My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 76 Shocking the World

The ground was stained red with blood, the corpses of strange beasts were everywhere, and the whole mountain forest was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Among the pile of alien beast corpses, a figure stood proudly.

His eyes were downcast, his waist was straight, and he exuded an incomparably sharp aura.

He was surrounded by evil spirits, like a god of killing, exuding an unruly spirit that should not be entered by strangers.

Like a sharp knife out of its sheath, it shows its sharpness.

Chu Ming looked cold on the surface, but he was already happy in his heart.

His whole body has been wrapped in endless merit energy, and his spirit is surrounded by warm merit energy.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a strange beast, merit reward +10. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a strange beast, merit reward +10. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a strange beast, merit reward +10. 】


The system prompts that appeared one after another, like the most beautiful sounds of nature, made Chu Ming feel refreshed and extremely comfortable.

Not to mention the merit energy obtained by eliminating the karmic barriers of different animals, the merit rewarded by the system alone is as much as 700 points.

In fact, Chu Ming is not very clear about the use of these merits.

But he knew that it must be good for him.

On the edge of the battlefield, a well-dressed young woman was holding up her mobile phone and broadcasting the live broadcast excitedly.

The strong wind messed up her red-dyed hair, just like her frantic heart at this moment, her whole voice was trembling.

"Have you seen it, babies? All the beasts have been killed! Patriarch Gu Wu is really amazing."

"Look at his posture, his footsteps are light, like fairy shoes, his whereabouts are erratic, he is like a man like the wind."

"Look at his fingertips. Every time he pops out, he can shoot out sword energy. You may not be able to feel it if you are far away. I feel my skin hurts here. The sword light is too sharp."

"I used to think that Patriarch Gu Wu was a white-haired old man, but I never thought that he was actually a handsome young man."

"Patriarch Gu Wu is so handsome, a beauty deserves a hero, I think I can be worthy of Patriarch Gu Wu, I love it."

The red-haired beauty approached the battlefield while broadcasting the live broadcast, wanting the water friends to see it more clearly.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were naturally shocked when they heard the words of the red-haired beauty.

Although everyone did not come to the scene, they could still feel the tragedy of the battle through the screen.

Especially the contrast between the battles before and after made people realize how powerful Chu Ming is.

At the beginning, there were so many people beating around the strange beasts, not only did not kill any of them, but several people were scratched by the strange beasts.

On the other hand, when Patriarch Gu Wu made a move, it was like chopping melons and vegetables, and all the strange beasts seemed vulnerable in front of him.

The screen of the live broadcast was full of barrages praising the ancestor of Guwu. People looked at the dense barrage, and it seemed that they could hear the hoarse roar of netizens across the screen.

The girls are not to be outdone, and the most common phrase on the barrage is this sentence:

"Patriarch Guwu is awesome, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

People throughout China and even the world have entered the excitement.

There were many people who started the live broadcast of this operation to exterminate the alien beasts. Everyone showed the scene of Chu Ming killing the alien beasts vividly from various angles and multiple cameras.

The video of Chu Ming destroying the herd of alien beasts by himself first spread throughout China, and then it was broadcast on a large scale around the world.

Compared with other countries using nuclear bombs to repel hordes of alien beasts, Huaxia's approach is absolutely green and pollution-free.

The point is, Chu Ming's strength is too strong.

No one thought that a person's strength could be so strong.

The sword light that bloomed from the fingertips was like the sharpest existence in the world, shocking everyone's mind.

You know, this is a live broadcast, there is no post-production, no special effects, everything happened in real.

Foreign friends stared at the screen for a long time, feeling deeply from the bottom of their hearts.

Is this Chinese Kung Fu?

so amazing!

I want to apprentice, I want to go to Huaxia!

Many international friends traveled thousands of miles to Huaxia, hoping to meet Patriarch Gu Wu, and tried their best to become Patriarch Gu Wu's apprentice.

As for whether it will succeed, only God knows.

"Boss, you are too powerful!"

Xu Mingcheng came to Chu Ming's side and said excitedly.

Chu Ming took a deep breath, temporarily suppressed the joy in his heart, and said in a calm voice: "What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and arrange for someone to bring the body of the alien beast back?"

The corpse of the alien beast is a good thing.

According to the news released by the Ancient Martial Arts Research Institute not long ago, the body of the alien beast contains a wealth of energy. Ordinary people can strengthen their bodies by eating it, and warriors can improve their strength by eating it.

Therefore, Chu Ming planned to take all the corpses of these strange beasts back.

Hearing Chu Ming's order, Qin Mingcheng nodded vigorously and said, "Don't worry, boss, now we have enough people, and we can carry them back."

During this period of time, people have been joining Chu Ming's team. In just half a day, the number has soared to more than 2,000.

After Chu Ming learned about this matter, he stopped in time. Two thousand people are enough, and at the current stage, there is no need for so many people.

Next, under the arrangement of Qin Mingcheng, everyone worked together to lift up the body of the strange beast, preparing to carry it all the way out of Taiheng Mountain, and then transport the body back with a truck.

It has to be said that more people means more strength. The corpses of more than sixty strange beasts were quickly cleaned up and carried away by Chu Ming's men.

Seeing this scene, Murong Xue immediately found Chu Ming.

"Chu Ming, you can't take these corpses away."

Murong Xue said coldly.

Chu Ming paused and looked at him curiously.

Not long ago, Murong Xue invited Chu Ming to join the Hongmeng organization, but the latter resolutely refused.

Chu Ming really wanted to know why the other party wouldn't let him take the body of the strange beast away.

In fact, Murong Xue is also very entangled. The leader of the headquarters asked her to invite Chu Ming to join Hongmeng. Even if the other party disagrees, she must find a way to build a good relationship with him.

However, the resources of alien beasts are too important to the Hongmeng organization, and she must keep these resources.

Murong Xue's eyes were cold, and she said indifferently:

"When I came, the top management of the organization had already said that Hongmeng has always been responsible for the matter of the strange beast, and the corpse of the strange beast must be sent to the Guwu Research Institute."

Hearing this, Chu Ming couldn't help but be amused, this kind of approach is really majestic!

At this moment, Chu Ming's face was as gloomy as water, and he asked in a cold voice: "When the beasts eat people, what are you Hongmeng organizations doing?"

Murong Xue's expression froze, and there was a trace of panic in her eyes.

However, she quickly hid the panic and responded calmly, "The Hongmeng organization has sent a death squad, but they have not been able to find the whereabouts of the strange beast."

"In other words, what the Hongmeng organization sent is just a bunch of trash?"


Murong Xue's complexion changed suddenly. Over the years, no one has ever dared to disrespect the Hongmeng organization.

Chu Ming was the first one who dared to call the Hongmeng organization trash.

Chu Ming didn't care about Murong Xue's thoughts at all, and said in a cold voice:

"Go back and tell your leaders that I, Chu Ming, have no intention of being an enemy of Hongmeng. If you insist on going your own way, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

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