Shang Hai, on the top floor of Haixing Group, in the chairman's office.

Jiang Huarong had just returned from visiting her daughter. She was having family time with her husband Yin Tianchou.

Yin Tianchou is a middle-aged man with an easy-going appearance.

Her hair was combed meticulously,

He always has a light smile on his face and is very friendly.

"How is Sisi doing in Gwangju?"

"I am a senior this year and will graduate soon. Then I will come back to help my family manage the property."

"I can't guarantee anything else, but it won't be a problem to protect our daughter's lifelong wealth."

"By the way, does our daughter want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"probably not."

Jiang Huarong hesitated to speak, and Yin Tianchou naturally noticed it.

"What's wrong?"

"Our daughter has a girlfriend."

Yin Tianchou was startled, and he lengthened his tone and said in an incredible tone: "What? Girlfriend!

When did Sisi become interested in this? "

Jiang Huarong's face turned cold. She realized that she had made a mistake and quickly changed her words.

"No, no, I made a mistake. He's my boyfriend."

Yin Tianqiu let out a long sigh of relief.

His reaction was the same as that of most fathers,

Frowning, he thought to himself, 'Which pig is this pig that escaped from? Dare you support the cabbage I have been raising for twenty-one years’.

Jiang Huarong handed a photo of Jiang Xun to Yin Tianqiu.

This photo is a photo of Yin Siyi and Jiang Xun.

The two of them hugged each other and made faces.

The smile on Yin Siyi's face comes from the heart.

It can be seen that she is very happy when she is with Jiang Xun.

Yin Tianchou asked: "Where is the other party from? What is his background? What's the situation at home?"

“This kid is a native of Gwangju, his name is Jiang Xun.

Guangzhou University student, in the same class as Sisi, but Jiang Xun is from the art department.

Academically, he is pretty good and is the leader in the Art Department of Everbright.

He also looks talented and attractive. "

Yin Tianqiu looked at Jiang Xun in the photo thoughtfully.

He thought to himself, what's the use of a good-looking man?

Yin Tianqiu subconsciously labeled Jiang Xun a pretty boy.

"What's going on with this young man's family?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Huarong felt a little melancholy.

"He comes from a poor family, and his parents opened a small battlefield with a limited scale.

The family relied on the battlefield business to make a living. "

Yin Tianchou was shocked after hearing this, "How can he be worthy of our daughter with this condition?"

"It's not that I dislike his small family.

The problem is that this young man named Jiang is completely different from Sisi.

Sisi's monthly living expenses are higher than his family's annual income.

What does he want to do with Sisi? "

Jiang Huarong nodded with deep understanding,

"I think so too. The problem is that Sisi seems to have identified this young man."

Yin Tianchou had a headache. He only had a son and a daughter.

I dote on my daughter to the heavens on weekdays.

"If we break her up now, Sisi will probably hate me for the rest of her life, right?

This is Sisi's first love. "

Yes, Jiang Xun is Yin Siyi's first love.

Some girls are already so good that most boys are put off.

Yin Siyi is this kind of girl,

“Our daughter is now old enough to have the ability to judge for herself.

How can any wild boy control my daughter, Yin Tianchou?

Just let Sisi have her own way.

She will understand that a boy who can't even afford a pair of Jimmychoos is not worthy of being with her. "

At this moment, Jiang Xun didn't know that he had been regarded as a wild boy by his future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

On Friday, Jiang Xun only has classes in the morning.

Coming out of the big class classroom, the four people in Jiang Xun dormitory were already hungry.

"Have you guys decided where to eat?"

Several people looked at each other and said in unison: "Good wine, good Cai R&D Studio!"

The local tycoon must choose the most expensive place.

Good Wine Good Chai R&D Studio is famous in Gwangju.

It is a very famous private dining restaurant.

Anyone with a certain status in Gwangju flocks to this place.

Before going, Jiang Xun called home. He probably wouldn't go back tonight.

This saves your parents from having to wait for you to come home for dinner at night.

"Hey, hello~"

"Dad, where are you? Why is it so noisy over there?"

"Hey, son, your mother and I are waiting for the real estate market to open!"

Jiang’s father and Jiang’s mother are ordinary people.

My family has money, but I don’t know what to do with it.

The last fundraiser taught them a profound lesson,

They don't engage in those vain things anymore.

The two chose the most unpretentious and mindless industry - real estate.

As long as you have money, you can play this thing.

Anyway, there is no possibility of devaluation of high-end real estate in first-tier cities like Gwangju.

"Waiting for the real estate market to open?"

Jiang Xun's heart moved when he heard this. He had been preparing to engage in real estate for a long time.

The problem is that the outlet in memory has not yet arrived.

"Mom and Dad, where is your property?"

"This side of the Living Furnace Mountain."

“Dad, listen to me, I know where the houses are that make money.

Don't be in a hurry to buy it, wait until I come back to add it all up with you. "

"That's good."

Ever since Jiang Xun made money by speculating in futures,

His voice in the family is growing day by day.

When Father Jiang and Mother Jiang heard that their son had a better choice,

The decision to buy a house was immediately stopped.

After all, under the influence of the purchase restriction policy,

There is a limit to the number of houses they can buy.

If you want to buy, you have to buy the one with the most added value.

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