Just these two months.

Yin Siyi suddenly reacted,

It seems that it didn’t take long for my boyfriend to earn his current net worth.

It's really amazing when you think about it.

An ordinary person made more than one billion in wealth in just a few months.

Completed the class jump,

It sounds incredible.

"Honey, you're so awesome!"

Yin Siyi turned her head and planted a strawberry on Jiang Xun's face.

"Now you understand why I wanted to sell that land."

"I seem to understand a little bit."

The Lamborghini engine roars,

Vehicles on the street backed away for fear of being scratched.

Jiang Xun said while waiting for the traffic light: "I know the land prices in Xiangjiang New City will rise.

But land prices don’t rise all at once.

It may take three to five years or even longer.

I use the money I earn from selling land now,

You can earn more in these three to five years.

Far more cost-effective than waiting for land value to appreciate. "

"My dear, you look so handsome when you look confident!"

"Hahaha, then, Wu Yanzu's Guangzhou Branch Ancestor is not famous in vain?"

The next day, Jiang Xun was still sleeping in bed.

An unexpected phone call disturbed his sleep.

"Hey, who are you looking for?"


"Jiang Xun, he's not here!"

Jiang Quan's anxious voice came from the other end.

“My good nephew, stop playing tricks on your uncle.

Come and have a look at the factory quickly.

Something big happened in the factory, and I can't stand it anymore!

Come quickly! "

Jiang Xun woke up instantly.

Damn it, there won't be a safety accident, right?

If the relevant departments are held accountable for this,

Then he ordered rectification and closed the factory for several months.

Then the loss is immeasurable.

Now is the peak of aluminum prices.

If you miss this critical period,

Waiting for aluminum prices to recover later,

Jiang Xun can't even get his old salary back.

"Hold on, I'll be right back."

Now Jiang Xun couldn't care less about brushing his teeth and washing his face.

He put on his clothes and went straight to the aluminum factory.

Jiang's mother chased her out with a pair of shoes.

"Son, shoes, shoes, you forgot to wear shoes."

Jiang Xun, who was waiting for the elevator, slapped his forehead.

"I'm almost dizzy."

"What are you so anxious about?"

"Something happened at the aluminum factory. I have to go over there and take a look."

Deng Lihua's expression changed.

"Oh, you have to go quickly."

"Okay, I'm leaving first."

Just as Jiang Xun rushed to the aluminum factory in a hurry,

Jiang Quan's factory director's office was bustling with activity.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, I am Chen Minren, chairman of Huasheng Group.

I have a business I want to talk to you about. "

"Mr. Jiang, this is our first meeting, please take care of me.

I am Xu Jiayin, president of Greenland Real Estate Group..."

Gemdale Real Estate Liu Tianyang,

Longhu Land Wang Jianling...

A large group of prominent people in Gwangju crowded the factory director's office to the brim.

These people competed to hand Jiang Quan business cards.

How could an ordinary citizen in Jiangquan have ever seen such a formation?

He had long been frightened by the series of titles such as chairman and president.

"Mr. Jiang, we at Gemdale Real Estate very much hope to cooperate with you."

"Based on our own strength, Greenland Real Estate is the perfect choice for me."

“We at Huasheng have the most professional team and the most stable capital chain.

Mr. Jiang, Huasheng is your best choice. "

"Mr. Jiang, what do you think?"

The whole office was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

A group of people looked at Jiang Quan eagerly.

Jiang Quan expressed timidly.

"Well, everyone, I am not Jiang Xun.

I can't make up my mind about what you said. "

"I am Jiang Xun's uncle Jiang Quan.

I have just contacted Jiang Xun,

He's on his way here. "

after an hour,

A harsh brake sound sounded in the Qingshan Aluminum Factory.

Jiang Xun finally arrived.

The voice comes before anyone arrives.

"what's the situation?

What happened? "

When Jiang Xun arrived, Jiang Quan instantly found his backbone.

Jiang Xun eagerly pushed the door open and entered.

A group of big men in suits and ties looked at him with bright eyes.

Jiang Xun was stunned, what is going on?

A group of people swarmed over and reenacted the famous scene of handing out business cards.

"So, you all came to me to talk about the land, right?"


Jiang Xun breathed a sigh of relief, damn, I was scared to death!

I thought something really happened in the factory!

Regarding the current situation,

Jiang Xun had a premonition, but he just didn't expect these people to come so quickly.

‘It seems that I have underestimated the appeal of Qingshan Aluminum’s land to these people. ’

Jiang Xun adjusted his mentality.

"Don't be anxious, everyone, let's do it one by one."

When it comes to negotiating conditions, of course we have to negotiate behind closed doors.

I hold priceless land in my hands,

Just waiting for your bid!

Jiang Xun negotiated with these people one by one.

The people who came were all the big guys from Gwangju.

For Jiang Xun, this is an excellent opportunity to expand his circle and integrate into upper class society.

Jiang Xun was very energetic,

Business cannot be done without righteousness.

As for the details of the discussion.

Naturally, he would not agree to sell the land on the spot.

The unified answer is 'It's a very important matter and I have to consider it carefully before making an answer. ’

The subtext is that I am still waiting for a higher price tag.

Everyone is a veteran in shopping malls, so they naturally understand what Jiang Xun means.

The discussion lasted until noon,

Jiang Xun didn't eat breakfast. When he saw off the last guest, he was so hungry that his eyes were filled with stars.

"Finally the work is over, but I'm starving."

Just when Jiang Xun thought it was time to go have lunch,

A knock on the door interrupted him.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Jiang here?"

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