My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 67 Earthlings Are Too Strong

Inside Taiheng Mountain, in a lush virgin forest.

The air here is extremely humid, the tall trees block out the sky, and the sun cannot reach the ground, making the entire forest look extremely gloomy.

Thick fallen leaves piled up on the ground, most of them rotting, making the place smelly and suffocating.

Among the tumbling waves of leaves, more than sixty strange beasts were quietly hidden here, like strange stones buried in the leaves, extremely cold and hard.

Not long after, a strange beast looted from a distance, and there was a little fear in its scarlet eyes.

As soon as he came here, the tentacles on the forehead of the strange beast trembled at high speed.

At the same time, the strange beasts hiding in the leaves raised their heads one after another, revealing their dirty and embarrassed bodies.

The strange beast that just came here looked flustered and was talking anxiously.

This is the scout of the alien beast, who is specially responsible for inquiring about intelligence.

Just now, he detected a large number of strong human beings sweeping towards this place.

The most important thing is that the strength of these humans has undergone earth-shaking changes, completely different from the villages they slaughtered before.

The Beastmaster silently listened to the scout's narration, panting heavily.

It was still wounded, having been hit by at least seven portable missiles in the previous battle.

Although he didn't die outside, he didn't feel well, and he was seriously injured at this time.

The beast king's scarlet eyes were fixed on the distance, with a fierce evil spirit flowing all over his body, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After listening to the report from his scouts, the Scarlet Eyed Beastmaster didn't react too much. It stood quietly, as if waiting for something.

A moment later, another strange beast came rushing from a distance, breaking down many trees along the way, and the attack was very urgent.


The tentacles trembled at high speed, and invisible ripples spread in all directions instantly.

As soon as he arrived at the place where the alien beasts gathered, the scout alien anxiously reported his investigation information.

Soon, the scarlet-eyed beast king became a little anxious, and his thick limbs walked subconsciously on the ground, rustling the rotten leaves.

According to the scouts' investigation, a large number of strong human beings were found in the north and east, and they were rapidly approaching this place.

Not long after, the scouts responsible for exploring the south and west returned together, and the news they brought back was basically the same.

It wasn't until this moment that the scarlet-eyed beast king realized that he was actually surrounded by humans.

what to do?

The scarlet-eyed beast king was very anxious, looking at the defeated soldiers under his command, he was burning with anxiety for a while.


The scarlet-eyed beast king was extremely angry, and immediately roared, breaking a huge tree in front of him.

The different beasts were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe, subconsciously lowered their heads, filled with despair.

These strange beasts come from another world, and their intelligence is not weaker than that of humans. They can clearly know that the current situation they are in is extremely passive.

The plan to invade the earth does not seem to be going well. The human beings here are surprisingly powerful, which is seriously inconsistent with the previously explored intelligence.

At this moment, a well-proportioned strange beast seemed to think of something, and immediately took two steps forward, its tentacles trembling slightly.

It is a counselor among the alien beasts, and it is using their unique way to communicate with the red-eyed beast king.

"My lord, when we attacked this world, there were several other lords attacking from other portals. We can try to contact them and see if we can get rescued."

Hearing the sound transmission from the counselor's alien beast, the eyes of the scarlet-eyed beast king suddenly lit up.

That's right, at that time all the beast kings attacked the earth at the same time, many of them should have succeeded, you can ask them for help!

Thinking of this, the scarlet-eyed beast king suddenly trembled,

Here comes the spirit.

It raised its head high, the tentacles above its forehead vibrated wildly, and a special energy wave spread in all directions.

As the diffusion range increases, the ripple spreads faster and faster.

With the Taiheng Mountains as the center line, a dense energy ripple network swept across the world, covering seven continents and eight oceans.

Meanwhile, southern Europe.

The bustling city has turned into ruins, gunpowder smoke is everywhere, and the ground is stained with blood. Countless strange beasts are looking for food here, devouring many humans.

A black-headed beast king stepped on the ruins with all four feet, his heart full of heroism.

The long-cherished wish of many years finally came true. It successfully broke into the earth and occupied the space portal connecting the two worlds.

With this space portal, one's own ethnic group can continuously enter the earth.

After breaking into the earth, it was not in a hurry to destroy human beings.

It needs to gain a firm foothold first, and only after the newly occupied territory is stable can it expand further.

At this moment, the black-armored beast king suddenly raised his head, and the tentacles on his forehead trembled at high speed.

It received a call for help from the Scarlet Eyed Beast King.

At the same time, the Beastmasters in Africa, Oceania, North America, South America and other places also received the distress signal from the Scarlet Eyed Beastmaster and joined the group chat one after another.

The scarlet-eyed beast king said anxiously: "Comrades, the group I lead has suffered a devastating blow, and now there are only about 60 beasts left in the team, please help."

After receiving the feedback from the Scarlet Eyed Beastmaster, many Beastmasters showed puzzled expressions.

The black-armored beast king said via voice transmission: "Chimu, your race is too weak, isn't it? Such a weak human race beat you down to more than 60 beasts?"

Hearing the voice transmission of the black-armored beast king, the scarlet-eyed beast king became angry immediately.

"Who said that the human race is weak? The information is definitely wrong. The weakest human race here can be compared to the seventh-order body training beast!"

Hearing the sound transmission of the scarlet-eyed beast king, all the beast kings were startled for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

"Chimu, are you kidding me? The human beings here are obviously vulnerable, even our weakest first-order body-refining beast."

"Hei Jia, don't give me nonsense, what I said is true, come here quickly, if you don't come again, I won't be able to stand it anymore!"

"Chimu, you bastard is the worst thing. I suspect that you are playing with me. Everyone give feedback on their respective situations. How is the combat effectiveness of your humans there?"

Hearing the voice transmission of the black-armored beast king, the multi-eared beast king in Africa was the first to respond: "The humans here are vulnerable, and there is no big problem except that they don't look delicious."

The giant-tailed beast king in North America responded: "The humans here are also very weak, but their thermal weapons are really good, and they killed a lot of my beasts."

The fang beast king in South America responded concisely: "The human beings here are weak, one bite at a time, crunchy!"

The Claw Beastmaster of Oceania responded: "The human beings here are also very weak, but the number is a bit small and there is not enough food. Who can divide me?"

Listening to the voice transmission of the major beast kings, the red-eyed beast king fell into chaos.

Are you kidding me?

The people on earth are obviously very powerful, not only powerful, but also large in number, the entire mountain range is surrounded by them, okay?

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