December 23, 2006, Huaguo Jingcheng International Airport.

At the exit of the airport, two Chinese men wearing sunglasses walked out of the airport.

It was Lin Ran and Lin Jianjun's uncle and nephew.

After playing the match with Barcelona, Lin Ran rested in Madrid for two days, and then stepped on the plane back to China with Lin Jianjun.

They were very low-key and didn't want to attract too much attention.

It was only when they walked out of the airport that they were recognized.

"Lin Ran!" a young man exclaimed in surprise.

And then immediately caused a commotion among the people.

A group of people immediately surrounded Lin Ran and Lin Jianjun.

Now Lin Ran's fame is not a household name in China, but among fans, it is definitely a superstar-like existence.

Seeing that he was recognized, Lin Ran had no choice but to greet these fans warmly.

After signing dozens of names and taking photos with more than a dozen waves of people, the security guard at the airport finally appeared.

Lin Ran was also escorted by the security guards out of the airport.

Coming outside, the two got into the car that Lin Jianjun had arranged a long time ago.

Under the command of Lin Jianjun, the driver drove slowly away from the airport.

Three hours later, the car had stopped downstairs in Shimen City, the Lin family.

Lin Ran and Lin Jianjun got out of the car, and Lin Ran was already a little impatient.

Lin Ran's family lived on the third floor, and he carried his suitcase and ran upstairs quickly.

When he came to the door, he couldn't wait to reach out and knock on the door.


said Gülen's voice from inside.

Hearing this voice, Lin Ran's eyes were sour, and he almost burst into tears.

He said in a strange voice, "Mom! it's me!"

Then Lin Ran heard a rush of footsteps from inside, and then the door was pushed open with a bang.

Lin Ran saw his mother Gülen standing in the door with an eager expression.

"Mom, I'm back!I miss you!" Lin

Ran hugged Gülen affectionately.

Gülen was a little unnatural to be hugged by her son.

However, there was a clear smile in her eyes, and she scolded with a smile: "Stinky boy!

"How could it be? I've wanted to come back for a long time, but I haven't had time. I'm going to come back to see you guys as soon as the team is on holiday? I've been thinking about the braised pork ribs you made for a long time.

Lin Ran said sweetly.

At this time, Lin Jianguo, who heard the movement, also walked out of the back room.

Seeing that his son was back, he also showed a happy smile.

"Yo, our big star is back! Why don't you give me a notice? We're going to have a welcome ceremony or something.

Lin Ran saw his father teasing him, and he was not to be outdone.

"Okay, Comrade Lao Lin, don't talk about those vain things, the star won't pour a glass of water or anything when he comes back. "

Hey, I said you're a good kid, aren't you? Saying

that, Lin Jianguo walked in front of Lin Ran and was about to fight.

Frightened, Lin Ran hurriedly shrank his neck.

Seeing the father and son playing treasure, Gülen was also happy to see it.

At this time, Lin Jianjun also walked up from downstairs.

Everyone had another warm greeting.

Lin Ran entered the room and looked at the familiar environment in the room.

I was full of emotion.

It seems that the parents did not use the money they sent back to improve the quality of life.

In the past six months, he has also sent hundreds of thousands of euros to his family, wanting his parents to improve their living environment.

But every time I was rejected by my parents.

They think it's good to live in the house now.

Lin Ran didn't persuade him deeply, anyway, when he returned to China, he just bought the house for them.

When the time comes, the parents will move if they want to move, and if they don't want to move, the new house will be empty, and after a long time, they will be able to figure it out.

And Lin Ran didn't just plan to buy a house, since it was his hometown, he had to buy a few more houses.

In 06, the house price in Shimen City was only four or five thousand square meters.

And in the 22nd year of the next generation, it rose to 20,000 or 30,000 flats.

With his current income and a month's salary bonus, he can buy several houses.

At this time, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, and Gülen was cooking just now.

Now that I see my son back, I naturally want to make more delicious treats for my son.

So he immediately ordered Lin Jianguo to go shopping for vegetables and meat.

She went to the kitchen herself and continued her work.

After a period of frying and frying, the table was already full of Lin Ran's favorite dishes.

Seeing this large table full of dishes, Lin Ran swallowed his saliva uncontrollably.

He really couldn't wait.

In Spain for the past six months, he has eaten nutritious meals every day, and the birds have long faded out of his mouth.

Now when I see my mother's cooking, where can I bear it.

Lin Jianguo took out a bottle of liquor and drank it with Lin Jianjun.

Lin Ran, on the other hand, took a big bowl of white rice and began to gobble it up.

Seeing her son's appearance, Gülen smiled brightly.

After eating, the family chatted happily until late at night before going to bed.

The next morning. Lin Ran was woken up by Gülen early in the morning.

"Son, go downstairs with Mom.

Lin Ran had also woken up, but he was lying on the bed and didn't want to get up.

Hearing my mother's greeting, I immediately agreed, got up from the bed, and got dressed.

He washed his face, and then followed Gülen downstairs.

After Lin Ran went downstairs, he understood why Gülen specifically asked him to go downstairs with him.

The community where the Lin family lives is a former unit dormitory, and most of the residents in it are colleagues from one of their units.

In just a few minutes that Lin Ran followed Gülen downstairs, he had already met several groups of acquaintances.

When people saw Lin Ran, they would come up to greet them warmly.

Then there is how Quarin Ran is doing now, and the envy in his eyes is beyond words.

Now the neighbors in the community know that the son of the Lao Lin family plays football abroad and makes a lot of money.

And there are also some fans here, who respect Lin Ran even more.

Not only do they have to compliment, but some people will also ask Lin Ran to sign autographs for them or take a group photo together.

And every time someone praised Lin Ran, Gülen would say lightly next to him: "Don't praise him, children have made some achievements, what is there to be proud of." It

was as if he was used to it.

It's just that when she said this, the smile in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

I saw many arrogant leaders and colleagues in the past, and when they faced Lin Ran, they were all polite.

Her heart couldn't be more comfortable.

And Lin Ran certainly understood what his mother meant by bringing him out at this time. This is the mascot himself.

However, he was not disgusted, and in the face of everyone who greeted him, he responded enthusiastically, earning enough face for his mother.

This made these neighbors even more praiseful of him.

At this moment, Lin Ran suddenly realized what it means to return home.

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