My Pet is a Snapping Turtle

Chapter 431 Stunning metal

Han Guang sat in his office, sighing!

Don't look at his show of glory, in fact, as the person in charge of the Huahai Branch of Taishan Alloy Cutting Tool Group, he is under a lot of pressure.

In everyone's eyes, it is customary to think that domestic knives are always a little worse than imported knives.

Over the past few years, imported knives have been aggressive and seized the Yanguo alloy knife market in large numbers. In desperation, domestic knives can only play 10,000 yuan in the middle and low-end fields, and cannot enter the high-end field at all.

As a well-known enterprise in the alloy cutting tool industry, Taishan Alloy Cutting Tool Group has finally maintained a poor share in the domestic high-end cutting tool market.

"Oh, it's difficult!"

Han Guang sighed softly. He watched a machining video just now. He used imported turning tools, and that CNC machine tool produced beautiful workpieces one by one.

There are many comments below the video.

"This is an imported alloy turning tool without a doubt!"

"It's amazing, it's amazing. It will be great when our domestic alloy turning tools can reach this level."

"In fact, we also have relatively good alloy knives in China, the price is still very cheap, and the price is very high."

"Fuck off, how can domestic products compare with imported ones."


After watching this video and the comments below, Han Guang only felt bitterness in his heart.

What else could he do but smile bitterly and helplessly.

What made him even more stressed was that the 11th International Alloy Knives Exhibition would happen to be held in Huahai City, and many international knives manufacturers would participate in the exhibition, so Han Guang didn't have much confidence in his heart.


Everything is a matter of material!

Han Guang thought so unwillingly. He believes that the design of his group's knives is not inferior to that of foreign countries, and the manufacturing process is not inferior.

In the final analysis, it is still a matter of materials. The alloy materials used to manufacture knives cannot be compared with foreign ones at all.

Han Guang, who was under great pressure, took out a cigarette and smoked it slowly, frowning even more.

Universal Specialty Materials Co., Ltd.

The workshop site was busy, and many people even shook their heads vigorously. They tried many methods, hoping to get some off this black metal bar, but all failed.

After tossing for a long time, I just made a mark on a bar, which is still far from cutting a part.

How to do it?

I can't chew it at all!

Someone suggested, "Well, let's try laser cutting."

One of the technicians shook his head and said, "Laser cutting doesn't work either. This is a bar with a diameter of 500. It is impossible for a laser to cut it."

"What about wire cutting, let's try wire cutting."


They worked hard for two full days, exhausted their efforts, and finally got a piece.

After obtaining such a piece, they used this piece of metal as a sample, and they carried out a series of research and tests.

If the density test is carried out, it is known that the density of this metal is as high as 12.5, while the density of ordinary alloy steel is only about 8.

In addition to its amazing density, its hardness is even more terrifying. We know that diamond is the hardest thing in nature, with a hardness of 10 on the Mohs scale, and the hardness of this black metal is much higher than that of diamond.

With such a high hardness, it is logically very brittle, it may be hard and brittle, but it is not.

It has high strength, much higher than ordinary alloys.

The hardness is very high, and the strength is also very high, which is incredible, as expected of something made by aliens.

In addition, it has a series of characteristics, such as corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance are very high.

No wonder it has been soaked in seawater for 50,000 years, it is still as bright as new, the surface is black and shiny, without any oxidation.

The melting point is also relatively high. Although it is not as high as 3,000 degrees like gray and black metal, its melting point has reached more than 2,400 degrees, which is much higher than ordinary steel.

Universal Building.

For several days, besides paying attention to the progress of the graphene-aluminum battery, Liu Yong has been thinking about this black metal rod. How is the research progress of Xin Feiwen and the others.

If Xin Feiwen didn't come to report again, Liu Yong might pick up the phone and call to inquire.

Xin Feiwen finally entered Liu Yong's office. It could be seen that he was a little nervous.

I don't know if it was because it was rare to enter Liu Yong's office, or because it took too long and I was worried about being criticized.


When Xin Feiwen felt relieved, Liu Yong didn't seem to be dissatisfied at all, and said with a normal face: "The result is out, show me."

Xin Feiwen quickly handed the report to Liu Yong.

Liu Yong took the report and read it carefully. It took him more than ten minutes to read it carefully.

The originally calm expression finally changed a bit. If you look closely, you can find that there is a trace of excitement on Liu Yong's face.

After closing the report, Liu Yong said, "I didn't expect its hardness and strength to be so high!"

Oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance are extremely high, which is expected by Liu Yong, because this metal is still as bright as new after 50,000 years on the bottom of the sea.

If the corrosion resistance is a little bit worse, it will probably become slag in 50,000 years.

The density reached 12.5 is also within Liu Yong's expectation. At the beginning, Bawang said that the weight of this metal rod is at least 20 tons.

Seeing that Liu Yong finally finished reading the report, Xin Feiwen said, "Boss, in addition to its extremely high hardness, strength and corrosion resistance, it also has one outstanding feature, that is, its heat treatment performance."

"I have never seen a metal with such good heat treatment performance. After annealing, its hardness can be reduced to almost that of ordinary steel. It is very convenient to process at such a hardness. After quenching, its hardness can be It has a Mohs hardness of over 15, which is much harder than diamond. Under such a high hardness, the strength does not weaken, and it still has a very high strength.”

Xin Feiwen was eloquent, full of praise for this metal, and he was not stingy with praise at all.

Liu Yong asked, "This metal has such characteristics, what field do you think it is most suitable for?"

"Of course it is in the field of knives." Xin Feiwen almost blurted out without thinking, "It is definitely the most, most, most ideal alloy material in the knife industry."

"I'm 100% sure that the alloy knives produced by it are the most outstanding knives in the world, absolutely crushing the so-called imported knives currently on the market."

He looked excited!

The three words "most" and "percent", as well as "absolutely" were used in succession.

After hearing Xin Feiwen's words, Liu Yong quickly thought of someone.

Han Fei!

The third one is here!

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