My Phone Can Swipe Money

Six hundred and ninety-six, everyone was stunned

696. Everyone was stunned.

After putting on the scarf, Martha followed Guzaha's left and right turns. Princess Martha was very curious along the way. Why didn't she see any of the guards who usually sent a sentry every three steps and posted a post every five steps? Everyone arrived at the entrance of the palace very smoothly.

"It's not that easy to get through in front. Not only are there more than 100 people responsible for guarding, but there are also four heavy machine guns and a howitzer team. We will definitely not be able to get through." Martha looked at the orderly guard at the gate, shook her head and said helplessly .

Although she didn't know how Guzaha and the others entered the inner palace, the guards at the door were her father's most capable elite team responsible for guarding them.

Therefore, she was a little "disappointed" and thought that the most she could do was go so far.

"Hey, miss, you underestimate us." Guzaha said disdainfully.

Martha asked: "You have a way? But there are 100 guards, and there are only a dozen of you?" Martha was a little skeptical about Guzaha's words.

I saw Guzaha taking out the walkie-talkie and saying: "Action."

As soon as she finished speaking, Martha was surprised to find that the guards at the gate were falling down one by one. Some people fell down without even having time to make a sound.

This scene almost made Martha stupid.

"Let's go, Miss Martha." Guzaha said with a smile.

Then everyone swaggered towards the gate. When Martha passed by, she found that there was no blood on these fallen soldiers.

There's just something like a small dart stuck in the chest.

"Are they, are they dead?" Martha asked tremblingly as she couldn't bear to see her compatriots fall in front of her.

Guzaha smiled and said: "Don't worry, Miss Martha, they are just unconscious. They will be fine after a sleep."

"Oh." Martha's heart dropped after learning that the guard in front of her was not alive.

After walking to a corner next to the palace, Martha saw a group of people squatting here. The man in the lead introduced: "Hello Miss Martha, I am MK. The car has been prepared for you. By the way, you can call Princess Niya first to make sure it is safe." After saying this, MK handed over a satellite phone.

"Yeah, thank you." Martha didn't think much, took the satellite phone and got into the back seat of the car.

MK said to everyone: "Mission accomplished, retreat."

"Copy that." After hearing this, everyone immediately got into the cars prepared in advance and drove quickly towards the border of Alama.

The news of a fire in the palace where the royal family was under house arrest in Alama finally reached the king's ears an hour later. He was so angry that he yelled: "Where is Martha?"

The minister hesitantly said: "Your Majesty the King, according to the report of the guards responsible for guarding Princess Martha, they were all hit by darts and lost consciousness. When they woke up, Princess Martha was gone."

"The rubbish are all a bunch of rubbish, so a big guy just disappeared like that?" the king yelled, blowing his beard and staring.

"Your Majesty, the captain of the Royal Guards guarding the gate reported that they were all hit by the same dart, and then they all lost consciousness for a moment." The minister knelt on the ground and replied tremblingly.

"Trash, they are all a bunch of trash. Immediately put the country under a nationwide blockade. What happened to Niya will never happen again in Alama's country." The king roared furiously.

"Yes, Your Majesty,

I'll make arrangements right away. "The minister quickly agreed.

After going out, the minister found the Minister of Defense and asked him to send troops to completely blockade Alama. According to their speculation, Princess Martha should still be in Alama at this time, so the first thing to do now is to find her.

Such a high-profile blockade in Alama immediately made people in other embassies very curious. After asking around, it turned out that Princess Martha had "disappeared" again.

This is a shame. The previous incident of Princess Niya running away has already caused the royal family of Alama to lose a lot of face. If another princess continues to run away this time, it will be really embarrassing.

So all the troops in Alama began to search almost door to door, and even some border roads had been completely blocked.

In terms of flights, all private planes have been banned from taking off and landing.

Many people felt that it had been less than two hours since the incident, and the royal family in Alama had begun a complete blockade. It was impossible for Princess Martha to escape directly from Alama.

But what no one knew was that at this time, Martha was already sitting in a convoy of bloody sabers and driving quickly towards the border.

"MK radio monitoring shows that all borders are blocked." Gu Han looked very ugly while holding the walkie-talkie.

"Don't worry, I have arranged an Apache in front." MK said confidently.

"GODD." Gu Han said with a smile. As for why they are not afraid of being discovered by Alama's radar? Haha, as long as the people of the Blood Saber are willing, they can let Alama's radar dance.

"OK, Guzaha, take Miss Martha to a base near us and transfer to our special plane to fly directly to France." MK ordered Guzaha next to him.

"I obey the commander-in-chief." Guzaha said, puffing out his chest.

Martha was a little confused after listening to MK's words. Crossing the border by plane? Aren't you afraid of being discovered by Alama's radar? But seeing how "confident" the other party looked, it was hard for Martha to ask more questions.

After the convoy drove for more than ten minutes, a black Apache parked quietly on the desert. MK said to Princess Martha in the car: "Miss Martha, we will send you here. You will be here soon." After you arrive at our training base by plane, someone will take you directly to France."

"Okay, thank you." Martha nodded slightly with a veil and thanked her.

MK smiled and said: "You're welcome."

After Guzahar took Martha on the Apache and left, MK asked his men: "How has the route been modified?"

The subordinate replied: "Report to the commander, the route has been planned and an American Black Shadow Special Forces aircraft has been set, as well as a Polar Bear Night Hunter."

"Hey, let's let America and the polar bears have a headache this time." MK and the weirdo laughed.

In order to find someone to take the blame this time, they modified the routes of the two special operations aircraft of the United States and Polar Bear that were performing "flights" and displayed them to Alama's radar.

So if the people in Alama looked carefully, they would find that when Princess Martha disappeared, an American Black Shadow helicopter and a Polar Bear Dark Hunter "happened" to pass through this area.

As for the headaches later, that's not what they need to solve.

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