6. Try mutation skills!

It is a sparsely vegetated wasteland with hundreds of undulating hillsides.

Under this hillside, there are a large number of holes densely packed.

Some of these cave entrances are only one or two meters high, but some are more than ten meters high, like a huge mouth.

Around the entrance of the cave, there were densely packed demonized rats the size of kittens.

There are hundreds of passages inside the cave, like a huge maze.

The ones that were refreshed were all monster projections of the Demon Rat clan, and there were a huge number of them.

At this moment, a figure suddenly walked towards Lin Luo.

With a voluptuous figure and wearing a bright red robe, she turned out to be a beautiful young woman who looked to be in her twenties.

"Little brother, you are a newly awakened student, right? It's very dangerous here. Do you want to form a team with us?"

Lin Luo said vigilantly: "No need, I can do it alone."

"Little brother, you may not know that this place is very dangerous for novice professionals like you." The beautiful woman continued: "Something happened a few days ago. Five novice professionals formed a team and went in to practice. Level, all five people are dead!”

"Especially those four girls, tsk tsk tsk, the rat-men inside..."

Although the beautiful young woman didn't say it clearly, her tone and eyes already said something.

Those girls must be miserable.

Lin Luo shook his head and said, "Thanks for reminding me, but I still want to be alone."

After saying that, he ignored the obstruction of the beautiful young woman and walked directly to the Demon Rat Plain.

"Sister Qing, what did you say to that boy?"

A big man came over from behind and asked strangely.

Sister Qing shook her head and said, "It's nothing. I met a very interesting little brother."

The big man said disdainfully: "Tsk, he's just a kid who doesn't know what the world is like. Sister Qing, why are you pulling him?"

"Don't you know how high the sky is and how high it is?"

Sister Qing smiled and said: "That's not necessarily the case. I can feel that the boy is very different."

"What's different?"

"Other newcomers were very excited when they went out for the first time and wanted to prove to everyone how powerful they were." Sister Qing said, "But this little brother, I only see calmness deep in his eyes."

Just as he was talking, several more people came up.

"Sister Qing, act quickly!"

"Xiaohe has found out the coordinates of the monster. Killing him will probably result in a job transfer. Act quickly, don't let others snatch it!"


Sister Qing agreed: "Let's take action. As long as the job transfer certificate is revealed, each person will receive nearly 10,000 yuan!"

"Ten thousand yuan, great!"

"Hurry up!"

Inside the cave, Lin Luo cautiously searched forward.

There was some damp soil on the ground, the grass was sticky, and there was a fishy smell in the air.

He searched forward for a few minutes, and soon felt another thin figure suddenly rushing towards him from the darkness!

Lin Luo discovered the true identity of this thin figure at a glance.

Demonized rat!

[Name: Demonized Mouse]

[Race: Demonized Creature]

[Level: LV2]

[Strength: 5]

[Constitution: 3]

[Speed: 6]

[Spirit: 1]

[Attack: 5-25]

[HP: 200]

[Skills: bite, bloodthirsty, virus spread]

[Introduction: Creatures affected by demonic energy become very bloodthirsty and cruel. Once the number exceeds a thousand, they can form an extremely terrifying rat tide. ]

Lin Luo did some calculations, and found that the minimum attack of a demonized rat is 5 points, the maximum is 25 points, and the blood volume is as high as 200 points.

This kind of value is three to four times that of ordinary professionals.

If professionals don't form a team, it will be difficult to farm the demonized rats alone.

"Damn it! This demonized rat's attack is really high. My HP was 100 points, but one bite from it dropped it by one-third!"

"Hurry up and block it! Three people are surrounding a mouse, don't let it escape!"

"What a shame! Two grown men can't even kill a mouse!"

"The magician has some uses in the early stage..."

There were noisy and angry shouts of professionals everywhere, and from time to time there were exclamations from professionals.

These demonized mice all look like kittens.

The whole body was pitch black mixed with pale hair, the fangs and claws were very sharp, and the eyes were blood red, just like a wild dog infected with rabies.

It looks very scary.

Most of them are novice players. When have they ever seen such a terrifying monster?

Curling his lips, Lin Luo disdained to compete with these players for monsters.

Follow the path and head towards the forest in the distance.

After a few minutes, there were fewer and fewer professionals around.

And the number of demonized rats hiding in the grass is increasing.

Spotting a demonized mouse not far away, Lin Luo grabbed the new staff in his hand, chanted a spell, and waved it in that direction.

This novice staff is a novice weapon issued by the school to professionals after they successfully awaken.

A bloody ray of light flashed past, and the demonized mouse that was running wildly suddenly screamed and fell to the ground.

The skin on its chest suddenly split open, as if some monster rushed out of its abdomen. In an instant, blood poured out, along with its internal organs.

"Fuck...so strong?"

Lin Luo said in surprise.

The demonized rat attacks sharply and very quickly. Ordinary professionals would have to waste a lot of effort to kill it. Unexpectedly, it was killed instantly by a priest!

[You killed the Demonized Rat (LV3) and gained 60 experience points. ]

The voice of the will of the world came, causing Lin Luo to be stunned for a moment.

Killing a demonized rat (LV3) alone, his experience tube increased by more than half.

Instant kill!

A LV Level 3 rat, under Lin Luo's Skin Burst Technique, had its blood volume directly controlled and turned into a bloody corpse.

If other novice professionals see it, they won't be scared to death.

Now the novice profession has just changed, and the level is still LV0. The damage caused to the demonized rats is only a pitiful double digit.

Lin Luo, on the other hand, could instantly kill a demonized rat with one move.

One can imagine how powerful his current magic attack power will be.

In other words, how terrifying are his mutated skills?

Ignore defense!

Instant kill!


Lin Luo licked his lips and walked excitedly towards the other demonized mouse!

He has two other mutant skills that he hasn't tried yet!

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