After the book friend group was released, it was already full in less than a minute.

No way, the maximum number of book friend groups is only 3,000, but there are more than tens of millions of people who want to join the group.

Such a small number of book friends is completely a drop in the bucket.

First come, first served, those who failed to come in can only mean that their fate has not arrived, so they have to wait for the next time.

Chu Ming did not break his promise, and released the entire set of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to the group in the form of documents.

For the Chinese people, with the body protection of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, there is no need to be afraid even if strange beasts break in again in the future.

It can be imagined that if one day, a herd of alien beasts rushed into Huaxia and found that the human beings here are all powerful and terrifying, it would be fun.

Everything is relative, when humans are strong enough, the beasts are relatively weak.

On that day, when a strange beast breaks into Huaxia, it is like a herd of sheep entering a tiger's lair, and they are caught and boiled in minutes.

It was exhilarating to think about.

However, the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon is different from the ancient martial art of body training. The ancient martial art of body training is beyond the existence of the heavenly level. Chinese people can succeed as long as they practice.

However, the cultivation of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms is not so easy.

The level of practice of this method has a great relationship with personal qualifications.

Among the first 15 people who joined Chu Ming's team, each of them got the technique of subduing the dragon's eighteen palms, but there were great differences in their strength levels.

The one who has improved the most is Qin Mingcheng. Now, he has practiced the first five palms of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

However, depending on the situation, the fifth palm is his bottleneck, no matter how hard he tries, he can't practice the sixth palm.

The situation of the others was even worse. Liao Bo only managed to practice the first three palms and then stopped. Pang Quanyong and Zhou Zhihao had practiced the first two palms.

Therefore, Chu Ming did not have the slightest psychological pressure to pass on the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

Anyway, no matter how they practiced, they were all scum in front of him.

Qin Mingcheng found Chu Ming, and asked with embarrassment: "Boss, why don't we start a few more groups, the comment section is almost overturned, and the book friends who didn't join have opinions."

"Don't worry, within a day, group files will be flying all over the sky, even people who don't join the group can get them."

Chu Ming didn't worry about everyone's reposting level at all. Regardless of the fact that only 3,000 people received the document, it won't be long before the whole of China can see this exercise document as long as there are groups.

Qin Mingcheng laughed and scratched his head in embarrassment.

It seems to be the case.

"Boss, how are those strange beasts going to eat? I found the best cook in Mingzhu City. He has hosted state banquets and appeared on variety shows before, so he is quite a star."

Hearing Qin Mingcheng's words, Chu Ming stared at him immediately, and said, "I just know how to eat, and strange beasts are full of treasures. Don't you know how to study them first?"

The corner of Qin Mingcheng's mouth twitched. He clearly remembered that on the way to bring the strange beast back, it was the boss who said he wanted to kill and eat it.

At that time, the boss was still discussing with himself, should it be steamed or braised? Is it fried or grilled? Are the bones hard? Do you want a pressure cooker? Spicy or salt baked?

Chu Ming patted Qin Mingcheng on the shoulder and said, "The biggest pharmaceutical factory in Pearl City knows about it?"

Qin Mingcheng nodded subconsciously and said, "I know."

"Go to their boss and talk to them, and tell them that we want to cooperate with them and ask them to help with the study of strange beasts."

Hearing this, Qin Mingcheng suddenly realized.

Oh, it turns out that the boss wants others to help him study the strange beasts.

"Okay, I see, as long as their boss agrees, I will immediately pull the strange beast over."

Qin Mingcheng said with a smile, feeling that this matter is simply too simple.

Hearing this, Chu Ming stared, and slapped him on the head.

"Who the hell told you to pull the beast over?"

Qin Mingcheng was dumbfounded by Chu Ming's slap,

How to study without pulling the beast over?

Chu Ming took a deep breath, with a look of hating iron but not steel, and said: "Talking about cooperation is just a cover. The point is that you go to understand the personnel structure there, spread the news, and try to recruit some people. We are going to do it ourselves." .”


Qin Mingcheng was stunned.

Chu Ming said: "Now that the space portal is wide open, the earth and the other world will be connected sooner or later, and an all-out war between humans and alien beasts will soon break out.

Only by having a thorough understanding of alien beasts can we be invincible in future wars.

We want to set up our own research institute to deepen research in various aspects such as medicine, biology, and bionics.

I have a hunch that it will be of great use in the future. "

Qin Mingcheng kept nodding his head, on the surface he looked very clear, but in his heart he looked bewildered.

It should take a lot of money to set up a research institute, right?

Is it really useful to set up this thing?

In fact, Chu Ming had planned this for a long time, but he never put it into action.

If you want to improve in the future, you must develop in an all-round way.

Establishing a research institute is only the first step. He has a big heart and a steady pace, step by step until reaching the peak.

After arranging this matter, Chu Ming went home.

There are still two levels of his ancient martial arts training that he hasn't practiced yet. He really wants to know, what tasks can the system release after the training of ancient martial arts training is completed?

At the same time, in the central part of China, Gancheng was built.

The members of the ancient martial arts family are holding an emergency meeting. Liang Yuchen, Zhao Yifei and others are sitting in danger. Even Hu Haichuan and Lu Dazhuang, who are seriously injured, are here.

After the beast suppression operation was over, the members of the ancient martial arts family were put together by Chu Ming. Not only were Cai Heqiang killed, but even the more than fifty helicopters they drove past were impounded.

Of course, more than 50 pilots were also detained.

Those who participated in the beast suppression operation were all the younger generations of the ancient martial arts family. After returning, they immediately notified the family elders.

After the representatives of the major families heard the news, they were all shocked, so this emergency meeting was held.

There were a lot of people present, a total of fifty-six family representatives came here.

Most of the young people who participated in the beast suppression operation before were waiting in the yard outside.

"The reason why Chu Ming is so confident must be something behind him, but we have searched for so long, and we still haven't found anything."

An old man with gray hair spoke.

He is Lin Kun, the speaker of the Lin family. He is still hale and hearty after the age of seventy, exuding strong momentum fluctuations all over his body.

Next to him, Zhao Yuankui said, "Chu Ming's identity and background are too ordinary, and the ordinary ones are a bit fake. If we still believe the information we found, we would be too stupid."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but nodded silently.

Hearing is believing. Seeing is believing. Everyone has seen Chu Ming's strength. Although he can't find out his background, it is enough to judge that the opponent's background is astonishing.

Everyone has watched the video of the battle at Taiheng Mountain.

Everyone here is a strong man, of course they understand how exhausting the sword light that shoots out from their fingers is.

When the opponent is fighting, his skills are swayed wildly as if he doesn't want capital, which can only show that the opponent's skills are extremely deep.

Absolutely surpassed anyone present.

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, which were similar to those of Lin Kun and Zhao Yuankui, and a consensus was quickly reached.

This kind of person can only be friends with him, and must not be offended.

Didn't the other party want a helicopter? Send another hundred!

Is the other party short of money? Send 50 billion in the past!

Does the other party want property? Give him the Night City Pedestrian Street in Mingzhu City!

Although the other party may not lack anything, it's not surprising that there are so many polite people!

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