Yin Tianchou casually made a haha, preparing to fool him.

"Don't worry, let's talk about the meeting later.

I guess he doesn't have time to see me now. "

Yin Siyi asked curiously: "Why?"

Yin Tianqiu laughed and winked at the caddy next to him.

The caddy instantly knows how to pick up the ball.

"My dear daughter, you don't know yet, do you?

Your boyfriend stole the show at the Poly auction party that day.

Spend 700 million to acquire Qingshan Aluminum.

Hum hum, he is really courageous. "

Yin Siyi was full of pride, "That is, no matter whose boyfriend it is."

Hey, hey, what’s wrong with the plot?

Yin Tianqiu's mind was a little lost.

Jiang Xun spent a huge sum of 700 million to buy an insolvent factory.

He will pay for it!

Why are you so proud of this prodigal behavior?

It is said that men and women in love are very blind.

My dear daughter, you are not blind, you are blind.

"My dear daughter, are you confused?

Qingshan Aluminum is not worth 700 million at all.

The aluminum ore in that factory is worth a lot of money.

I can't even sell it for a high price of 700 million.

You don’t really think that aluminum prices will rise, do you? "

The pretty girl nodded confidently,

"I believe Ah Xun, aluminum prices will definitely rise."

"Hey, silly girl, why are you so upright?

Think about it, that’s 700 million,

According to my estimate, Qingshan Aluminum’s ore reserves are worth 500 million.

In other words, the price of aluminum must rise by 40% for Jiang Xun to recover his capital.

Do you think aluminum prices can rise that high? "

Yin Siyi gritted her teeth,

Reason told her it was difficult;

But her sensibility made her believe in Jiang Xun without reservation.

"I believe A Xun, he won't do anything stupid to lose money."

Yin Tianchou sighed helplessly,

My silly girl, you are usually so smart,

Why did he become so upright when it came to Jiang Xun?

What magic power does that kid have that makes you believe in him so much?

The shadow of the sun gradually falls to the west, and Gwangju’s night is particularly prosperous.

Jiang Xun carried a bottle of good wine and rang the doorbell of his uncle's house.

Cousin Jiang Shuyin opened the door, and when she saw it was Jiang Xun, she threw herself into his arms.

"Ah, cousin, I miss you so much!"

The aunt smiled and took the wine handed over by Jiang Xun.

"You're not serious, get off your brother immediately.

At such an old age, do you think you are still a child? "

"Aunt, uncle."

"Hey, Ah Xun, come in quickly."

"The food at home is ready, just waiting for you to start dinner."

Jiang Bin and Jiang Quan are as close as one family,

We usually eat each other's meals when we have nothing to do.

However, this time the two families gathered together to eat together had a special meaning.

Jiang Quan's family was in trouble, but for Jiang Xun's helping hand,

It is unimaginable what condition his family would be in.

Jiang Quan invited his younger brother and his family here mainly to express his gratitude.

I won’t go into details about the sensational words.

We are all one family, we don’t speak the same language.

Jiang Xun didn't help his uncle's family just for a few words of thanks.

After three rounds of wine and five delicious dishes, the family chatted.

Jiang Quan used to work in a logistics company.

But after he was defrauded in illegal fundraising, he lost his job.

Looking for a job now.

Jiang Bin said: "If it doesn't work, just do it with me.

I now have some money and plan to expand the scale of the battlefield. "

Jiang Quan was very moved when he heard this.

On the side, Jiang Xun’s eyes lit up.

Isn't the uncle the best candidate for deputy director?

The uncle is an upright man,

It's one of our own again, so it would be nice to have him keeping an eye on the factory.

The only shortcoming of the uncle is that his cultural level is not high.

But that's not a big deal,

Selling minerals is not a technical job.

No high level of education is required,

Just know how to keep track of accounts and arrange people to do work.

"Uncle, I have a job here. I wonder if you are interested?"

Jiang Xun extended an olive branch.

Jiang Quan was hesitant when he heard this, "Axun, aren't you a student?"

The implication is, where did you get your job?

"I recently bought a factory."

Father Jiang and Mother Jiang looked at each other and said in unison:

"I bought a factory!"

The two of them were quite shocked.

Before he knew it, his son had become the factory manager.

Every parent was shocked.

Senior student and factory director, these two words seem awkward no matter how you look at them.

"When did this happen?"

"What factory?

"How big is it? How much did it cost you?"

Jiang Xun was confused by all the questions asked by Jiang's father and Jiang's mother.

"It's just an aluminum factory, it didn't cost much."

Jiang Xun didn't just tell his parents that he spent 700 million to buy the factory.

If they knew,

I must be on tenterhooks every day.

"Uncle, you also know that I am still a student.

I don’t have time to stare at the factory every day.

It just so happens that there is a vacancy for the deputy director position right now.

I don't know what you think? "

When Jiang Quan heard that he was the deputy director, his heart immediately moved.

Although I work for my nephew,

It's a bit embarrassing to say it.

But making money is not shabby.

And he was going to be the deputy factory director.

The salary is not bad. I have never been such a big leader in my life.

Heartbeat returns to heartbeat,

Jiang Quan still had some concerns.

"Axun, my uncle doesn't understand the ways of the aluminum factory either.

I, a layman, sitting in the position of deputy factory director won't delay your business, right? "

"No, although the factory I bought is an aluminum factory,

But the main business is selling aluminum ore.

Uncle, you only need to arrange for people to load and unload goods every day.

Then just keep an eye on the accounts and make sure there are no mistakes.

It's not a technical job, you are definitely qualified. "

Jiang Quan felt relieved when he heard this.

"Um, Ah Xun, how do you calculate uncle's treatment?"

Maybe he felt that he was taking advantage of his nephew.

Jiang Quan's old face turned a little red.

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