This is Jiang Xun’s first visit to CATL’s headquarters.

But he doesn't feel unfamiliar at all, it's his own company.

The auditorium door slowly opened,

The employees of Ningde Times who were sitting firmly in the auditorium all looked expectantly.


Zeng Yuqun walked in slowly with a cane.

Next came a high-spirited young man.

He wears a high-end suit and has a retro oily haircut, and he looks too young to be true.

Looking at this young man, everyone's eyes froze.

Doubt, shock, confusion...

Able to follow closely behind the chairman,

Could it be that Cheng Cheng is the mysterious new shareholder?

Everyone couldn't believe it,

The person who saved the Ningde era from the fire and water was actually such a young man who even looked a little green.

When the image of the decisive business tycoon in their imagination overlapped with the young face in front of them, everyone felt in a trance.

In the crowd, after Wenbo saw the appearance of the young man behind the director,

His whole body was in chaos.

Wenbo's mind was a bit lost.

Let me go, why does this man look so much like my cousin Jiang Xun?

what's the situation?

An absurd idea came to Wenbo's mind.

Oh my god, that mysterious shareholder who turned the tide and saved the building from collapse shouldn't be my cousin, right?

There was no time to think, and there was a wave of applause in the auditorium.

Wenbo stood up and applauded mechanically. His brain speed could not keep up with the progress of the matter.

Zeng Yuqun walked slowly through the crowd on the red carpet.

His eyes passed over the faces of the employees one by one, and he felt a little emotional.

If it weren't for Xiao Jiang's help, I might not be able to see these people now.

On the high platform, Zeng Yuqun, Jiang Xun and a group of CATL senior executives sat down calmly.

Zeng Yuqun sat in the middle, and Jiang Xun sat in the first place to his left, a proper C position.

How can everyone not understand the situation when they see this seat?

This young man is the new shareholder!

Thinking of this, everyone looked around, whispered, and were amazed.

Even the excitement of seeing the chairman again faded a lot.

I thought you would be a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties at 19, but I didn’t expect you to be a young boy in your early twenties!

For today's shareholders' meeting, Jiang Xun asked Yin Siyi to help him comb his hair into a majestic retro style, but it still couldn't hide the fact that he was young.

Even in such a solemn occasion, some people could not help but whisper. The shock Jiang Wen gave them was too strong.

"Are these our shareholders?"

"Eighty percent yes, you'll know by looking at the order of seats.

You see, he is sitting in the first seat to the left of our chairman. Even the chairman’s son could not sit in that seat, but he sat down calmly. He must be the new shareholder who saved our company. "

"But, isn't he too young?"

"Maybe some people look younger."

"Impossible, there is a difference between looking young and being really young. The greenness between the brows and eyes cannot fool anyone! I can guarantee that he is definitely not over twenty-five years old. Brother Bo, do you think so?"

Wenbo is still in a sluggish state at the moment. He has not yet recovered from the fact that his cousin has become the company's major shareholder.

Upon hearing the colleague's inquiry, Wenbo blurted out: "My cousin is twenty-one years old this year."

Colleagues laughed when they heard this: "Brother Bo, we are talking about this new shareholder of our company, why are you talking about your cousin?"

Wenbo smiled cautiously and said nothing. He still couldn't believe that the young man sitting in the leadership seat was his cousin.

They must be two people who look alike.

From a genetic perspective, this is a small probability event that may occur.

Yes, that's right, it must be like this.

How could my cousin be a new shareholder of the company?

It is said that the company's new shareholders have invested a total of at least 3 billion in order to save Ningde Times.

Three billion!

How could my cousin Jiang Xun have three billion?

I heard from my parents and relatives before that my cousin made some money, maybe over a billion.

Is there a big difference between one billion and three billion?

How could my cousin Jiang Xun afford so much money?

Let me just say, this person is not my cousin at all.

Wenbo was relieved to understand this, but he felt a little disappointed in his heart.

To be on the safe side, he decided to confirm.

Wenbo took out his mobile phone and sent a few messages to the Jiang family's friends and relatives group.

@cousin Jiang Xun

"Is Ah Xun here?"

"Axun, are you online? If so, please come out and ask me. I have something to do with you. It's very urgent."

Wenbo's mother, Jiang Xun's aunt Jiang Ping, sent a message asking: "Son, why are you suddenly looking for A Xun?"

Jiang Ping was a little curious, what could happen if her son was so anxious to find his nephew?

Logically speaking, one is in Gwangju and the other is in Sanghae, so the two of them can’t get along, right?

Could it be that he was in trouble and wanted to borrow money? Jiang Ping's face changed when she thought about it.

Relatives also came forward one after another.

"I haven't seen Ah Xun since the last dinner at the Garden Hotel."

"I haven't seen you for a while."

"Ah Xun is on winter vacation right now."

Jiang Shuyin sent a message and asked: "Brother Bo, do you have anything important to do with Brother Axun? I have his phone number. If you are really in a hurry, I will contact him for you."

"Our company is holding a shareholders' meeting, and there is a major shareholder who looks like A Xun."

"Some time ago, our company was about to go bankrupt, and it was this shareholder who invested 3 billion to save our company."

Friends and relatives were devastated by the news.

"I'm going, billion!"

"Why are all these people so rich?"

"Three billion in cash could probably fill a room.

"Then it shouldn't be Ah Xun. Ah Xun's assets are at most a billion, far less than three billion.

"Wrong, you must have admitted your mistake."

Wenbo defended: "But he really looks like Ah Xun. I suspect he is Ah Hai himself."

Wenbo held up his cell phone and started typing.

The general manager of the department on the side frowned and just reminded you not to embarrass me at the shareholders' meeting. You Wenbo turned around and forgot, right?

The whole company's top management is here, even the chairman and new shareholders are here. You dare to play with your mobile phone on an important occasion. You see how I will deal with you later!

Wenbo ignored the general manager's death stare. He seemed to have figured out one thing now - was the young man sitting in the leadership seat my cousin Jiang Xun?

Relatives and friends are also very interested in this matter.

"Looks a lot like Ah Xun. Is there anything wrong with me? How similar can it be?"

"How similar can they look?"

Wenbo, who was sitting at the staff seat in the auditorium, subconsciously recited this sentence.

He felt like this sentence was a slap in the face.

Mainly because the impact Jiang Xun gave him was so strong that he became more energetic in an instant.

He raised his cell phone to take a photo of Jiang Xun in the shareholder seat.


Fortunately, the flash was turned off.

Colleagues around him were startled by Wenbo's abrupt behavior.

The department general manager was shocked, you really took my words as farts, didn’t you?

You were just playing with your mobile phone, but now you are still taking photos at the shareholders' table in Da Ting Guang?

The general manager of the department roared in his heart.

'Wenbo, you don't want to do it anymore, do you?'

Wenbo didn't notice the general manager's death gaze, and he sent the photos to his friends and relatives group.

Because they were far away, the relatives kept enlarging the photos. Fortunately, Wenbo’s Huawei mobile phone had high pixels.

"Oh, you wouldn't know it until you look at it. I'm shocked when I see it. This man looks really like A Xun."

"He's quite handsome with his oily back."

"Although the hairstyle has been changed, the nose, eyebrows and eyes are exactly the same."

"Isn't this my little nephew?"

That's right, I can guarantee that this is Ah Hou.

"Why did Ah Xun run away to Shang Hai?"

"He also spent 3 billion to become the major shareholder of the Cultural Expo Company. Is this true or false?"

"I originally thought A Xun was rich enough, but I didn't expect him to be so rich.

"what's going on?"

"Where did Ah Xun get so much money?"

"In comparison, I think the statement of similar appearance is more convincing."

"It is possible for two completely unrelated strangers to look exactly the same. Haven't the media reported similar things before?

I think Ah Xun and this guy are probably in the same situation. "

"Hey, what are we guessing here? Just ask Axun's parents directly.


"Fourth brother, are you online? Call me back?"

"Sister-in-law, please reply after seeing the news. Is this my nephew?"

Jiang Bin and Teng Lihua did not reply for a long time.

It was approaching the end of the year and the battlefield was on holiday, so the couple were busy getting money to pay the workers.

The two of them were so busy calculating accounts and counting money that they didn't even have their phones.

Jiang Shuyin stood up and interrupted everyone's discussion.

"Don't make blind guesses. I'll call Brother Axun and ask him."

In the auditorium, Jiang Xun's face froze with laughter.

There are so many people staring at you, so you can only try your best to keep it like this.

I will never have a meeting with Uncle Zeng again!

Jiang Xun was completely speechless. I was really stunned!

Can you imagine how strong the desire to talk is for a person who has been in a coma in a hospital bed for three years?

Zeng Yuqun talked for an hour.

The topic of the speech ranged from recalling the glorious past to the future significance of new energy battery power systems in promoting the automotive field.

Zeng Yuqun did not write the whole script, and Jiang Jin admired it to death.

“I finally know how great entrepreneurs become.

It’s no wonder that you guys are so busy drawing cakes. "

The leader's speech may be the same as that of relatives urging marriage.

There’s nothing to talk about, it’s so boring, so let me get married.

You guys look at me, it’s so embarrassing. Let me say something.

Just when Zeng Yuqun took a breath and was about to continue, a burst of music from his cell phone sounded.

'OHHHHHHH, Who lives in a pine apple under the sea?




The auditorium echoed with the SpongeBob SquarePants theme song.

The playful melody made everyone in the venue stunned.

At the shareholders' meeting, during the solemn moment of the chairman's speech, the theme song of SpongeBob SquarePants suddenly sounded at this critical moment, and everyone suddenly became a little nervous.

"Zhou Cao, which group is this?"

"Hey at the shareholders' meeting, your phone won't turn off? At least it should be set to vibrate mode, right?"

"It's over, this man is miserable, at least he needs to be punished.

Moreover, it left a bad impression in front of the company's senior management.

The journey is worrying.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. This seems to be the theme song of SpongeBob SquarePants. My daughter really likes it."

"Pfft, this man is also a wonderful person, what a little elf."

Everyone looked around to find out who the unlucky guy was.

The ringtone came from the shareholders' table. Everyone followed the sound and focused their attention on Jiang Xun.

Cough, cough, cough, Jiang Xun coughed awkwardly.

"Um, sorry, I forgot to turn off the phone."

Everyone understood and smiled kindly.

It turns out it's you. That's okay. We don't mind if you play a game of Honor of Kings live.

Who told you to be rich and powerful, or the savior of our Zhu De era?

This world has such a high tolerance for the rich.

Jiang Xun hung up Jiang Shuyin's phone with his hand under the table and turned off the phone.

He was a little annoyed, why did this little girl choose to call at this time?

In the audience, Wenbo's expression changed and he quickly asked Jiang Shuyin in the group of relatives and friends: "Cousin, is Axun's cell phone ringtone the theme song of SpongeBob SquarePants?"

"Yeah, what's wrong? Is that person me?"

Wenbo stood dumbfounded on the spot. His mood at the moment could only be described by one lyric - There is a violent storm in my world~

His eyes suddenly widened, as if he saw an alien.

'He is really my cousin Jiang Xun!'

'The great savior who saved our company in times of crisis was actually my cousin, hahaha!'

'It's developed, it's developed, and my cousin actually became the company's largest shareholder?'

Wenbo was ecstatic in his heart and his face was as happy as a chrysanthemum.

He seemed to have seen a broad road leading directly to the pinnacle of life.

"I want to laugh so much! I really want to be filial!"

Colleagues looked at him sideways when they saw him, what's wrong with him?

Listening to the SpongeBob SquarePants theme song makes you so happy.

The general manager of the department was furious when he saw Wenbo looking stupid. Don't want this month's performance bonus!

On the stage, Zeng Yuqun handed the microphone to Jiang Xun.

"Now let me solemnly introduce to you the company's new shareholder, Mr. Jiang Xunjiang, chairman of the Guangzhou Xunyou Capital Ocean Foundation!"

There was endless applause from the audience, and everyone spontaneously applauded Jiang Xun. This was the highlight moment of Jiang Xun’s life alone.

Jiang Xun felt great joy and sense of accomplishment. He truly realized that his decision could really affect the fate of others.

In the crowd, Wen Bo was so excited that he really wanted to jump up and announce to the world.

That fish pond, oh no, that man! It’s my cousin!

The unmarried female employees from the Ningde era looked at Jiang Xun, with peach blossom faces and spring water in their eyes. Being in a high position at a young age, rich, beautiful and mysterious, this is a perfect combination for Yifang

Heart arsonist!.

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