinking of this, Chu Ming took out his mobile phone, took a photo of Cai Heqiang, and sent it to his circle of book friends.

[Dear book friends, has anyone seen this person before? How is his character? 】

The average number of people online in the book circle of ancient martial arts training is more than 700 million. After the author said that the airborne book circle, all the book friends were shocked.

"Fuck, the ancient martial ancestor has appeared, everyone come and worship!"

"This picture is a bit interesting. Is Gu Wu Patriarch trying to use the picture to teach the law?"

"Why does the person in the picture look so familiar? Could it be Boss Cai of the Magic City?"

"The one who stepped on the horse was indeed Boss Cai. Why is this bastard still alive? Didn't the dead souls under the dozen or so real estate seek his life?"

"Fuck, why is the picture of Guwu Patriarch so familiar? Isn't this the scene in front of me?"

"So, Guwu Patriarch is right beside us. According to the angle of the picture, Patriarch should be in front of me on the left."

"I have to go and have a look, today I want to pay homage to the ancestors in person!"

Chu Ming swiped through the post he just posted, and the water reached more than 30,000 floors in the blink of an eye.

The information inside is very complicated, and there is everything to say, but after Chu Ming scanned hundreds of useful information, he has basically confirmed one thing.

This Cai Heqiang is not a good thing.

He should be a real estate developer. During the development of the real estate, he had conflicts with the local villagers.

The results speak for themselves.

A typical unscrupulous profiteer, a super vampire.

Chu Ming began to understand the system, and this kind of scum should be killed directly.

Chu Ming glanced at the other party coldly, but did not act immediately.

There were too many people at the scene, even if Cai Heqiang did all kinds of evil, he has no right to use lynching in public.

Bad influence.

But when you get to a place where no one is there, it's hard to say.

For example, after entering Taiheng Mountain, if Cai Heqiang dies, it is very likely that he was bitten to death by a strange beast.

Although Cai Heqiang is still alive, Chu Ming has already sentenced him to death with a two-hour reprieve.

Chu Ming glanced gloomyly at the more than 300 members of the ancient martial arts family at the scene, and had already made a decision in his heart.

Just relying on the strong karma emanating from the other party, shooting all of these people, absolutely no one will be wronged.

Since the ancient martial arts family is so powerful, then give them a chance.

Aren't you strong enough to form a team and enter Taiheng Mountain to encircle and suppress alien beasts.

If the remaining sixty strange beasts could be wiped out, maybe some people could wash away some of their karma.

If not, then Chu Ming can only do it.

Chu Ming kicked Cai Heqiang to the ground, took advantage of the situation, put away the Dragon Capture Kung Fu, cast gloomy eyes at everyone, and said loudly:

"I think you all have good strength, why don't you form a team and enter Taiheng Mountain to destroy the alien beasts, okay?"

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