In the next few days, Lin Ran basically spent the next few days in a busy variety of activities and entertainment.

As a famous star who went out from Shimen City, Hebei Province and made a great name in Europe.

When he returns to his hometown, he will be warmly received by both the province and the city.

Lin Ran participated in several speeches and symposiums organized by provincial and municipal sports authorities for two consecutive days.

And he was also received by the first and second leaders in the province.

Although Lin Ran is a little reluctant to participate in this kind of activity, as a public figure, it is impossible for you to live your own life behind closed doors.

So he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

In the meantime, he also generously donated more than one million dollars and materials to the Hope Primary School in the province and the city and the poor mountainous areas.

This made provincial and municipal leaders at all levels more enthusiastic about him.

In the end, the city decided to ask him to be the image ambassador of Shimen City.

Lin Ran also readily agreed.

It's a mutually beneficial thing.

With the help of its own fame, Shimen City can make itself more famous.

And after serving as this image ambassador, it can be said that he has also obtained good political resources to a certain extent.

In the future, as long as he does not die by himself, then he and his family, as long as they are on the one-third of an acre of land in Shimen, they will receive preferential treatment from many parties.

Thursday, December 28, Shimen Sports School.

This day is the day when Lin Ran returns to his alma mater to visit.

Zhang Jun, the principal of the sports school, led a group of school leaders to welcome Lin Ran's arrival in front of the school early.

The students of the school also came over to welcome Lin Ran under the organization of the school.

These students came to greet Lin Ran, and they were all elated.

Because most of them are fans, even players themselves.

They can better understand what Lin Ran's achievements now mean.

And many of them knew Lin Ran when he was still in school.

Now that Lin Ran is back at school, of course everyone wants to come over and watch the excitement.

At ten o'clock in the morning, a Mercedes-Benz van stopped at the entrance of the school.

Lin Ran, accompanied by Lin Jianjun, walked down from the car.

Along with them were the leaders of the Municipal Sports Bureau.

Seeing Lin Ran get out of the car, Zhang Jun hurriedly stepped forward.

He grabbed Lin Ran's hand and said excitedly: "Classmate Lin Ran, welcome home!" Lin Ran

looked at the middle-aged man in his forties in front of him, and his heart was also a little excited.

When I used to study in a sports school, I still admired this principal very much.

Under the limited resources, the other party still provides students with relatively professional training and life care as much as possible.

When I was in school, it was true that I was not talented enough, so I was not selected for the professional team in the end.

No one else is to blame.

I still remember that at that time, I was often criticized by the other party because my grades were not satisfactory.

But Lin Ran knew that it was all because he hated iron and could not become steel, but in fact, the other party was anxious for himself.

"Teacher Zhang, hello! I would like you to come and greet you in person. The student is ashamed!"

Lin Ran politely shook Zhang Jun's hand and said.

"Haha! Xiaolin, you are a big star now, this adds a lot of glory to our school! I should come out to pick you up. Alright, let's go in first.

Then he turned to the other people: "Leaders, let's go in first." So

the group walked to the school.

The roads inside the school are already lined with students.

Seeing Lin Ran come in, the students immediately screamed.

They called Lin Ran's name and kept cheering.

And Lin Ran has long been surprised by this kind of scene.

He smiled and waved to the students on either side.

This also led to an even more enthusiastic response from the students.

If it weren't for Zhang Jun following him, I'm afraid the students would have rushed up to ask for autographs.

Finally, the group entered the conference room.

According to today's schedule, everyone will have a brief meeting here first.

Then Zhang Jun led a group to visit the school, and after lunch, the school will arrange for Lin Ran to give a speech in the auditorium.

Everyone sat down in the conference room, first Zhang Jun welcomed Lin Ran's arrival on behalf of the school, and then he began to talk about some difficulties in running the school.

Lin Ran listened to the other party's words, and secretly laughed in his heart, this old Zhang began to cry again.

Every time a city leader or some big man comes over, this guy will Xi crying and crying poorly.

As the saying goes, a crying child has milk to eat, and his method can sometimes play a certain role.

Under normal circumstances, you can always get the funds for the two jujubes.

This is also the reason why this sports school can ensure that students can get relatively professional training under the situation of financial difficulties.

This has to be said to be a big credit to Lao Zhang's ability to cry poor.

"Nowadays, families are reluctant to send their children to practice sports, which leads to the fact that the number of students in our school is not as good as every year.

"And the students who come to us are generally from families who are not in a good situation.

"Our school's annual expenditure on tuition waivers for students from disadvantaged families is a huge amount.

"The city has so much money every year, and we have to pay teachers and update the school's training facilities, which is really stretched.

"If we want to improve the performance of our students, we need to hire some high-level professional coaches.

"But now on the market, professional coaches with a slightly higher level are very sought-after, and if you want to hire them, you need to spend a lot of money.

"With the annual funding of our school, there is really no way to hire coaches of too high a level. This is also a big factor that restricts the level of training of students in our school. "


Lin Ran listened very seriously, because he knew that the other party said that these situations were objective.

This is determined by the overall social environment.

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people are reluctant to send their children to suffer from the pain of practicing sports.

Instead, they are more willing to let their children go to a good university by learning Xi cultural classes, so that the child's career may be more.

As a result, the student base of the sports school has been greatly affected.

This phenomenon is beneficial to the overall development of society, because it means that society is progressing and giving more opportunities to ordinary people, rather than just playing football and practicing sports to find a way.

Like Brazil and Argentina, many children choose to play football only because they have no other way out but to change their fate through football.

In China, there are many opportunities for ordinary people, and they don't have to play football as their first choice.

However, this has made the situation of these various sports schools worse.

"President Zhang, I have a proposal, it just so happens that all the leaders are here, let's discuss it together.

After Zhang Jun's speech came to an end, Lin Ran spoke.

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