My Pastor, What The Hell Is Cancer Cell Proliferation?

57. Cold Ice Poison Toad King! The Terrifying Effects Of Demonized Runes!

57. Ice Poison Toad King! The terrifying effect of demonized runes!

Lin Luo, who was still on the 28th floor of the trial tower, certainly didn't know about the chaos in the trial square.

The flaming dragon's shit sprayed all over the floor, and a dozen professionals closest to him were sprayed all over.

Many people screamed and ran away, and some good-hearted people quickly took out their mobile phones to take pictures in various poses.

Nowadays, the most popular news on the entire Internet is his accident of stepping into the twenty-eighth floor.

There was also a baby dragon pooping in the trial square, which flooded the news with more than a dozen professionals.

Now, Dongfang He and his flame baby dragon have made headlines!

"I eliminated Dongfang Hei. Now I should be the only one left in the entire trial tower."

Lin Luo recalled the remaining three lizard warriors and said.

The Scarlet Fury Staff can summon nine lizardmen.

One was killed by the Cold Ice Poison Toad, five were killed by Dongfang Hei and his dragon pet, and now only three are left.

Fortunately, summoning the lizard warriors is only a skill that comes with the staff. Even if they are all dead, they will be summoned again after 24 hours.

"The Great Round Lake is not large, but it will take a lot of time to circle it all. I can use these three lizard warriors to spread the Black Death Virus..."

Lin Luo thought.

Of all the skills he has mastered now, only Black Death Virus has the highest level, reaching LV Level 7!

It has the highest spread range and lethality, and is his magic skill for leveling up and killing monsters.

After making the decision, he immediately invaded the three remaining lizard warriors with the Black Death Virus.

"The three of you, take the virus with you to find the gathering place of the Cold Ice Toads. Even if you die, you will infect the Cold Ice Toads with this virus!"


These three lizard warriors were half puppets, but they responded weakly to Lin Luo's orders.

The three of them immediately turned around and ran towards the center of the Great Round Lake at a very fast speed.

The temperature in Great Round Lake is extremely low, but there is also air movement. The ice fog shrouding it is the best explanation.

"The temperature here is low and the air flow is slow, which is the most natural harbor for cultivating the Black Death Virus!"

"Just need to wait for a certain period of time..."

In less than five minutes, in Lin Luo's perception, a Black Death Virus originally cultivated on the lizard warrior suddenly broke out.

In a very short period of time, more than ten viruses split and invaded the bodies of more than a thousand and thirteen other hosts.

"It's starting to get infected!"

In a certain area in the center of Great Round Lake, more than a dozen ice poisonous toads were croaking.

More than a dozen tough frog tongues flew in the air, and a lizardman warrior was cut into pieces in just a few seconds.

Blood, viscera and minced meat flowed all over the floor.

More than a dozen Ice Poison Toads were excitedly devouring the blood food that had finally been delivered to their doorstep.

But what they didn't notice was that among the flesh and blood of these corpses, a light black aura soon emerged and rushed into their bodies!

Before they finished eating the corpses of the lizard warriors, black auras appeared on the surface of their bodies.

Black Death Virus!


After a dozen Ice Poison Toads ate, they returned to the poisonous group, and at that time they infected more Ice Poison Toads.

In the other two directions, lizard warriors were also cut into pieces.

The Black Death Virus cultivated on his body soon spread to the surrounding Ice Poison Toads.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Luo, who was approaching the center of Dayuan Lake, murmured: "Three hundred and fifty-six..."

"Are there three hundred and fifty-six Ice Poison Toads in the center of Great Round Lake?"

He waited for a few more minutes, but felt that the Black Death Virus showed no signs of continuing to spread, but instead gathered together.

"Ahead, is the gathering place of the Cold Ice Poison Toad? Time is running out, let's deal with it here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he made a secret with one hand and released the next skill.

"Black Death Virus Explosion Technique!"


Waves of strange fluctuations suddenly took Lin Luo's body as the center of the circle and spread towards the surroundings.

On the ice less than two kilometers away from Linluo, hundreds of car-sized cold ice poisonous toads were gathering together.

Suddenly, an Ice Poison Toad on the outermost side screamed in pain.

His big mouth began to ooze blood, and his bulging eyes turned red. He coughed violently, and he sprayed mouthfuls of blood onto the snow-white ice.




In addition to him, the surrounding Cold Ice Poison Toads also began to cough up blood violently.

One after another, the black aura of the Black Death Virus surged out from them and gathered together to form a more toxic Black Death Virus, which backfired on these cold ice poisonous toads!


The Ice Poison Toad that broke out from the first Black Death Virus finally couldn't hold on anymore. It screamed and spat out a large ball of dirty blood, then slowly fell to the ground and could no longer move.



With the death of this cold ice poison toad, more and more cold ice poison toads also died.

The Ice Poison Toads who were originally gathered together separated in panic, but they could not resist their death and fell to the ground in pain.

For a time, the huge ice surface was covered with the corpses of cold ice poisonous toads, covering the ground.


In this case, an even more harsh frog sound suddenly came from the center of the ice.

A Cold Ice Poison Toad King who was more than twice the size of other Cold Ice Poison Toads, and whose skin had turned almost as transparent as ice, opened his eyes fiercely.

He was also covered by a black Black Death Virus, and he coughed out a stream of dirty blood.

But then there was a flash of white light on his body, which temporarily froze and suppressed the Black Death Virus in his body.

His noisy, white eyes as big as a copper bell looked around, and then looked sharply towards the outer edge of the Great Round Lake.


He could feel that there was an aura that was obviously not from their Cold Ice Poison Toad clan, approaching quickly!

The death of the clan members must be caused by this guy!


He screamed strangely, his limbs suddenly shrank to the ground, and then he kicked hard.

The huge body actually jumped hundreds of meters at once, like a huge spring, killing the figure in the distance!

[You killed the Ice Poison Toad, and you got 14,000 Experience Points. ]

[You killed the Cold Ice Poison Toad, and you gained 14,500 Experience Points. ]

[You killed the Ice Poison Toad and gained 13,000 Experience Points. ]

[You gained 1 skill point………………]

Voices without the slightest emotion of the will of the world came out, causing Lin Luo's eyes to brighten.

"A lot of Experience Points. If all these three hundred cold ice poison toads die of illness, how many levels can I reach?"

"Another skill point? Not many professionals have come to kill these cold ice poison toads for more than two hundred years. The surprise contained in them is beyond my imagination!"

"There are also their dead bodies, but there are a lot of equipment, props, and most importantly, there is Ice Vision!"

[You killed the Ice Poison Toad, and you got 14,000 Experience Points. ]

[You killed the Cold Ice Poison Toad, and you gained 14,500 Experience Points. ]

[You killed the Ice Poison Toad, and you got 13,000 Experience Points. ]

[You gained 1 skill point! ]

[You have reached LV Level 32! ]

[Your four-dimensional attribute points are fixedly increased by 1 point, and you gain 4 free attribute points. ]


[You killed the Cold Ice Poison Toad, and you got 12,000 Experience Points. ]

[You killed the Ice Poison Toad, and you gained 13,500 Experience Points. ]

[You killed the Ice Poison Toad, and you got 13,000 Experience Points. ]

[You gained 1 skill point! ]

[You have reached LV Level 33! ]

[You gained 1 skill point! ]

[Your four-dimensional attribute points are fixedly increased by 1 point, and you gain 4 free attribute points. ]


[You have reached LV Level 35! ]

[You have gained 1 gold skill point! ]

[Your four-dimensional attribute points are fixedly increased by 1 point, and you gain 4 free attribute points. ]

The deaths of 365 Ice Poison Toads raised his level to LV Level 35!

At the same time, he also gained 12 skill points!

There is still 1 gold skill point!

The rewards here are so rich!

"There are actually gold skill points!"

Lin Luo took a breath of cold air.

If the 12 skill points made him excited, the 1 golden skill point was enough to make him jump.

One gold skill point means that he can upgrade a skill that has been upgraded to LV Level 7 to LV Level 8!

Under normal circumstances, you only have the opportunity to obtain gold skill points when you kill BOSS above the gold level, or when you complete some important characters.

Unexpectedly, after using the Black Death Virus to poison more than 300 ice poisonous toads, he was actually rewarded with 1 gold skill point!

At this moment, another reminder of the will of the world came over!

[Your magic rune (special prop) has absorbed enough alien atmosphere and biological soul [Utility] [L effect doubled! Utility 2 activated! Utility B activated! ]

"Demon rune?"

Lin Luo's eyes lit up slightly.

If it weren't for the reminder of the will of the world, he would have almost forgotten that there was a special prop, the magic rune, in his backpack!

[Demonized runes (special props): The special runes produced after this world was eroded by the breath of another world, seem to hide great secrets. Professionals can upgrade this demonic rune by killing alien creatures and absorbing their breath and soul. ]

[Utility 1: All attributes +10. ]

[Utility 2: Demonization, professionals can use this rune to transform into a demonized creature. ]

[Utility 3: Energy conversion, it can absorb any form of energy, thereby converting it into energy that can be absorbed and used by professionals. ]

[Utility 4: Insufficient level, cannot be queried. ]

[Utility 5: Insufficient level, cannot be queried. ]

[Utility 6: Insufficient level, cannot be queried. ]

[Utility 7: Insufficient level, cannot be queried. ]

[Utility 8: Insufficient level, cannot be queried. ]

[Utility 9: Insufficient level, cannot be queried. ]

"Huh? Something has changed!"

Lin Luo looked at this demonized rune carefully.

"Utility 1 has been increased ten times! It used to be +1 for all attributes, but now it is +10 for all attributes! This attribute alone is far more than ordinary gold-level equipment!"

"There is also effect 2, demonization. Can I transform into a demonized creature?"

Lin Luo concentrated his energy on this effect, and immediately had many options in front of him.

[Is it demonized into a demonized creature? ]

He took a closer look and saw that these options were all the ones he had killed during this period.


From the demonized rat at the beginning of the meeting, to the lizard warriors, lizard priests, flying poisonous bats, purple-eyed centipedes, magma hounds, hellhounds, bloodthirsty willows, and harpies in the back

, together with the Cold Ice Poison Toad he just killed, can be transformed into demons!

The difference is that the creatures he transformed are just superficial and cannot use their original abilities.

It's like wearing a layer of skin.

However, he can still use the natural instincts of these monsters.

For example, the flying ability of the flying poison bat and the harpy, the ability of the purple-eyed centipede to escape from the ground, and the fire resistance ability of the hell dog.

"There is also a third effect, energy conversion!"

Lin Luo looked carefully.

"Can it absorb any form of energy and convert it into energy for use by professionals? Doesn't that mean that I don't have to worry about mana consumption in the future?"

" really too powerful!"

Think about it, if a mage profession obtains this demonized rune and activates the third effect, directly transforming into a perpetual motion turret, who can stop it?

"I just don't know, what are the last few abilities of this demonic rune?"


Just then, a harsh frog croaking sound came.

In the thick fog in the distance, there is a huge black shadow that is approaching rapidly in one jump - 043 jumps.

"Huh? Is such a big ice poisonous toad the BOSS?"

Lin Luo's eyes narrowed: "Yes, no professional has set foot in the center of Great Round Lake for more than two hundred years, so BOSS must have been born!"

"Ordinary Cold Ice Poison Toad cannot resist the high-level LV Level 7 Black Death Virus, but as a BOSS with extremely high magic defense, it can definitely block it!"

"This is an opportunity to try out the power of this demonic rune!"

He stared straight at the utility 2 of the magic rune and immediately chose to use it.


A gust of cold wind swept past, and a huge snow-white frog appeared on the spot, lying on the ground like a car.

It looks almost exactly like the real thing.



Not long after he had transformed, the huge Ice Poison Toad BOSS fell from the sky and hit the ground hard.

Violent vibrations came from the earth, and the surrounding wind, snow, frost and fog were also surging crazily.


After landing, the huge Ice Poison Toad BOSS looked around strangely.

Why did the enemy's aura disappear?

There is actually another member of the same race here? It seems to be intact?

Full of doubts, it looked around, trying to find the hidden enemy.

At this time, Lin Luo, who had transformed into the Ice Poison Toad, was filled with shock.

"This kind of demonic ability is really terrifying!"

"If I could transform into a monster and sneak up to the BOSS to assassinate him, who could stop him?"

Lin Luo had a very strange feeling at this time. He seemed to be covered with the skin of a cold ice poison toad, and his body was also cold, as if he had really turned into ice poison.

He also looked at the Ice Poison Toad BOSS.

The simple size is a bit bigger than the ordinary cold ice poison toad he is currently transforming into.

The skin all over his body almost turned into transparent ice cubes, like a perfect piece of art.

Far from being disgusting, the poison glands on the surface exude a strange light.

At this time, his mouth, pupils "and even his ears were filled with blood.

It seems that the Black Death Virus also worked, but unfortunately it did not completely kill him!

[Name: Ice Poison Toad King (Pseudo King Level)]

[Race: Demonized Creature, Toad]








[Skills: cold poison, tongue attack, self-destruction, freezing light]

[Introduction: Wangwang, who was born from the Cold Ice Poison Toad group that was eroded by the alien atmosphere, has a comprehensive strength several times higher than the ordinary Cold Ice Poison Toad. ]


The Ice Poison Toad King suddenly turned around and looked at the Ice Poison Toad demonized by Lin Luo, and made a questioning frog sound.


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