My Omega is a Little Hot

Chapter 121: , 10,000, single episode 2

"Yes" Shen Liangxi nodded, "The opening of the cervix is ​​slow, I'm afraid it will hurt for a long time."

"Let me in, let me in!" Wan Baiyun pushed the bodyguard's hand away and was caught by the bodyguard's collar and prevented her from entering.

Being able to be stopped by bodyguards these days is only for the sake of single father and single mother.

This time the situation was urgent, Wan Baiyun was immediately angry, and with a few stretches of his hand, he directly threw the two of them down and went straight to the ward without returning.

As soon as I walked to the door of the ward, I bumped into the big brother Shan Yuan who came out.

Shan Yuan turned green when he saw Wan Baiyun's arrogant face, clenched his fists, and aimed a punch at her face.

"You still have the face and knocked down the bodyguard. Do you think I won't kill you?"

Shan Yuan grabbed Wan Baiyun's collar and pressed her against the wall, first punching her in the face, and then her stomach.

While hitting the painful place, she scolded: "If I knew you would do this to my sister, my father shouldn't have worked so hard to pull you back from the gate of **** and let you die. There's going to be so much going on."

Wan Boyun didn't intend to change hands and looked a little dazed when he heard Shan Yuan's words.

I could have stabilized my body so that I wouldn't be hit too hard.

After being in a trance, Shan Yuan came over with a fist and she leaned to the wall and slammed her right forehead against the wall, making a bang.

Shan Cong, who heard the voice, was startled, watching Wan Baiyun frowning and sitting on the ground, with obvious bloodstains left on the wall.

"It's okay," Shen Liangxi was also frightened, walked over and looked at Wan Boyun's right forehead, and found that the hit didn't seem to be light, and the wound was still bleeding.

"Hurry up, take it to deal with it." Shen Liangxi touched Shancong's arm.

Shan Cong glanced at Shan Yuan who was stunned in place, and reluctantly said to Wan Baiyun, "Come with me."

Wan Boyun supported the wall beside him, covered his head, and followed Shan Cong to the treatment room.

Shan Yuan regained his senses and looked at the blood stains on the wall. He has not recovered from the accident just now. He has grown up so much that he has basically never touched anyone. Some frightened him.

Shen Liangxi looked at Shan Yuan slightly flustered, and quickly told Shan Yuan what he was thinking about.

Shan Yuan's face was cold, and after a while of silence, he said, "I'll tell my parents later."

"Well," Shen Liangxi nodded, watching Shan Yuan walk into the ward.

When Shan Yuan finished chatting with Shan's father and Shan's mother, Wan Boyun also dealt with the wound and came over with Shan Cong.

Shan Yuan saw Wan Baiyun, his face was still bad: "You can go to accompany the delivery, but you have to agree to my conditions."

"Brother, say it." Wan Boyun nodded.

Shan Yuan waved his hand: "Don't call me eldest brother, I don't have a sister-in-law like you, I have three conditions, first, the child will be born with the surname of Panpan, can you accept it? "

"Yes," Wan Baiyun nodded without thinking, "Can I choose the baby's name?"

Shan Yuan glanced at her and nodded: "Yes, but if it's too ugly, Panpan has a veto."

"Okay," Wan Boyun nodded, "Brother, continue."

Shanyuan: "Second, after the child is born, you immediately go to the divorce procedure with Panpan, the child and Panpan, you have the opportunity to visit once a month, and you have to give it regularly. Panpan provides pheromones."

"Only once?" Wan Baiyun was a little flustered, "Can't it be once a week?"

"Let's discuss this and see Panpan's opinion."

"Okay," Wan Boyun nodded in agreement.

Shan Yuan continued: "Third, even if Panpan loses his temper with you after entering, you are not allowed to retaliate. If you are still the same as before, you will not see the child in the future."

"Okay," Wan Boyun nodded.

Shan Yuan was relieved at this time, just about to open the door of the ward to let Wan Boyun in, but seeing the applicator on her forehead, it was not pleasing to the eye no matter what.

Pointed and said, "Put down your hair to cover the wound, and put on a mask, so that Panpan can't see your face, you're going to die."

"Okay," Wan Boyun untied the hair rope tied to his hair, covered the wound on his forehead with his hair, and took the mask handed over by Shan Cong and put it on his face.

After finishing this, Shan Yuan let go and let Wan Baiyun in.

Shan Pan lives in the senior ward. In addition to the ward, there is a living room and a family lounge.

After walking in, there was a person standing in the living room, Wan Baiyun recognized that it was Dad Shan, and immediately bent down and nodded and called, "Dad."

"Don't call me dad," Dad Shan glared at her, "Panpan is in the ward, her mother is with her, when the baby is born, you leave quickly, and, If you say those hurtful things to Panpan again, I will never forgive you."

"No," Wan Boyun shook his head, "Then, can I go in?"

Dad Shan rolled his eyes and didn't want to speak.

Wan Boyun hurriedly walked to Shan Pan's ward, and as soon as he reached the door, he heard Shan Pan's painful breathing inside.

Wan Boyun, who heard this voice, was instantly jolted, and quickly opened the door and walked in.

The single mother who heard the door opening turned to look at her, and her face instantly turned cold when she realized it was her.

Shan Pan's consciousness was still sober, and when she heard the door open, she thought it was her father who came in, and looked over subconsciously.

When she saw the familiar figure at the door, she was stunned for a moment, and she was at a loss for a moment.

Single mother also noticed her panic, and patted the back of her hand lightly: "Your sister-in-law said that with her pheromone to comfort you, your delivery will be smoother, and the sympathy will be relieved a lot, I'll go out in a while, if you have anything, just call me directly."

"Well," Shan Pan hesitated and nodded.

After the single mother went out, Wan Baiyun walked to the place where the single mother sat and sat down, stretched out his hand to hold Shan Pan's hand, and gently kissed the back of her hand through the mask.

Shan Pan shrank obviously and wanted to withdraw his hand, but Wan Baiyun held it tightly in his palm.

"Are you okay?" Wan Boyun's voice was hoarse, "If it hurts, you can bite me."

"No, let me go." Shan Pan broke free and pushed Wan Baiyun's hand away.

Wan Boyun tore off the barrier on his neck, sat down beside Shan Pan's bed, and looked down at her.

She was wearing a mask, and Shan Wan could only see her familiar amber eyes, but they were a little different from the ones she had seen over the years.

In these eyes today, there is only gentleness and kindness, which instantly reminds Shan Pan of the former Wan Baiyun.

Before she could get out of her trance, the contractions came again. She grabbed Wan Baiyun's wrist and squeezed it subconsciously. This time, the same feeling seemed to be stronger than that of a single mother. The time is stronger and the duration is longer.

Shan Pan couldn't help reddening her eyes and let out a muffled pain.

"Does it hurt?" Wan Boyun felt the constant tightening of Shan Pan on his wrist, and his eyes were full of worry.

After the pain, Shan Pan pushed Wan Baiyun's hand away, angry and irritable: "What do you think, why don't you try it in the next life?"

Wan Boyun didn't answer, lowered his head to Shan Pan's neck, and said softly, "I'll bite you."

"No," Shan Pan pushed Wan Baiyun's hand away, "Pheromone comfort doesn't have to be like this."

"This is faster." Wan Boyun looked up and looked at her with his amber eyes, "What your second sister-in-law said."

"I..., sigh~, it hurts to death." Shan Pan didn't expect the pain to come so quickly, and subconsciously grabbed Wan Baiyun's collar.

Wan Boyun didn't hesitate, took off his mask, found the location of Shan Pan's glands, opened his mouth, and bit down.

Under the comfort of pheromone, the contractions this time were really not as unbearable as before. After the duration passed, Wan Boyun let go of his mouth, put on his mask and sat up straight.

The smell of rose and milk pheromone in the ward did not dissipate, and they were constantly interweaving and merging. Wan Boyun took out his handkerchief and carefully wiped her forehead. sweat.

Shan looked forward to her and opened her mouth: "Why are you here, don't you want this baby? What are you doing here?"

"I want this child," Wan Baiyun looked at Shan Pan with serious eyes, "I want you too."

"What?" Shan Pan frowned, her eyes full of distrust, "What are you kidding?"

"I'm not kidding, Panpan, I, I, I... The last time I said something like that, it was for my grandma, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to be angry with grandma, That's not sincere." Wan Baiyun was incoherent.

Shan Pan frowned and looked at her: "But even if grandma's not here, you've been hurting me, I... huh."

The pain came, Shan Wan eased a bit before continuing: "The words you have said to me over the years have gone too far, don't you know?"

You hate me so much, don't you?"

Wan Boyun couldn't find any explanation. After opening his mouth in a panic, he could only say, "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to say sorry to me," Shan Pan shook his head, "I have been pestering you all these years, I like you, after you were drugged, I knew so, but I still entered Your room, these are my own decisions, and I'm already bearing all the consequences."

"But now, I don't want to love you anymore, Wan Boyun, I've been chasing you all these years, I'm really tired and have no energy, I just want to give birth to the baby, and then Go back to school and finish your studies."

Wan Boyun's eyes were flustered, holding Shan Pan's hand, with a begging look in his eyes: "I know, I know I'm going too far, but, but can you give me a little more time, I will Changed, really, I have been changing slowly, can you wait for me?"

"What are you waiting for?" After Shan Pan felt a new round of contractions, she squeezed her hand and eased it, "I don't want to wait any longer, waiting for the baby. The full moon, let's go to the divorce procedure."

The author has this to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Zhen Mulin;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Lizhe; 15 bottles of Lego's father; 7 bottles of goodpeople; 2 bottles of vegetables;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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