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Chapter 102: Have A Daughter-In-Law?

"Hey? Son, it's not right for you to do this. It's not a decent thing for a serious person to pay attention to people behind their backs." Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, his mother was even more unhappy.

"Mom, listen to me first, I'm sure, I've seen her in a nightclub..."

"Young people, it's normal to go to nightclubs to have fun."

"I also saw her in the bathroom of a nightclub, messing with two men.

"This, this is unlikely. I know what kind of person your Aunt Shang is. Her daughter can't be like this. You must be wrong."

"Well, I also hope that I am wrong, otherwise Aunt Shang will be miserable, but is her name Ma Xu? When I used to go to work, at least three colleagues had been with her

And I heard that she is still working on the periphery, the periphery, you know..."

While talking, Zhuo Rong asked Xiao Zhuo to send some photos of the "sixty-five zero" girls to his mobile phone, and then showed his mother a look.

When her mother saw the girl who was pretending to be quiet in her own home just now, but was wearing heavy makeup in the nightclub, half naked and crazily throwing alcohol, her three views were about to collapse again.

However, it may be because Zhuo Rong has caused their three views to collapse too much recently, and she has already developed antibodies, so she just bowed her head and meditated for a few seconds, then immediately stood up, and re-washed the dishes and chopsticks just now , and then re-wipe the chairs that Aunt Shang's family sat on.

"Mom, there's no need!"

Seeing his mother's appearance, Zhuo Rong shook his head and said to her.

"No, I feel dirty. You said that your aunt Shang is really true. How dare your daughter want to marry into our family? Thanks to you for knowing her. Otherwise, you would only know after you really fell in love with her and even got a certificate. Then Don't be disgusted to death!"

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Zhuo Rong's mother said while tidying up.

"Mom, Aunt Shang probably doesn't know. You should know what kind of person she is." Hearing what his mother said, Zhuo Rong also said with a smile.

After hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Zhuo Rong's mother couldn't help but shut up, and then sighed. It seemed that her old colleague really didn't know about her daughter.

But now that she knows about it, how will she experience it?

Tell her? Destroy someone's family, let's not talk about it, so she has been kept in the dark?

"But son, although your mother is doing bad things with good intentions today, you also have to think about your own lifelong affairs. You are not young anymore, and you all say to start a family and start a business. Now you have finished your business and have no family. Well, it's been a while..."

Perhaps because he saw Zhuo Rong's mother's entanglement, at this time Zhuo Rong's father directly changed the subject and talked about the main reason why there is a blind date today.

"I came back this time, and I really want to tell you about this. I'm in love." Scratching his head, Zhuo Rong looked at his parents and said with a smile.

"Oh? Are you in a relationship? When did it happen? Who is it? What does it look like? Do you have any photos? How is your family? What do your parents do?"

As soon as he heard that Zhuo Rong was looking for someone, Zhuo Rong's mother didn't care about cleaning up at this time, and rushed over immediately, asking Zhuo Rong curiously.

"Uh, it's really hard to talk about this!"

Looking at the eyes of his parents looking over at the same time, Zhuo Rong hesitated and said in a low voice.

"What's wrong with this? Is it a divorced person? If it treats you well and you like's fine, but if you want to bring a child, you have to think about it!"

Seeing that Zhuo Rong hesitated, Zhuo Rong's mother had some ideas.

"No, they are all big girls with yellow flowers."

"That's fine..."

"No, both?" Compared with Zhuo Rong's mother, Zhuo Rong's father has a better ability to grasp the key points, and he immediately found the loophole in this statement.

"Well, all, more than one, I found fifteen girlfriends." Looking at his parents, Zhuo Rong also directly talked about the situation at home.

And hearing Zhuo Rong's words, his parents almost fell to the ground.

My good guy, I'll die early, I'll die if I'm flooded, fifteen? What the hell?

"Son, we can't go bad if we have money, and even if someone goes bad, it's just a second wife or third wife, you fifteen...every day, the house must be like a hot kiln." ah."

After hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Zhuo Rong's mother said worriedly.

"No, they have a very good relationship. I was thinking about whether our family will have a party during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and then I will take you back to see it the day after tomorrow!"

Seeing his mother's worried look, Zhenrong also smiled and said.

If there are really fifteen girls, then unless it is in a novel, otherwise, it must be like overturning the sky, but Zhuo Rong doesn't have to worry about this problem.

Because the cyborgs simply don't have the option to be jealous.

But I have to say, sometimes, people are quite cheap. When his girlfriend is jealous, he doesn't want to, but now his girlfriend is not jealous at all, and even wants him to find more girlfriends. He felt a little empty again in his heart.

"Take us to take a look? You guys live together?" Sure enough, it was Zhuo Rong's father who grasped the point again and looked at Zhuo Rong with some doubts.

"Well, they are all professionally trained people, clean up the room, cook, drive, even fight, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, and can help me deal with business matters so don't look, they are all orphans, but They are all good hands."

"Hiss? Fighting? Reconnaissance? Counter-reconnaissance? You're looking for a group of...agents?"

Zhuo Rong's father, who has watched many movies, couldn't help asking hesitantly when Zhuo Rong mentioned the characteristics of these girls.

"Almost, there is no need to say more, you know, they are your daughters-in-law, just follow me when the time comes!"

Looking at the appearance of his parents, Zhuo Rong also laughed and said.

"Go, have a daughter-in-law, let alone go to your manor, even if you go abroad, we will go on 1.4!" Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Zhuo Rong's mother also made a decision, go, definitely go!

Hearing his mother's words, Zhuo Rong also smiled. It seemed to him that there might be some troubles in persuading his parents to go back with him.

Now, as soon as the daughter-in-law comes out, the slightest problem disappears in an instant.

Sure enough, in the eyes of parents, the status of daughter-in-law is extremely high.

Of course, Zhuo Rong seems to have no problems with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Biochemical people, in this era, are absolutely 99.99% of the old mother-in-law. Helping my son, I can still take such good care of my son, such a daughter-in-law, I really can't find it with a lantern

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