My Phone Can Swipe Money

802. Infernal Affairs VS Mission: Impossible

802. Infernal Affairs VS Mission: Impossible

While Ling Xiao and Ling Yuteng were plotting against Zhang Finance, the other party was also plotting against them. I just don’t know who is stronger this time in Infernal Affairs VS Mission: Impossible.

After Tang Wen saw the news that the Ling family was in economic crisis, he curiously called Zhou Xu to inquire.

"Boss, the news we have received so far is that the Ling family wants their finance to take the blame, but this finance has actually been connected with the Luo family for a long time." Zhou Xu explained.

"Luo family? Are they in-laws of the Jiang family?" Tang Wen asked.

Zhou Xu: "No, boss. The Luo family is a branch of the Luo family, the in-laws of the Jiang family. The wife of their current head of the family is a branch of the Luo family. She can be considered a relative. Moreover, many of the projects of the Luo family are taken over from the Luo family." Came here. The people helping the Ling family with the construction this time are from the Luo family."

"Oh, the relationship here is quite complicated. This time the Ling family has provoked someone they shouldn't have provoked." Tang Wen sat on the sofa, holding a tea cup in his hand and said with a smile.

"Yes, boss. What the Ling family doesn't know this time is that the people in their company, including some of their confidants, have been bribed by the Luo family. As long as they take action, these people will jump out and give them a bite." ." Zhou Xu said with a smile.

"Tsk, tsk, this is just like a dog biting a dog." Tang Wen said with a bad smile.

Tang Wen didn't sympathize with the Ling family's plight at all, because Ling Yuteng was too wild-minded, but it corresponded to the old saying, "If you take a big step, you will easily lose your temper."

With the Ling family's strength, it's okay to build a chain in the "food" area, but want to cut leeks in the imperial capital? Don't make trouble there. Classmate Xiao Wang's family doesn't dare to be too "unruly" there. If Ling Yuteng wants to play, he will naturally have to bear some very extreme consequences.

Ling Yuteng can be said to succeed in food and fail in food.

In the early days, the Ling family relied on chain "food" for rapid expansion, but Ling Yuteng still did not give up on the real estate pie. When the chain food was developing very well, he resolutely entered the real estate industry.

But where in the real estate industry can people like them play well? Not to mention in a place with very deep water like the Imperial Capital. There are too many doorways inside.

The most indispensable thing between the Imperial Capital and the Magic City is rich and "powerful" people, so it is not an easy task to get into the real estate industry in the Imperial Capital.

Even if Xiao Wang’s family didn’t have matchmaking from his mother, it would have been impossible for Lao Wang to enter this industry so smoothly.

You must know that the imperial capital has no shortage of people with "big mountains" behind them. Although they don't have much capital on the surface, they privately have more "white gloves" than you can imagine.

This is why even though the "Fu Hui" in Shanghai is said to have copied the model of the Imperial City Club, the quality of its members is still far inferior to that of the Imperial City Club.

Therefore, it can be said that the Ling family is "doomed" this time.

Tang Wen came back to his senses and asked Zhou Xu: "What does the Jiang family mean?" Tang Wen was very curious that the Luo family's in-laws, the Jiang family, just stood by and watched?

"Boss, the Jiang family won't come forward for such a trivial matter. The Ling family's "destruction" is just a "dinner party" for small and medium-sized families like the Imperial Capital. The Jiang family should look down on things of this level." Zhou Xu analyzed rationally.

The reason for this analysis is that parents usually treat "two children making noise" as a "joke" first. Once someone gets "angry", it will be a bit of a loss of face.

It's impossible for the Jiang family not to know this truth, so whether it was before or now, the Jiang family always treats the Ling family as a joke.

As long as the Ling family doesn't touch the "bottom line", they usually won't take action.

The incident with Takeda Bear was just a gift given by Jiang Ming to "please" Tang Wen. It can be seen from the fact that he still did not take action on Li Xinyu and Zhou Rui because of his face.

"Haha, the Ling family is in for a good show this time.

"Tang Wen smiled while lying on the sofa.

While talking, a sneaky head peeked out, and Zhou Xu naturally understood the "sensible" thing and left first.

"Why are you still hiding?" Tang Wen looked at the "fearful" little head and said with a smile.

"I, I, I'm thirsty, I, I didn't hear anything." Zhou Rui frowned and shrank, and slowly moved to Tang Wen.

"What do you want to drink?" Tang Wen smiled and hugged Zhou Rui's slender waist. Zhou Rui fell into Tang Wen's arms, her face suddenly flushed.

"Cow, milk is enough." Zhou Rui shrank her head and carefully lay in Tang Wen's arms and said.

Tang Wen picked up the bell next to him and shook it, and the waitress from before appeared in front of him.

"A cup of hot milk, thank you." Tang Wen nodded and said.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Zhou Rui looked at the man in front of her curiously. Although the man in front of her made her do many embarrassing things last night, she did not expect that the man in front of her was so "polite".

In Zhou Rui's company, even a small supervisor would like to look up to the sky when he looks at ordinary employees. He always orders newcomers to do things with a straight face. How can he be as "polite" as Tang Wen. At this moment, Zhou Rui found that she couldn't see through the man in front of her.

After a while, the waitress respectfully brought a pot of milk, poured a glass for Zhou Rui and stood aside.

"If you still want to eat something, you can ask her to get it for you." Tang Wen said, putting his arms around Zhou Rui's waist, which felt very good.

"Well, I also want a sandwich." Zhou Rui bit her lip and said softly.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waitress turned around and left, then brought a sandwich.

Zhou Rui opened her mouth slightly, took a bite, then squinted her eyes and said, "It's delicious. What kind of sandwich is this?"

"Hello madam, this is top-grade prosciutto and top-grade salmon belly, both cut fresh today." The waiter replied truthfully.

"Oh." Although Zhou Rui was a little confused, it was not cheap to hear what the other party said. After taking a sip of milk curiously, she found that this seemed to be different from what she drank every day.

Perhaps sensing Zhou Rui's doubts, the waitress explained: "Madam, this is fresh milk from Kobe cows. We will send it directly here after high-temperature sterilization."

"Kobe cows? What? I've only heard of Kobe beef." Zhou Rui asked like a curious baby.

"Just listen to music and have someone give you a massage." Tang Wen smiled and gently pinched Zhou Rui's slender waist. Not to mention this small waist, she was particularly crazy up there yesterday.

Zhou Rui felt a little embarrassed when Tang Wen looked at her, so she blushed and ate her sandwich.

Tang Wen patted her buttocks and said, "Go ahead and bring her a copy."

"Yes." Zhou Rui didn't dare to resist the man in front of her. The "painful" experience last night was still vivid in her mind. Because Zhou Rui had some "inconvenience" walking, the waiter thoughtfully helped her walk towards the room with milk and sandwiches.

In the room, Li Xinyu held the sheets with both hands, revealing a large expanse of white snow, and stared blankly at the ceiling. Everything that happened last night really "shocked" her soul.

She never expected that her usually "peaceful" best friend would become an "accomplice" last night, causing her to be seriously "traumatized" today.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, you're up, come and try this. It's delicious." Seeing Li Xinyu wake up, Zhou Rui walked to her side with some embarrassment and handed over a sandwich.

"Hmph." Li Xinyu snorted a few times and looked away.

Zhou Rui smiled awkwardly and dragged her legs that were "inconvenient" to sit next to Li Xinyu and said to please: "Xiaoyu can't blame me last night. I really don't have the strength. Aren't you also very..."

"You still say that? You're so embarrassed." Li Xinyu blushed and covered Zhou Rui's mouth. She really didn't want to remember the embarrassing things last night.

Especially now that her whole body was "tortured" badly.

"Trojan, here's a piece of incense." Zhou Rui said in a "cheeky" tone.

"You're so dirty. You can eat it after washing up." Li Xinyu said helplessly.

"Hehe, it was like that yesterday anyway. It doesn't matter if you wash up. I ate it even if you didn't. This sandwich is so delicious." Zhou Rui sat generously beside Li Xinyu's bed. Last night They both ate a lot of "seeds", so why do they care so much?

"You also said that I won't take care of you." Li Xinyu threw Zhou Rui on the bed shyly, and she suddenly felt happy. She saw that there were a lot of "strawberry marks" on Li Xinyu's body.

While the two girls were fighting in the room, Tang Wen continued to read the hot search news on his tablet. This time, the Ling family was involved in endless lawsuits, and there were many people on the blog who were making trouble.

This shows that the "interpersonal relationships" of the Ling family are not very good.

There are even rumors that Xu Xi's sister left the imperial capital early because she was afraid of being implicated. But Tang Wen knew that was all nonsense. He had seen their sisters at TAXX before.

But what I didn't expect was that so many things would happen in just one day. And maybe this time it will be a "big event".

Because judging from what Zhou Xu said just now, Luo Yu, who was in charge of taking action this time, was not a fuel-saving lamp. He was known for being "ruthless" before.

Moreover, it is said that he was responsible for settling an "accident" for an artist in Xiangjiang in the Imperial Capital. Tang Wen had also heard Qin Feng talk about this person before. He had a very good way of doing things and could be said to be very "famous" in the second-generation circle of the Imperial Capital. .

But Ling Yuteng never dreamed that he would provoke such a person. This is the result of the "information gap". With the level of the Ling family, they are not exposed to many things in the imperial capital.

In the eyes of outsiders, Luo Yu is just a rich second generation, but in the eyes of some children of aristocratic families, he is a very capable person. After all, it can be seen that he can win so many projects entrusted to them by the Luo family in the imperial capital. It turns out that he is definitely not a rich second generation who is just waiting to die.

On the contrary, from the fact that he and Ling Yuteng jointly developed the land, it can be seen that this guy's "ambition" is not small, and he is not willing to be a "gong boss" all the time.

If he had the chance to go up there, he would be very happy. After all, he has a good relationship with some of the children of big families in the imperial capital, and they won't say anything if he wants to move up.

But the Ling family is different. The reason why no one "stopped" Luo Yu is that their family and the Luo family are also cousins. Going up this way can help the Luo family, but who will spoil you if you are a "bare member" of the Ling family? ?

The most important thing is that the Luo family "came in" to help with the land development this time. If you let Luo Yu's pigeons go, it would be a slap in the face of the Luo family, so the Luo family cannot "stand idly by" like this.

The Ling family is now surrounded by enemies. There shouldn't be too many people waiting to "pick up the leaks". After all, when the main people of this "big meal" are full, there will still be some "leftovers" that others don't like, but for ordinary people That’s the “big meal”.

Even Masan was eyeing the Ling family this time, but unlike the others, Masan paid attention to Xu Xi and Xu Di, because Masan learned from other places that the Ling family was not the only one who was unlucky this time.

There is also Xu Xi’s brother-in-law Zhou Zhenguang’s family. Although Zhou Zhenguang’s family is in Xiangjiang, the Zhou family now relies on the Ling family’s “agents” to do business.

But now there is something wrong with the Ling family's products, and the Zhou family in Xiangjiang is the most unlucky. Because unlike in mainland China, the food fines in Xiangjiang are very serious.

The highest penalty can be up to 10 times the turnover. What is the concept? It is equivalent to saying that the Zhou family has been doing nothing for more than ten years, and they have to pay a large sum of money to go in. This is what they don't want to see.

This is why Xu Di not only did not leave mainland China after the accident, but instead called her husband and parents-in-law who were doing business in Xiangjiang to the imperial capital to discuss how to survive the crisis.

On the plane, Zhou Zhenguang and his father Zhou Anwei looked very ugly. Next to them, Zhou Zhenguang's mother Tian Liu also looked sad. They calculated an account when they came. If the Ling family's matter is "confirmed" this time, they will face a fine of HK$50 million, which does not include the losses of some stores below.

A fine of 50 million yuan is not a "big hemorrhage" for the Zhou family. After all, they have been operating in Xiangjiang for so long and although they are not worth hundreds of millions, they can still get 100 million by selling some luxury goods and houses.

What they are worried about is the "closure" of their stores in Xiangjiang. This is the most troublesome thing. The storefronts they rent are all in places with a lot of traffic. The monthly rent is calculated in millions. They Now the annual rent for a total of four stores is more than the fine, not counting personnel expenses.

When the Xiangjiang company ceases operations, the employees' salaries must still be paid. If they want to be fired, they will be compensated based on their working years plus one month's salary. Most of their stores are old people who have been working for more than ten years. If they are fired all at once, The compensation is enough for them to drink a pot.

"We must let Xiaodi help us solve the problem this time, otherwise it will be difficult for our bank to get a loan." Zhou Anwei gave his son a death order, asking him to convince his wife.

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