My Parents Raised Money Illegally, And I Stole The Money To Speculate In Futures!

Chapter 106: It’S Not Like Being A Good Person To Introduce A Ghost Guy

Jiang Shuyin's dream of becoming a star has begun, and she is eagerly waiting for her role on the set.

Jiang Xun encountered something bad at school.

As he expected, his thesis defense time was advanced.

Although I was mentally prepared, I still felt a little fucked up.

"Damn, there are so many people, why do they have to pick me."

Jiang Xun was not afraid, he was just complaining about his bad luck.

Gwangju University graduates too many every year.

In the past, some students even received their degree certificates.

And some students are still defending their graduation.

To avoid being as busy as in previous years.

This year Gwangju University learned its lesson and divided the graduation defense into two batches.

One batch is from April and the other is from May.

Unfortunately, Jiang Xun was assigned to the April batch.

This arrangement caught many people off guard.

Because I was not notified in advance,

No one was mentally prepared.

Some unlucky ones are still revising their papers,

If you ask him to defend his graduation at this time, it would be even more disgusting than eating shit.

Although Jiang Xun felt a little bad, he could still accept it.

After all, when others are doing internships,

He is starting to prepare for his thesis and graduation defense.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has experienced a graduation defense and is not panicked.

He still vividly remembers the scene during his graduation defense in his previous life.

During his defense, he encountered a particularly strange thing.

His two graduation defense teachers actually got into an argument over a certain content in his thesis.

A good defense scene turned into a debate.

The graduation defense time is at nine o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Xun got up at 8:30 to wash up, then took the USB flash drive and written materials and went out for the defense.

When he went out, Zhou Zilin and Tan Yu bowed deeply to him.


The word "hao" has a vibrato specially added here.

There was a little sadness in his tone.

The two of them looked at Jiang Xun with tragic eyes.

It felt like a funeral.

For those who haven’t finished these two papers yet,

Wouldn’t it be a death sentence to defend yourself at this point in time?

Jiang Xun raised his hand and tapped his forehead lightly twice with his sword fingers.

"My sons, wait until dad returns in triumph. See you at the top!"

"We'll meet again in the second debate if we are destined."

Jiang Xun's face darkened. The last thing he wanted to hear now was the word "Second Debate".

In his previous life, it was because he never passed an argument.

I procrastinated until the second debate before passing.

Annoying someone to death!

I will try my best to argue this time.

Observing the graduation defense of Gwangju University is not allowed.

The audience may affect the thinking of the defending students.

Some people look very comic, just sit aside and watch,

What should I do if the defending student can’t stop laughing?

The performance of the graduation defense is directly related to whether the student can graduate.

If graduation is affected because of being an observer, is it unfair?

There were anxious students standing outside the defense classroom.

Jiang Xun ranked fourth.

Although I have already experienced it once,

But he still inevitably felt nervous the second time.

Jiang Xun's heart beat faster and his breathing became rapid. He subconsciously began to shake his legs and muttered to himself:

"I have never been so nervous before when I spent billions to fight Gao Shujun's stock."

In front of Jiang Xun was a young man wearing overalls and with his hair parted in the middle.

He heard Jiang Xun's soliloquy and turned around and asked: "What?"

Jiang Xun noticed that his outfit was casual.

"It's nothing, you are so beautiful."

The young man said uneasily: "I have been practicing at Gwangju University for four years just for today. I hope I can pass."

Jiang Xun tugged on his suspender belt, and the suspender belt snapped back.

The young man turned around aggrievedly and asked in a protracted tone: "What are you doing~?"

Jiang Xun made a lucky gesture with a smile.

"Good luck."

The young man was secretly shocked, "I thought I was incomparably handsome, but I didn't expect that he is even more handsome than me. Whose husband is this?"

Each person's defense time is about fifteen to thirty minutes, depending on the person.

The young man who had suffered a stroke walked out with a sad face twenty minutes later.

Jiang Xun took a deep breath and walked in.

There are three defending teachers in total.

The one in the middle has long hair, sad eyes, and sexy stubble on his chin.

How to describe it?

Some people believe him when he is said to be a literary youth in the 1980s.

Jiang Xun handed over his information.

The long-haired teacher is obviously biased against Gwangju people, or he thinks he is very humorous.

"Jiang Xun, yo, a native of Guangzhou, an excellent local variety.

"Start your show."

Jiang Xun's mouth twitched. Sure enough, it was still the original recipe and the same taste.

You really can't spit out ivory from your mouth.

In this case, the defending teacher will usually first check whether the paper was written by you.

So their first question will most likely ask you why you chose this topic.

Or which literature materials were consulted when writing this paper.

Jiang Xun thought that his first question would definitely be about the practical significance behind my topic selection.

Sure enough, the teacher's first question was.

"Student Jiang, please explain the practical significance behind the topic of your paper."

Jiang Xun nodded with a smile.


He started performing.

This time, Jiang Xun learned his lesson. When he came to the topic that caused controversy among his tutors, he deliberately speeded up his speech to avoid a recurrence of the tragedy.

After Jiang Xun finished his defense, the long-haired instructor twisted his neck in disappointment.

"Hey, Jijue is missing something?"

Jiang Xun thought to himself, I'm sorry that I couldn't let you get up to speed.

The defense results will be available in two days.

But this time Jiang Xun is very confident.

You will pass the argument once and for all, you are safe!

In my previous life, I failed to defend myself. It was not because I was not good enough or my performance during the defense was poor.

It was because the teacher started to argue,

He was implicated.

Now that they have not quarreled, Jiang Xun will pass the defense.

He was humming when he left the classroom.

Everyone outside the classroom was envious.

"I'm envious. Looking at his dead look, he must have done well in his defense.

"Damn, I'm getting more and more nervous when he's like this."

"Classmate, are the defense teachers strict?"

Jiang Xun pointed to the classroom, and then said seriously: "The three teachers are super fun, not sarcastic at all, and they speak nicely, so you don't have to worry at all.

He didn't feel any psychological pressure at all when he said this.

Anyway, it's not illegal to talk nonsense.

Jiang Xun returned to the dormitory with a relaxed expression,

Tan Yu and Zhou Zilin came over and asked, "Brother Xun, how are you doing?"

"It's probably close to ten."

"So stable? The passing rate of the first argument is only 50%."

"We'll find out in two days."

After passing the defense, Jiang Xun’s college career is about to come to an end.

He only needs to take graduation photos and wait to receive his degree certificate and graduation certificate.

Jiang Xun has developed a new habit of refreshing new energy vehicle real-time information every day...

The most sensational event in the field of new energy vehicles in recent days is the new car launch conference held by Sanma Motors.

Jiang Xun was delayed due to his thesis defense.

I just have time to watch the replay now.

Sanma Automobile has made a major breakthrough in its hydrogen energy technology.

They have developed a hydrogen-powered car.

After a press conference, 70% of the space was dedicated to this matter.

The designer of the Sanma car is Leonard, a handsome Chinese.

When he spoke, his words were full of superiority.

A reporter asked him what he thought of CATL’s strategy of betting on pure electricity.

He had a funny, shocked look on his face.

"I can't believe you would ask me this question.

"Although at this time and place, it is inappropriate to talk about the Ningde era.

But since you asked the question, I don't mind revealing my opinion. "

“I think CATL’s behavior of betting on pure electricity is very irrational.

The cruising range of pure electric vehicles has always been a fatal issue.

Judging from the current battery technology, it is still far away to solve the industry problem of cruising range.

Moreover, the current infrastructure is imperfect, the popularity of charging piles in cities is low, and the difficulty of charging is also a major problem.

The safety issues of pure electric vehicles are also worrying. Last year’s Jinpeng Garden car spontaneous combustion incident has not been forgotten by everyone, right?

The road to pure electric vehicles is full of difficulties. If you want to embrace the track of new energy vehicles, you must not go the wrong way.

Hydrogen power is the future.

There is an idiom in your Chinese country called "Seek fish by siding with trees. Didn't you ask for fish by siding with trees during Zhu De's time?"

"So you think pure electricity is impossible?"

"Oh, my friend, I didn't say that.

But isn’t the hydrogen energy vehicle developed by our company enough to prove the answer?

Hydrogen energy completely crushes pure electricity in many aspects. "

Jiang Xun sat in the dormitory and cursed: "What the hell, why didn't you say that the price of one of your hydrogen energy vehicles is as high as more than one million?"

"The cost is so high, why don't you spread the yarn!"

“Electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen wastes water and consumes electricity!

Hydrogen production from petrochemical resources is seriously polluting, and the impact of methane on the greenhouse effect is 28 times that of carbon dioxide.

4.7 In fact, everyone understands what Jiang Xun said.

But in the view of hydrogen energy fans, these can be overcome through technological progress.

Flaws don’t cover up strengths.

As long as certain key technologies are broken,

Hydrogen energy is definitely more promising than pure electricity!

Compared with the progress of battery technology, they believe in the progress of hydrogen energy technology.

This current trend of thought is the mainstream.

Leonard then said: "I heard that CATL has invested nearly 10 billion in developing a new generation of batteries.

Ten billion, my friend!

But what kind of answer did Ningde Era deliver?

Do you know about the substantial breakthroughs in battery technology in the Ningde era?"


What did the 10 billion investment get in exchange?

The field has not yet been completed. "

The reporter thought to himself, oh my, you use idioms very smoothly.

A reserved but sincere smile appeared on Leonard's face.

"I suggest that the senior executives of CATL seriously reflect and reflect on it. Is innocence feasible?"

“We spent 10 billion and achieved nothing.

There must be something wrong with this company. If the technology is not up to standard, they rush into it. This is a common problem among Chinese companies.

Jiang Xun's murmur sounded in the bedroom.

"It's not like being a good person to introduce a ghost guy.

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