My Poised and Elegant Seven Sisters

Chapter 1245: Changes in the Moon Clan

Looking for the memory of the past, Ye Fan drove the battleship to the territory of the Yue clan, but found that the present is not what it used to be, and it is completely different from the past.

There are not many people in this clan.


Suddenly, a loud shout came.

Immediately afterwards, a small team of soldiers rushed forward, led by a strong man at the peak of the sea of ​​suffering.

Ye Fan stepped out of the battleship.

Standing so silently, it also made this team terrified. The captain of the peak of the bitter sea changed his expression and clasped his fists quickly: "See senior, may I ask the senior to come to our clan's territory, what is the so-called?"

"This is the Yue family."


"I'm looking for old friends."

"Old friend?" The captain said: "Senior may as well tell me who the old friend is, so that I can report it."

"Yue Linglong."

The captain was startled and lost his voice: "Patriarch, is the old friend of the predecessor my patriarch?"

"if not."

Ye Fan said lightly.

The captain also thought about it, and only a strong man like the patriarch can be friends with this senior in front of him.

"Senior, the patriarch is not here. This used to be the ancestral land of our Yue clan, but now it is just a base. The clan of our Yue clan has been transferred."

"It was transferred? Can you tell me where it was transferred? Or, if you inform Yue Linglong, say Ye Fan is looking for him."

"Ye Fan, you are Ye Tianzun!"

The captain was full of surprise.

"you know me?"

"It's such a Tianzun. The patriarch once released news. If a person named Ye Fan comes to her, he must report it immediately."

"Tianzun, the clan can tell you, this direction, you can see it if you go 30,000 miles."


Ye Fan did not delay.

Thirty thousand miles, this distance is not short, but for the wild continent, it is not too big.

Battleship gallops.

The speed is very fast, and I could have arrived in one day, but I encountered some troubles on the road.

The monster attack in the Nascent Soul realm.

Delayed for a while.

On this day, I finally advanced 30,000 miles. As expected, the scene ahead changed. There was a vast abyss.

The cold is terrifying.

It is similar to Nalan Ruo's extremely cold air.

If I had known this earlier, I would have brought Nalan Ruo here as well. In this cold abyss, I could help Nalan Ruo practice.

Naranruo, Ye Fan has always kept in mind.

In the early days, he fought side by side with him and helped him a lot. If he got married, Nalan Ruo would naturally not be able to run away.

The more he cultivated to a higher realm, Ye Fan's thinking began to change.

I used to feel embarrassed.

There is no psychological pressure now.

In the future, the sisters, the queen, Nalan Ruo, and even Yue Linglong can all accept it.

Provided they want to.

Ye Fan will not force them, this is completely what you want and I want.


This abyss is very vast, and there is no end in sight, which is terrifying.

The battleship flew slowly.

Ye Fan found that the abyss was not straight, but circular.

What I saw was a huge cylindrical abyss, and in the center stood a huge land.

This is really the magic of nature.

This terrain can be formed.

Obviously, the Central Continent is the new clan of the Yue clan, surrounded by abyss, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

This clan is really wonderful.


Suddenly, Ye Fan found something unusual.

On the side of the Central Continent, that is, the underground of the battleship, cold air was spewing, but on the other side of the Central Continent, fiery flames spewed unexpectedly.

Ice and Fire.


Ye Fan suddenly guessed, would the Ri clan also merge with the Yue clan on the Central Continent?

In the past, the Ri family and the Yue family were originally a large ethnic group, called the Sun and Moon God Clan.

The central continent is very vast.


At this moment, two divine lights rushed out from the continent, one was cold and the other was hot.


The two spoke in unison.

One male and one female.

Dao Palace realm, wearing armor, should be the guard commander of the mainland.

as expected.

Just as Ye Fan had guessed, the Ri family was also on the mainland, and this male leader was a member of the Ri family.

Ye Fan stood with his hands behind his back, stood in front of the battleship, and said calmly, "I'm Ye Fan, I'm here to find an old friend."

talking room.

A strong breath permeates.

The two leaders turned pale, and the female leader was overjoyed, "You are Ye Tianzun!"

"it's me."

"Very good, the patriarch has been talking about you, and asked Tianzun to come to my clan."


The female commander led the way, followed by the battleship.

The male commander's face changed, suddenly turned into a streamer, and rushed towards the clan of the Ri family.

The battleship landed.

The three of Ye Fan walked out, and the female commander said: "Tianzun, the patriarch will definitely be very happy to see you."

"Is she okay?"

"The patriarch... it's actually not good."


Ye Fan raised his brows and asked in a tight voice, "What do you mean?"

The female commander said: "I can't say, and I don't know too well. When you see the patriarch, talk to the patriarch."

The Central Continent is divided into two parts.

To the east is the Yue clan, and to the west is the Ri clan.

On the east continent, there is a city, and a palace is built in the city.

Yue Linglong lived in it, the patriarch and the queen.

Before the female commander came to the palace, she asked for a notification, and after a while, a figure flew over.


"You are, Yue Liuli!"

"it's me!"

Yue Liuli has also changed, she is more heroic, she is Yue Linglong's good sister, and she used to have a lot of interactions with Ye Fan.

"After so many years, you are finally here."

Yue Liuli stared at Ye Fan, her words mixed with complaints.

Ye Fan sighed: "Too many things have happened these years, indeed, I'm sorry."

"Come in with me."

Yue Liuli didn't say much and turned to lead the way.

When she came to the Queen's bedroom, Yue Liuli looked at Lan Yuxuan and Han Yu, and said, "The two of you will rest for a while in the side hall again. I will bring Ye Fan in to see the Queen. Please understand."

Ye Fan indicated.

Lan Yuxuan and Han Yu went to the side hall.

"come in."

Yue Liuli opened the door, Ye Fan walked in, and finally, he saw Yue Linglong.

This is a woman who has a deep relationship with him.

Yue Linglong sat cross-legged on the big bed made of ice and jade, and the whole person was in a normal state of cultivation.


Ye Fan noticed something was wrong.

Yue Linglong's body didn't even have much vitality emitting, like an old man who was dying.



"Looks like you found it." Yue Liuli said, and Ye Fan asked, "What's the matter, what happened to Linglong?"

"It's just a puppet."


Ye Fan looked strange, walked over, checked carefully, and found that it was a puppet.

However, this puppet is too realistic.

As long as you don't get close and investigate carefully, or if your realm is not up to standard, you won't be able to find it.

"Where is the real Linglong?"

"do not know."

Yue Liuli shook her head, and then said: "More than ten years ago, the wild continent began to undergo great changes, and cultivation has become easier. Our Yue clan also found this new clan, and later the Ri clan also came. ."

"Our two clans are reconciled."

"Sister Linglong's cultivation has also advanced by leaps and bounds, but one day, when I came to the bedroom, I found that Sister Linglong had disappeared, and what was left was this puppet, which contains her life force and can be preserved for ten years."

"At the same time, there is also a spiritual message. Sister Linglong said that she wants to find you, or wait for you to rescue her. However, the wild continent has undergone great changes, and she can't leave at all, and she can't wait for you."

"Now, the ten-year period is approaching, and this puppet will also collapse."

"I was already in despair. I didn't expect you to come at this time. It's really God's blessing."

"Ye Fan, go, this puppet is waiting for you, there is something Linglong sister wants to say to you."

Yue Liuli's words greatly touched Ye Fan, and he felt deep remorse in his heart.

He should have come to the Wilderness Continent sooner rather than later.

Why has it been delayed until now.

What a big asshole.

Ye Fan took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and touched the puppet's face. In an instant, the puppet trembled.

Instant collapse.

A vague spiritual message emerged and rushed into Ye Fan's mind. At this moment, a picture appeared in Ye Fan's mind:


Yue Linglong screamed.

A black hole was going to swallow her up, or **** her in, and Yue Linglong couldn't escape.

"Ye Fan, save me!"


Yue Linglong shouted.

However, the despair and helplessness that called Tiantian should not be called to the ground made Ye Fan tense and clenched his fists involuntarily.

"Ye Fan, under the abyss...under the abyss...I'll wait for you, Ye Fan..."

Yue Linglong was finally sucked in by the black hole and disappeared, leaving only the last sentence.

Ye Fan suddenly opened his eyes.

Mixed tastes in my heart.

red eyes.

Yue Liuli said: "Ye Fan, what's the situation, what information did Sister Linglong reveal to you?"

"Under the abyss!"

"Under the abyss?" Yue Liuli wondered, "The ice and fire abyss is really weird. The deeper you go into the cold air and the flames, the more terrifying it will be. For so many years, no one of our two clans can go down."

Ye Fan said: "So this is very strange. Now you can't go down, but Linglong went down ten years ago. There must be something down there. I want to go down and see."

"I'll leave now without further ado."

Ye Fan rushed out of the bedroom, and suddenly, a chariot came galloping from the sky, pulled by the Taoist realm monster, followed by a group of people.


The monster roared.

The carriage stopped.

The next moment, a luxurious young man stepped out of the carriage, at the peak of the Taoist Palace, with a strong arrogance flowing between his eyebrows.

"Ye Fan, this is Yang Tianfeng, the young master of the Ri clan. He has cultivated the Great Sun Treasure Body. His talent is amazing and his strength is strong. He has always coveted Sister Linglong and wants to combine with Sister Linglong."

"These years, I have been dealing with her, so that he has never entered the palace, so that she has not seen Sister Linglong."

"Now that you appeared and entered Sister Linglong's bedroom, I'm afraid you won't be able to deal with him. Can you deal with him?"

Coveted Linglong, such a big courage!

Ye Fan's face was cold.

Even the peak of the mere Dao Palace dares to pretend!

Yang Tianfeng was condescending and looked at Ye Fan; at this time, Ye Fan's breath was restrained, and he did not look strong.

At least, Yang Tianfeng thought he was weaker than him.

"You are Linglong's former suitor, Ye Fan? I didn't expect you to dare to come here, you really ate the guts of a bear and a leopard."

"Give you a chance, kill yourself."

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