Jiang Quan's meager IQ simply couldn't imagine what a billion was.

No one would be so shocked if he spent one billion on others, or saw him on TV or mobile phones.

But when this number really appears in my life,

Jiang Quan felt a sense of magical ambiguity.

Especially since the person who owns this billion is his nephew.

The feeling of unreality was even stronger.

"How did A Xun earn so much money?"

Jiang Bin shook his head, "I don't know the details. I only know that I made it by speculating in natural gas futures."

Jiang Quan and his wife were shocked.

They didn't expect that their gentle nephew could be so powerful.

Jiang Quan sighed and felt a little moved.

Not only did the younger brother not blame himself for being defrauded of illegally raising funds,

Instead, he repaid evil with kindness and helped himself pay back his loan as soon as he became rich.

Jiang Quan's voice was choked with sobs.

Jiang Bin chuckled: "Brother, let's stop talking about two different families as a family. You and your sister-in-law should hurry up and pay back the money you owe the bank. Come to our house for dinner tonight."


Jiang Bin and his wife knew that there was a quarrel among their relatives and friends.

But they didn't care.

You snobs, go and stay where it's cool!

When my family was in trouble, I begged you and didn't even come to eat.

Now my Ah Xun is shaking,

You all rush up to fawn over me with a smile on your face.

You can go as far as your dreams go.

The discussions among family and friends did not affect Jiang Xun, who was about to start a new life in a completely different way.

What is it like to go from ordinary person to rich person?

What is the joy of realizing a class jump?

Judging from Jiang Xun's current situation, it's probably,

"A BMW is just an ordinary car."

"Audi erasing two circles is a bit like QQ."

"Mercedes-Benz's three-pointed star looks like stainless steel and looks cheap."

"Truffles? They seem to be pig food."

Of course, Jiang Xun was still crazy about making up for the regret of having no money at the first time, doubling down to make up for it.

However, after he sat quietly in the dormitory for half an hour, this feeling became much weaker.

My attitude towards many things has changed a lot.

In summary, it doesn't matter.

Jiang Xun lay on the bed with his hands behind his head, emptying his mind and muttering to himself.

“So this is what it feels like to be rich.

I have to say, it feels great to have no stress or worries in my life! "

Jiang Xun was startled by the sound of the bedroom door being kicked open.

He stood up and saw Tan Yu and Zhou Zilin walking in, arm in arm.

"What's wrong? You really have no quality!"

Jiang Xun muttered and continued to lie down.

Tan Yu showed off to Zhou Zilin the car assigned to him by his family with great joy.

"My dad has given me a new car. The deposit has been paid and I will take delivery of the car next week."

"What car?"

"Have you ever heard of GT-R?"

"The sacred chariot of Mount Akina?"

"I guess you are knowledgeable, hahaha, you can accelerate to 100 meters in 2.7 seconds, you are definitely the king of the track!"

Zhou Zilin's eyes were full of envy for the high consumption of the rich second generation.

"Master Tan, GT-R is not cheap."

"Hahaha, it's a joke, it's only 2.6 million."

Tan Yu didn't care, as if even if 10,000 yuan dropped in front of him, he wouldn't bother to bend down to pick it up.

He glanced at Jiang Xun jokingly, "Tu leopard, have you ever heard of GT-R?"

More than 2.6 million yuan, you can't afford it in your lifetime.

This is the difference between you and me. We are very different from each other.

Jiang Xun couldn't help but laugh. He thought to himself that this person is really weird. If he gets the chance, he will show off in front of me.

Where is your Xiunima?

Also the GT-R, is it comparable to the Lamborghini Aventador?

More than two million?

Is your sense of superiority worth so much?

Jiang Xun thought to himself, when I drive the Lamborghini Aventador in front of you, I hope you can still be as unruly as you are now.

That expression must be wonderful.

Zhou Zilin smashed his mouth with difficulty.

His monthly living expenses are only 2,000 yuan, while Tan Yu's family provides a car for more than 2 million yuan.

This gap is not that big.

The gap like a chasm shattered Zhou Zilin's self-esteem.

‘Master Tan’s family is so rich, I have to hug this thick thigh.

By gaining connections with the Tan family, I can save at least ten years of struggle. ’

"I'm envious, Mr. Tan. You're driving a million-dollar luxury car like a GT-R before you even leave campus. You're the only one in our class."

"Nothing to say, nothing to say, Mr. Tan is so stubborn, my brother is messing with you."

Tan Yu enjoyed the flattery very much, and his face smiled like a cornflower.

"It's easy to talk about."

Zhou Zilin caught Tan Yu's flattery and patted Tan Yu so proudly.

Jiang Xun felt numb just looking at it, hey, what are you doing!

Can there be a lower limit?

I can't stay in this dormitory anymore, go find a girl.

Jiang Xun sent a message to Yin Siyi.


The pretty girl’s answer was extremely brief.


Half an hour later, swimming pool.

Yin Siyi was wearing a swimsuit, and her graceful curves attracted countless attention.

Jiang Xun is not bad either, with his handsome and sunny face paired with convex and shapely abdominal muscles, he kills girls invisibly.

He and Yin Siyi were talking and laughing. His smile made the hearts of the school girls present melt.

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