Yuan Yang knew that his brother looked down on him,

He made three hundred thousand without any further pressure.

"Brother, I will transfer 300,000 yuan to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Father Yuan choked on the drink in his mouth and groaned.

Mother Yuan's hand holding the vegetables was frozen in the air.

The second elder looked at his son in disbelief.

"Yangzi, what did you say?"

"Again, how much is it?"

Yuan Yang shrugged nonchalantly.

"Three hundred thousand."

Chen Yanrong looked at her partner's brother in surprise,

She thought to herself, weren’t you studying in university in Gwangju?

Where did the three hundred thousand come from?

Yuan Lang's eyes lit up and he said suspiciously: "Yangzi, are you just trying to make fun of me?

Those who celebrate the Chinese New Year don’t want to do this. "

"Hey, brother, how can I tease you at this time?

Now take out your mobile phone to check your account and see if you have received 300,000 yuan there. "

Yuan Lang didn't dare to ask Da and quickly took out his mobile phone to check.

Chen Yanrong also came over. This was a life-long matter, and he couldn't afford to be careless.

Yuan Yang logged into the bank APP and took a look,

As expected, there was an additional transfer record of 300,000 yuan in his account.

"It's really three hundred thousand!"

"Yanrong, look, there are really three hundred thousand!"

Chen Yanrong saw it on the side, and she nodded repeatedly in surprise.

"Mom and dad, look, Yangzi really transferred 300,000 yuan to my account."

Yuan Lang was shocked that his younger brother, who was in college, made three hundred thousand for himself without blinking an eye. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Yuan's father and Yuan's mother were shocked. Their combined annual income was only about 100,000 yuan.

They did not eat or drink for three years to save this money.

Is it possible to go three years without eating or drinking?

But my son, who is in college, actually took out the money.

This made them shocked and somewhat suspicious.

"Yangzi, where did you get this money?"

"Isn't it dirty money that came from a shady source?"

Yuan Lang's expression changed. His younger brother was a top student at a key university and had a bright future.

If he went astray because of himself, he would die of guilt for the rest of his life.

"Yangzi, didn't you get the money through online lending?

That thing is a savage beast that eats people without spitting out their bones, so don’t touch it!

If this is really the case, then the eldest brother must not accept the money.

You quickly take it and return it.

My marriage is a small matter, but it would be really fatal if you were entangled in illegal online loans. "

Father Yuan and Mother Yuan's hearts continued to sink as if they were tied to a stone.

"What's going on with Yoko? I'm really worried."

"No, where did you want to go? Don't worry, this money definitely comes from the right place. I earned it from my work.

Yuan Lang was stunned: "You earned it through work, didn't you study in school?

Besides, what kind of job can make you, a college student, earn so much money?"

Chen Yanrong and Yuan's father and mother cast suspicious eyes on Yuan Yang.

They also had the same doubts.

"That's right, I have a good friend who is a college roommate named Jiang Xun. He is from Gwangju and is very rich.

He opened an e-sports club and hired me as the general manager of the e-sports club. "

General manager of an eSports club?

Several people looked at each other, full of doubts, what is this?

"E-sports club? What do you do?"

Chen Yanrong covered her mouth and exclaimed: "General Manager! This position sounds too scary, right?"

Ordinary people usually come into contact with these words through social networks and film and television works.

The Yuan family simply couldn't imagine that their son and brother actually became the general manager.

Yuan Yangzhi sat cross-legged on the kang with great satisfaction.

"Come on, let's chat slowly one by one."

"Let's talk about this e-sports club first. You don't need to know what this is. You just need to know that my buddy spent 30 million on it to build this e-sports club!"

"What, thirty million!"

"It's definitely not three million, but thirty million."

The Yuan family simply couldn’t believe it.

Words like thirty million actually appear in their real lives.

Isn’t this too magical and realistic?

"Yeah, what's thirty million?

This is simply a drop in the bucket for Ah Xun.

"Thirty million is still a drop in the bucket?"

"How rich is that classmate of yours?"

"There should be several billions. He went to Shanghai years ago, and I don't know much about his current situation.

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole room instantly became audible.

Everyone looked at each other and dared not speak, as if their tongues were tied.

How many billions?

What kind of magical figure is this?

Chen Yanrong opened her mouth blankly,

My partner's younger brother actually knows someone of that level.

And he’s also someone’s best friend. How can he be a person like this after being listed on the list?

Not to mention the future, he has already become the general manager now.

That is a height that many people cannot reach in their lifetime.

"So, tens of millions are nothing to Ah Xun?"

It took everyone a while to recover from the word billions.

"Brother, how much does your classmate pay you per month?"

"fifty thousand."

Father Yuan and Mother Yuan gasped, those two months were worth a year.

"And I still have paid leave. Although I am at home now, my salary is still paid.

Yuan Lang looked envious. This treatment made him feel sour!

"Fifty thousand a month, no wonder you can come up with three hundred thousand.

There’s also paid time off. “That buddy of yours is really interesting to you.

Yuan Yang was so happy that his eyebrows trembled.

"That's right, I'm the best buddy in Ah Xun University."

"So, feel free to use this money, don't worry.

"Okay, even if I borrow this money from you, I will definitely pay it back to you in the future."

"No rush, no rush.

"Hahaha, that's right.

Yoko, you must not be in a hurry, you are already earning a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan before you even step out of college.

"With these three hundred thousand, my marriage is settled!

Thank you roommate for me.

If he hadn't given you this job with such a good salary, I would really have a headache for the bride price. "

Chen Yanrong joked: "Look at you like this. Just now you were depressed and drunk, but now you are happy from ear to ear."

"My brother has a promising future, we are so happy today!"

"Brother, how about inviting your classmate over for a wedding drink when my brother gets married tomorrow?"

"Forget it about having a wedding banquet. It's so far away, I guess A Xun won't come."

“Then when the time comes, why don’t you bring some of our local specialties to others to show your appreciation?

"That's a good feeling."

Not only did the eldest son’s betrothal gift fall into place,

The younger son also has a bright future,

Yuan's father and Yuan's mother are very happy.

"Er, that classmate of yours is a righteous person and warm-hearted, so he is definitely the right kind of person.

I won’t say thank you for your kindness, and I will work hard with you from now on. "

"Dad, don't worry, I know that I can't do that kind of treacherous thing."

"That's good, that's good. Come on, let's go together as a family."

"Happy New Year!"

The atmosphere in the Yuan family changed from the previous solemnity, and the banquet was filled with laughter and laughter.


The phone in Yuan Yang's pocket vibrated, and when he saw it, several roommates in the roommate group were already chatting.

Zhou Zilin: ‘Happy New Year, handsome men. "

‘Happy New Year~~

Tan Yu: 'Breaking news, breaking news, I can't hold it in anymore.

Yuan Yang: ‘Master Tan, what good news do you want to announce?

‘Hurry and hold the mobile phones in your hands steadily, be careful not to drop them later. "

‘What kind of good news is this so mysterious?

‘After the school holidays, Brother Xun went to Shanghai, do you know this?”

You know, I'm going home with my girlfriend. ’

'But you must not know that Brother Xun invested 6 to 7 billion in Shanghai, a new energy battery company called CATL!'

Zhou Zilin: 'Holy crap! Did you make a mistake? Six to seven billion?

Tan Yu: ‘No, I didn’t believe it when I heard it. ’

Yuan Yang: ‘Six to seven billion, where did Ah Xun get so much money?

Brother Xun himself basically has more than 2 billion in assets, but more of them come from the foundation and his future father-in-law.

Brother Xun and a group of wealthy men in Gwangju established a Xunyou Capital Ocean Foundation. My father is one of the directors, and Xun serves as the chairman. "

Yuan Yang: ‘Axun Niupi is very popular among the wealthy people in Guangzhou. ’

Zhou Zilin: ‘It’s too cool to be the chairman of the board of directors. Brother Xun, please guide me!

This is not the coolest thing. The most cool thing is Brother Xun’s investment in Ningde Times.

Do you know about the Ningde era?’

'have no idea. "

‘You can check it out for yourself later. This company has been stealing the show in the new energy field recently. It swallowed up its once largest competitor Tianfu Group, and Yiyue became the largest new energy battery supplier in China. Recently, the country has introduced a series of new energy support policies, and the Ningde era has risen strongly!

Do you know what the current market value of CATL is?’

How many?!

'Fifteen billion! The Xunyou Foundation headed by Brother Xun holds 70% of the shares. My father said, "Qi Hua alone holds 10% of the shares. You go from Japan." Bar."

Zhou Zilin and Yuan Yang, two friends who were in different places, coincidentally opened their mobile calculators.

Seventy percent of 15 billion is 10.5 billion.

Jiang Xun alone holds 30% of the shares, which is 5 billion!

The numbers are cold and real, and breathtaking.

‘Hold the grass! Doesn’t that mean Brother Xun now has a net worth of 5 billion? "

'Superficially, as the chairman of Xunyou Fund, all the shares worth 10.5 billion are in A Xu's hands and can be mobilized by him.

What is the difference between Brother Xun, who can control this asset at will, and a billionaire?

Yuan Yang and Zhou Zilin were deeply shocked.

Fortunately, Tan Yu told them to hold their mobile phones, otherwise they would have been dropped.

Yuan Lang saw his younger brother lying on the kang stupidly holding a mobile phone. He couldn't help but asked with concern: "Brother, what's wrong?"

"Axun has become the major shareholder of a company with a market value of 15 billion.

He directly controlled 70% of the shares of that company, and those shares are now worth 10.5 billion!"

As soon as Yuan Yang finished speaking, the room fell into deathly silence.

Everyone looked at him dumbfounded,

The word "10.5 billion" echoed in everyone's ears,

He couldn't even pay attention to the Spring Festival Gala program being played on TV.

The wine was spilled, the dumplings fell to the ground, and time seemed to have stopped.

For the Yuan family, several billion is the limit of their cognition.

Now Yuan Yang told them that his roommate had more than 10 billion in wealth.

They suddenly felt like I was dreaming.

It's like a lifetime ago.

Yuan Yang was quilt

Tortured by curiosity almost to the point of going crazy,

He quickly typed in the group and asked: 'How did you do it? Mr. Tan quickly told me. "

Jiang Xun also saw the discussion among his roommates,

But he didn't stand up and say anything.

It would be too pretentious to say such a thing from your own mouth.

Tan Yu pried the inside information from his father and recounted it.

Yuan Yang and Zhou Zilin were fascinated by what they heard.

They are dazzled by the multi-billion trades that can be made at every turn.

Jiang Xun used his actual actions to tell them what it means to be far-sighted and to have a clear vision.

Looking at Jiang Xun's operations, every step is thrilling but eccentric, every step is successful, and the links are interlocking, which is dizzying.

Hear the thunder in the silent place, and see the big golden sword in the size!

Jiang Xun was not in the mood to care about the shock in the hearts of his roommates at this time.

He is on a video call with his girlfriend.

On the first day of the new year, there were only four bowls for the morning meal.

Two bowls of cabbage and two bowls of tofu symbolize innocence.

After breakfast, Jiang Ting smiled and wished his parents New Year greetings.

".||Mom and Dad, happy New Year, may all the best, may you live younger and younger."

Jiang Bin and Deng Lihua stretched out their hands in unison.

Jiang Xun muttered a few words in protest.

"How can anyone be like you?

My son wishes you a happy New Year, so forget it if you don’t give me any New Year’s money.

Why are you asking me for lucky money instead?"

A protest was a protest, and Jiang Xun handed over two red envelopes honestly.

"Come on, come on, you have touched the New Year's money, I will keep it for you."

Jiang Bin and Teng Lihua couldn't help laughing.

"You kid used my tricks to deal with me."

"I'm telling you, there's no way." (Qian's)

"Hurry up and take care of yourself. I'll go to relatives and friends' houses to pay New Year's greetings later."

While talking, the doorbell rang.

"I'll open the door."

The person coming is Tan Yu.

"Happy New Year, Brother Xun!"

Jiang Xun nodded, I thought you were joking, but I didn't expect you to come so early.

"Oh, it's you, Happy New Year! Come in.

By the way, you finally look good today. "

Jiang Xun noticed that Tan Yu had changed his previous shocking appearance.

I put on a decent windbreaker, with a cardigan vest and a lapel collar shirt underneath.

"Aren't I just following you, Brother Xun?"

"Uncle and aunt, happy new year. I am Brother Xun's roommate, Tan Yu."

"Happy New Year, please sit down, please, I'll make tea.

"He came so early, this kid is really thoughtful."

Not long after Tan Shun sat down, someone rang the doorbell again.

The face of the visitor was unfamiliar.

"Who are you?"

"Happy New Year to Chairman Jiang, and my father Wang Jinzhe..."

Next, the descendants of the directors of Immersion Capital arrived one after another.

"Happy New Year, Chairman Jiang, I am Lin Chuping's daughter..."

"Happy New Year, Chairman Jiang, I am Li Jihan's son..."

Jiang Xun had no impression of many of them, and just recognizing them was a waste of effort.

He complained helplessly to Yuan among the directors.

I really shouldn't have disclosed my home address to you. Your sons, daughters, grandchildren, nieces and nephews have almost crossed the threshold of my home.

‘Hey, Mr. Jiang, the New Year’s Day is very lively. Let the children go to your house to make money. ’

‘Mr. Wang, your son is already thirty, and the lines on his forehead are all open.

I was embarrassed when he wished me New Year greetings.

It's not appropriate to call me Xiao Wang, and it's a little weird to call me Uncle.

‘Hahaha, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter.

Jiang Xun's face froze with laughter. Oops, luckily I have more red envelopes prepared. .

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