My Pastor, What The Hell Is Cancer Cell Proliferation?

73. Genital Warts Accelerated Cell Division! Gonorrhea Transmission! Syphilis Outbreak!

73. Genital Warts Accelerated Cell Division! Gonorrhea Transmission! Syphilis Outbreak!

Lin Luo said indifferently: "It's nothing, just a small ability."

He could clearly feel the killing intent in Yang Haoran.

I was not familiar with him, so where did the inexplicable murderous intention come from?

Lian Yining?

He's really a good licking dog, but it's a pity that he offended someone he shouldn't have offended.

Since you want to kill me, how can I hold back your hand?

Before you die, let you experience the pain that men never dare to experience!

Genital Warts Accelerated Cell Division!

At this time, Yang Haoran's lower body should have grown dense Genital Warts!

Genital Warts is a sexually transmitted disease caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and mainly manifests as proliferative damage to the genital area.

The lesions initially appear as small light red papules, and then gradually increase in size, distributed singly or in clusters, moist and soft, with an uneven surface, with nipple-like, comb-like or cauliflower-like protrusions. Red or dirty gray. The roots often have pedicles and are prone to erosion and exudation, and can easily bleed when touched.

Purulent secretions often accumulate between the cracks of the skin lesions, causing a foul odor, and secondary infection can be caused by scratching. Foreign body sensation, pain, itching or intercourse pain may occur.

In severe cases, it can even cause malignant cancers such as cervical cancer and vaginal cancer.

And the most important thing is that Genital Warts cannot be completely cured and will often relapse!

It can be said that as long as you get this disease, your life will be ruined!

"Damn it!"

Yang Haoran cursed secretly, waved his hand, and a ball of cold air surged, freezing his little brother. He endured the severe pain and rushed over again.

"No matter what skill it is, it will be solved if I kill you!"

He roared angrily, and a large amount of cold air condensed in front of him, first condensing into sharp ice blades and shooting at Lin Luo.


"Bang bang!!"

The ice shield appeared again, the ice blade exploded, and a large amount of ice mist was formed, which was controlled by Yang Haoran.

"I have Talent who can control ice. Your ice shield is nourishment for me!"

Yang Haoran stretched out his hand and the surrounding cold dew condensed again, forming more ice blades.

The ice blade struck, and his figure was also controlled by the ice blade. He endured the severe pain of his little brother and rushed forward.

"If you run so fast, you won't be afraid of rotting..."

Lin Luo sneered, and another ice shield was generated to block the incoming ice blade. At the same time, he fired another skill and landed on Yang Haoran.

Genital Warts Accelerated Cell Division!


Yang Haoran stopped suddenly again, subconsciously arched his abdomen and stood on tiptoes, not daring to move because the door was tightly clamped.

He could clearly feel that something was multiplying crazily in his rectum, occupying all his space.

That numb and swollen feeling stimulated his nerves from time to time.

As time went by, he could even feel some viscous, cold liquid flowing out from the steel door, and waves of uncontrollable severe pain were connected from the front and back parts, and spread rapidly.


Yang Haoran finally couldn't help it and screamed loudly.

His strangeness finally attracted the attention of the people around him.

"What's wrong with Yang Haoran? Is your stomach hurting again?"

"Impossible, he didn't have diarrhea!"

"Lin Luo's skill that makes people urinate has been banned. If he still dares to use it, he will be punished directly!"

"Then why is Yang Haoran shouting and crossing his legs?"

"Fuck! Look behind him! Blood is oozing from Yang Haoran's pants!"

"I'll go...really, he has blood in his stool?"

"What's going on? Could it be that you were poisoned by Lin Luo?"

"Hahaha, Yang Haoran has the same menstrual period as a woman, but he actually has diarrhea..."


Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Yang Haoran was angry and angry. The cold air surged around his body and froze his front and back parts.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Looking at Lin Luo who stepped back more than ten meters, Yang Haoran gritted his teeth and said: "Kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

The magic sword in his hand suddenly turned a faint green color, and a fishy smell came from it.

"Poisonous python!"

A green snake-shaped air flow suddenly surged out, opening its huge mouth and biting Lin Luo.

"Toxic Talent!"

"This Yang Haoran actually has three talents!"

"Fire! Ice! Poison! Even some S Level professionals can't compare to these three talents!"

"Yang Haoran will definitely win!"

I saw a snake-shaped airflow coming in, crossing the ice shield, but after contacting Lin Luo, it suddenly collapsed.

It was as if something transparent was blocking him.

"Is it highly poisonous? Ordinary poisons have no effect on me!"

Lin Luo smiled lightly.

The penicillin bacteriophage shield on his body exists permanently, transforming his body all the time.

How could a poisonous python break through his defense?

"Stubborn, I want to see what else you can do next?"

With a thought in his mind, two more skills were displayed, landing on Yang Haoran.

Gonorrhea Transmission!

Syphilis Outbreak!



Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhea (referred to as Neisseria gonorrhoeae), with purulent infection of the genitourinary system as its main manifestation.

Acute Gonorrhea causes burning, itching, redness, swelling, and eversion of the urethral opening. Burning pain during urination, accompanied by frequent urination, and a small amount of mucus secretion from the urethral opening. Most of the urethral mucosal epithelium undergoes focal necrosis, producing a large amount of purulent secretions, tingling during urination, and obvious redness and swelling of the ghost head and skin bag. Gonorrhea or blood can be seen in the urethra, and pus and scab may form at the urethral opening in the morning.

Simple severe pain can cause severe pain in the abdomen and genitals.

Syphilis is a chronic, systemic sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema Pallidum.

In the early stage, it invades the organs and skin, and in the late stage, it invades various organs in the body, and produces a variety of symptoms and signs. The lesions can affect almost every organ in the body.

Syphilis is divided into first-stage Syphilis, second-stage Syphilis and third-stage Syphilis according to time and severity.

Syphilis in the first stage is prone to chancre and lymphadenopathy, mostly at the organ site, which can produce ulcerative grade.

Syphilis symptoms in the second stage are systemic symptoms. The virus spreads through the blood circulation, causing damage to multiple parts and various lesions.

Violates skin, mucous membranes, bones, internal organs, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

When Syphilis entered Phase 2, almost 100% of Syphilis serology tests were positive. Systemic symptoms occur before the rash appears, including fever, headache, bone and joint pain, hepatosplenomegaly, and lymphadenopathy. Syphilis rash then appears and is characterized by recurrence.

At that time, different types of rash viruses would appear everywhere in the body.

Macular, papular, pustular Syphilis rash, flat condyloma, palmoplantar Syphilis rash, etc.

Mucosal damage occurs in the lips, mouth, tonsils and throat, and is mucosal plaques or mucositis, with exudates, or gray and white films, and red and swollen mucous membranes.

Bone and joint damage include periostitis, osteitis, osteomyelitis and arthritis. With pain.

Syphilis iritis, iridocyclitis, choroiditis, retinitis, etc.

At that time, patients were like humanoid ghosts, with various symptoms appearing all over their bodies.

The third phase of Syphilis will be even more serious.

Skin and mucosal damage, proximal joint nodules, and cardiovascular disease. Syphilis mainly invades the aortic arch, and may cause aortic valve insufficiency and cause Syphilis heart disease.

Syphilis meningitis, cerebrovascular Syphilis, meningeal gummy swelling, paralytic dementia, qualitative neurological Syphilis is a substantial lesion of the brain or spinal cord, that is, tuberculosis spinal cord.

It can be said that there is still a chance of cure for Syphilis in the first and second phases.

Once you reach the third period of Syphilis, eat as much as you want.

In an instant, Yang Haoran's body froze again.

He felt again that the skin in that area began to break again, and thick mucus flowed out, accompanied by inexplicable severe pain.

At the same time, he seemed to feel a numb feeling in his limb joints, ears, abdomen, toes, and even hair, as if there were ants crawling all over his body.

".々He should die..."

"What, what's going on..."

Yang Haoran was finally afraid now.

Before he even got close to Lin Luo, he felt like he was seriously injured, especially Na Li.

There is a man's most precious organ. If something goes wrong there...

He then thought of the two poor guys who had fainted and were still having diarrhea in the same arena just now, and his scalp went numb in an instant.


This kid definitely has skills that are more disgusting and terrifying than making people diarrhoea!

My steel door is bleeding, I wonder what this guy did!

Can't stay here anymore!

At this time, he felt a numbness in that part again, and the viscous liquid couldn't even withstand the low temperature!

He gritted his teeth and said, "I give up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he hurriedly summoned another ball of ice to freeze it and rushed down to the ring.

The referee was a little confused, what happened?

Why is this fight so fast?

That kid bared his teeth and claws for a long time without even getting close to the corner of his clothes. So he gave up?

Or is it that the boy who can make people have diarrhea did something weird again?

His eyes were a little strange, but he still declared very dedicatedly: "The winner, Lin Luo!"


Seeing Yang Haoran's actions and the referee's announcement, the surrounding crowd immediately started making noises.

"What happened? Then why did Yang Haoran admit defeat!"

"He still doesn't dare to admit defeat? Didn't you see that he was bleeding!"

"What a terrifying ability! Not only can it make people have diarrhea, but it can also make people draw blood!"

"Yang Haoran is so unlucky that he didn't even touch the corner of his clothes!"

"Hahaha! Hahaha, I made money again! This Lin Luo is indeed a dark horse!"

On the ring, Lin Luo didn't pay any attention to the comments around him, and turned around and walked out of the ring.

Under the ring, Yang Haoran hurriedly rushed into the temporary medical center and was greeted by a doctor.

"Classmate, are you in a hurry? Are you seriously injured?"

"Quick! Show me, it hurts so much!"


The doctor looked a little weird and said: "In this case, you can come to my office...

In the office, the doctor looked at Yang Haoran, who looked sad and angry, and persuaded him: "Classmate, please take off your clothes quickly. If you are ill, you should not seek treatment..."


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