86. Terrifying mutation skills! Stockholm self-defense technique!

[You have learned the skill: Bewitch...Zizzizi...The system is disordered...]

[System adjustment in progress...

[Adjustment successful! ]

[You learned the skill: Stockholm Self-Strategy! ]

"Stockholm Self-Strike Technique!" Lin Luo looked a little strange: "Why is the name of this mutant skill so long?"

It reminded him of Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst.

Could it be said that the more variant skills there are, the more powerful they are?

He looked at this mutant skill.

[Stockholm Self-Strike Technique (LV1): Variation Skill (Passive). Every time damage is caused to the same target, the target will be forced to load self-strategy points. The higher the self-strategy points, the more chances the target creature will have to internally engage in self-strategy and self-taming. When the points accumulate to a certain level, the target will The target creature will automatically surrender to you and become your pet, familiar, subordinate, slave, etc. ]

[PS: This skill loads the evaluation criteria for self-taming points based on the difference in mental attributes between the two parties, the resistance of the target creature, the status of the target creature, the race of the target creature, the age of the target creature, the degree of damage caused, the number of times of damage caused, and the method of damage caused. Please use the technique. Find out on your own. ]

"Let me go, what the hell is this skill?"

Lin Luo said in surprise: "Zero Sixty-Seven".

Passive skill?

This is already the second passive skill. The first one is the Penicillin Phage Protective Shield, which has the same weird and powerful effect.

Every time you attack, will the target creature be given strategy points?

When accumulated to a certain level, the target creature will attack itself. According to different states and calculation methods, after the target creature completes its attack, it will actually become my pet?

Familiar? Subordinate? Slave?

Aren’t these all the same thing?

The corner of his mouth twitched, remembering the explanation of Stockholm Syndrome in his previous life.

Also known as Stockholm Syndrome, or hostage complex or hostage syndrome, it refers to a complex in which the victim of a crime develops feelings for the criminal and even comes to help the criminal.

This emotion causes the victim to develop a favorable impression of, dependence on, and even help the offender.

Hostages will develop a sense of psychological dependence on their captors.

Their life and death are controlled by the hijackers, and they are grateful to the hijackers for letting them live. .

They share the fate of the hijackers, regard the hijackers' future as their own, and regard the hijackers' safety as their own.

As a result, they adopted an "us against them" attitude and regarded the rescuers as their enemies.

This kind of person is completely mentally ill!

But in this world, Stockholm Syndrome has turned into the Stockholm Self-Strategy Technique!

A special mutated passive skill!

Moreover, the skill effect is not inferior to his psychotic effect. It can force the target creature to become his pet, familiar, subordinate, or even slave!

This target creature... also suffers from mental illness?

Forced infection of mental illness?

Thinking of this, Lin Luo took a breath of cold air.

"I just don't know what the success rate of this Stockholm Self-Strategy Technique is. If it doesn't work, just use skill points to raise his level, and the success rate will be higher!"

"There are also gold skill points. I wonder what special effects it will have after upgrading to LV Level 8?"

"And...tomorrow's semi-final challenge!"

"What is that worldly wonder? I'm really looking forward to it..."

The second day.

The trial square was still crowded with people.

The 100,000 seats were packed and lively.

Everyone is looking eagerly at the center of the square, waiting for the finals of this year's college entrance examination single challenge.

Today, there will be a semi-final challenge and a decisive battle between the championship and runner-up. I don’t know how many viewers and media it has attracted.

In fact, many media from other cities rushed here and reported nervously.

"Friends in the audience, what you are seeing now is the scene of the semi-finals of this year's college entrance examination single challenge..."

"The top four new professionals haven't played yet, so let me give you a brief summary...

"This year's Binhai City College Entrance Examination Individual Challenge consists of four contestants: Lin Luo, Dongfang He, Chen Ping'an, and Murong Xuehen..."

On the edge of the square, there were many hosts and cameras pointed at the center of the square, excitedly announcing.

As soon as the time reached eight o'clock, a host appeared in the center of the square.

"Dear viewers, the exciting Binhai City College Entrance Examination Individual Challenge and the semi-finals are about to begin!"

"Next, please welcome the four freshmen with warm applause!"

Eager applause sounded, and more than 100,000 professionals and spectators looked excitedly towards the new huge arena!

"They are...the goddesses who coexist with wisdom and beauty, courage and holiness, the angels of holy light...Murong Xuehen!"

Accompanied by a burst of cheers, Murong Xuehen, wearing a golden battle dress and exuding soft holy light, slowly appeared.

"Murong Xuehen! Murong Xuehen!"

"Goddess! Goddess, I love you! Ah!!!"

"Goddess, I will give birth to a monkey for you!"


As soon as Murong Xuehen appeared on the stage, many spectators were excited, and they all roared eagerly.

The host continued to announce: "Next, the unparalleled swordsman who kills one person in ten steps and never leaves a trace... Chen Ping'an!"


A burst of dragon roar sounded, and first a sword light flashed out. After attracting the attention of many spectators, Chen Pingan slowly walked out and stood opposite Murong Xuehen.

Wearing a green shirt and wielding a sword, he looks indescribably chic.

"Chen Ping'an! Damn, you're so awesome!"

"What a slut! But he's so handsome..."

"Swordsman! There hasn't been a powerful swordsman in many years!"

"Chen Ping'an has unparalleled swordsmanship and must be the champion!"

The host continued to announce: "The third place is the Dragon Knight, who is known as the strongest S Level profession in history and the strongest creature. Congratulations to Dongfang!"

As soon as his voice fell, a tsunami-like shout came from the entire audience, like an earthquake.

"Congratulations to Dongfang! Congratulations to Dongfang! Champion! Champion!"

"The semi-finals! Dongfang He is definitely the champion!"

"I bet Dongfang He! Eight hundred thousand! This is all my property!"

"Dragon! Look! The dragon is coming out!"

"Damn it! Why has his dragon changed again? It looks so scary!"

"Nonsense! I am the eldest son of the Dongfang Family. What's wrong with giving the dragon some supplements?"

"This is so unfair!"

"What is fairness? External forces such as equipment, props, and pets are also part of strength!"

"Fight! I'll bet on Dongfang He too! I've sold all my houses, and I've borrowed a lot of money, and I'm just waiting to get rich!"

"I don't know who will play with whom first in the semi-finals..."


Amidst the turbulent discussion, Zhou Long's roar suddenly penetrated the entire square.

In the center of the square, I saw a huge creature that was four or five meters tall, slowly walking into the square.

Following his footsteps, the entire square seemed to be rioting...

This is an increasingly ferocious and terrifying creature.

It is five meters tall, and even about ten meters from the top of the head to the tail.

Hard dragon scales grow all over the body, and they look very hard, like diamonds.

There are rows of hard barbs growing on the back, like long swords stuck upside down.

The head also has terrifying chamfers, densely packed like a hedgehog, with good defense and powerful attack power.

The double pupils showed bronze vertical pupils, containing madness and rage.

The fangs are turned outward, each fang is more than twenty centimeters long, and they are constantly flashing with cold light under the sunlight.

Even the snake's head has sharp barbs growing on it, which looks extremely terrifying.

A pair of fleshy wings suddenly spread out, and a gust of wind blew up in most of the square. The wingspan was more than ten meters long.

There are also sharp bone spurs growing on the joints of the fleshy wings, which are also powerful weapons that can destroy gold and crack rocks!

At this time, the black god of death looked even more powerful than yesterday, far beyond what ordinary young dragons could match!

On the back of the black god of death, Dongfang He, wearing golden armor, was riding on top, his face full of indifference.

The golden dragon spear in his hand was lifted upside down, giving him a killing aura!


As Dongfang He entered the scene, Chen Ping'an on the side subconsciously grabbed the hilt of his sword, and his breathing became somewhat rapid.

"This guy is stronger! What happened?"

"The power of the dragon knight......"

His eyes burned fiercely with a raging flame.

Even the unparalleled sword in his hand trembled, as if he was excited to find a powerful opponent.

"Is this feeling Longwei?"

"What a pity for this giant dragon, the pearl is covered in dust...

On the other side, Murong Xuehen's eyes were watching Murong Xuehen calmly.

There is no emotion or fluctuation at all, as if he is watching an ordinary professional.

Seeing that the entire arena and audience became excited due to the appearance of the dragon, the host deliberately stopped to let the professionals and audience present appreciate the heroic appearance of the dragon.

On the giant dragon, Dongfang He only glanced at Chen Ping'an and Murong Xuehen, and then looked at the 2.7 passage behind him.

He was waiting for someone, the figure that haunted him and could not be forgotten until his death.

Lin Luo!

After a few minutes, he shouted again: "The last one is a professional priest with an absolute dark horse status and a D-level rating. He became the team champion in the college entrance examination and even broke into the fourth place in the single challenge. Strong new professional: Lin Lu!"

"Damn it! Black Marin Luo is coming out!"

"This brother is so strong! He can actually get here!"

"No! I'm betting on Lin Luo! Give it a try! The bicycle turns into a motorcycle!"

"Lin Luo will definitely lose this time! In the final semi-finals, those three S Level hidden professionals will definitely come up with the best stuff!"

"I think so too! In the competition these days, he has been forced to use all his strength. The three of them are definitely prepared!"

"Hehehe, I'm quite optimistic about Lin Luo. If his skill that can make people have diarrhea was not banned, who among the three people present would be Lin Luo? That's the ability to make even giant dragons have diarrhea, hahahaha... ……………”

"I feel the same way..."

"Ahem, cough, cough, cough, I really want to see Lin Luo and Murong Xuehen compete..."

"Fuck you pervert! I like it!"

"Leak, leak, leak, leak, leak..."

"Huh? Why doesn't Lin Luo come out yet?"

"Strange...where are the others?".

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