My Poised and Elegant Seven Sisters

Chapter 858: Negotiate with the Generalissimo

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The water god's face was cold and angry.

Ye Fan approached her and stared closely at her eyes, while the water **** was unwilling to show weakness, and stared at Ye Fan.

"Your eyes are not strange."

"Actually, this just means something is wrong; it stands to reason why there is nothing unusual."

"This can only happen if you try to hide it."

The water **** glared at Ye Fan and was too lazy to argue. She turned around and said coldly: "Seven days later, the ruling will be in Bermuda."

"You have to ask why you chose there? It's very simple. There are many anti-bones and people affected, more than 3,000 people. So many people are put to death. If the wind leaks accidentally, it will cause a global disturbance, and the whole world will condemn it, our country There will be extreme pressure. And the Bermuda base has just gone through the flames of war. The corpses are everywhere, and the beacon smoke is full of devastation. It is the best place for execution."

"I have said everything that should be said. It is your business to go or not. In short, the value of this information is immeasurable, enough to make you give up killing Jehovah."

After the Water God finished speaking, he walked away and entered the woods to calm down alone.

Nalanruo said, "The God of Water makes sense. If we can save more than 3,000 people from the rebels, we will be very grateful. Don't ask them to take refuge, but as long as you instigate some people and obtain confidential information, it is definitely a great contribution."

Ye Fan nodded and said in deep thought: "This is a big event, and in Bermuda, it's too far away. I have to go to Beiliang City to talk with the Generalissimo."


"Boss, do you want me to go to Victoria Peak?"

"Yes, go to Taiping Mountain and tell Jehovah that the **** of water begged for mercy. I will open my mind to him. I won't kill him for the time being and let him do it for himself."


After the white fox left, Ye Fan and the four came to the ancient city.

Qi Tian is not going to Beiliang anymore, he needs to make preparations, and then swallow a quarter of the central fire bamboo to improve his strength.

Nalan Ruo found a treasured geomantic place to study the Netherstone.

Ye Fan took the God of Water on a fighter plane at the Gucheng Airport and rushed to Beiliang City...

Victoria Peak.

More and more warriors and murderers gathered.

A lot of abilities have also come.

The atmosphere began to lively again.

Jehovah opened his eyes, stood up, and stood with his hands. It seemed that Ye Hei was coming over.

Today, Ye Hei must be cut!


The gale blows, and the white fox descends.

His eyes flickered jokingly, but he was fully prepared in order to complete the task beautifully.

First, some gossips were released in the ancient city, saying that a major event would happen soon in Taiping Mountain.

So there are so many warriors and fierce beasts coming.


The voice of the white fox was loud, spreading everywhere.

"Little beast, dare to call his son's name directly." The Lord was very disdainful, and the half-step beast emperor dared to make mistakes.

"Jehovah, are you pretending to be you."

"My boss is Ye Hei, I came here to send you a letter."

The white fox deliberately sold it, let the emotions ferment for a while, and saw a pair of expectant eyes, he shouted: "Jehovah, **** up your ears and listen. My boss was going to come over and kill you, but the water **** looks at the same one. For the sake of the members of the organization, I said a few words for you. The God of Water is really my boss’s favorite concubine, so for the sake of the face of the God of Water, my boss said that for the time being, I will let you make a living, so you can do it for yourself."

These words, rippling between heaven and earth, lasted for a long time.

The sky and the ground are very quiet.

After ten seconds, it was boiling.


"It's so cool, Ye Hei is humiliating Jehovah. He really raises the prestige of our country."

"Ye Hei should be lingering with the water **** right now, tsk tsk, I envy Ye Hei too much."

"Look at the Lord, I'm afraid I will vomit blood out of anger."

The rumors were raging like waves, making the eyes of Jehovah black.

The white fox did not give up, added another fire, and threw a large communicator, all of which were playing videos.

"What I said is true, there is video testimony."

"Jehovah, this time my boss forgave you, next time you won't be so lucky."

The white fox left quickly, worried that the Lord would go crazy against him.

Jehovah also got the communicator.

In the picture, Ye Fan is pulling the water **** Yukong and walking. The two are very close, and they seem to be very happy and at ease.

This video was actually secretly filmed by Nalanruo, and then passed to the white fox.


In the end, Jehovah couldn't hold back, and he spouted blood, squeezing the communicator.

"Ye Hei!"

"Ah ah ah - you and I irreconcilable, die endlessly!"

This rage full of resentment and killing intent, resounded through the clouds and conveyed ten miles.

The Lord left Victoria Peak.

Ye Hei won't come over, maybe I'm with the Water God Qingqing, and if he continues to stay here, it would be humiliating himself.

"So majestic."

Below the mountain, a woman muttered to herself, her eyes erratic.

"Who would have thought that Ye Hei was so terrifying, it is our mortal eyes that are blind."

Hao Yun's face was bitter.

This is the mercenary team with Ye Fan before.

Before the Shenwu Conference, they were shocked when they saw Ye Hei's supernatural power.

Today, Ye Fan didn't show up, but the young Earl vomited blood, but he humiliated Jehovah. It can be said that he has won the victory.

Such a supreme arrogant talent, they didn't pay much attention to it before. If they can make a good relationship, then there will be many benefits in the future.

Especially the woman in military uniform was even more remorseful and ashamed, she was always ridiculed.

Thinking about it now, Ye Hei was really broad-minded, otherwise she would have died a hundred times.

"Let's go, we and him are not from the same world. It is our honor to be able to walk with him before." Hao Yun greeted, and everyone left lonely.


Beiliang City.

Under attack.

Zeus personally led the army to attack the city, and at all costs, the Beiliang City was under great pressure.

Both sides suffered a lot of casualties.

City Lord's Mansion.

He Ning and other generals looked solemn.

"Grand Marshal, what kind of madness has Zeus gone, he is completely recklessly fighting the consequences, something is wrong."

"It's not Zeus, it's Jehovah." Gai Jiuyou guessed that the videos angered Jehovah.

He Ning hesitated to say something and stopped, he had long felt that those videos would be a big mess.

it's good now.

People smashed the city like crazy. Although Beiliang City was not afraid, these unnecessary casualties could have been avoided.


Suddenly, a warlord heard a message: "Master Ye has returned with the Water God."


Gai Jiuyou was puzzled.

It didn't take long for Ye Fan to go to the ancient sites of the Northern Wilderness. What did he do when he came back? Could it be possible that he had already killed the Lord?

"You go down."

Gai Jiuyou waved.

After He Ning and the others left for ten minutes, Ye Fan and the Water God arrived at the City Lord's Mansion and went straight to the Central Hall.

"Grand Marshal."

"What's the big deal, otherwise you won't be able to come back; I don't think it is to kill the Lord."

"It's really not, that little character is nothing to me now. If you want to kill, you can do it at any time."

Ye Fan sat down unceremoniously, and poured a cup of tea on his own.

The golden light flashed in Gai Jiuyou's eyes.

Only then did he discover that Ye Fan had changed again, more heroic, and his body faintly exuded precious light, which is the effect that the physical body can produce to a very high level.

It really is: Bao is solemn.

These four words describe Ye Fan very appropriately.

"You kid, how long has it been, you have improved, and let people not live."

"low profile."

Ye Fan put down his teacup and said, "Just talk about business, this time I got Tianda's intelligence from the water god's mouth, which is very valuable."

Gai Jiuyou was overjoyed, "Sure enough, I didn't misread you. I was just shooting a video to create a hot spot, but I didn't expect your kid to do it."

"So you are the one who made the ghost."

Ye Fan and the God of Water spoke in unison.

Gai Jiuyou slapped his tongue: "Oh, they are all in such a tacit understanding, so good."

The water god's face was sullen.

Ye Fan said, "Grand Marshal, don't think about it, it's nothing like that."

"I understand, the girl is thin-skinned. Let's talk about business, what kind of information."

"Information has to be purchased."

Ye Fan looked at Erlang's legs and turned on the merchant mode.

Gai Jiuyou's heart twitched, anticipating that he was about to bleed heavily.

With a deep expression on his face, he said dissatisfied: "Ye Fan, you are from Daxia, and it is your duty to contribute to the country, and at this critical juncture and sensitive period, you should make selfless dedication. How can you ask for benefits from the country? "

"Just tell me or not."

"What do you want?"

"Resources, I am very short of resources, preferably a peerless medicine."

The corners of Gai Jiuyou's mouth twitched, and he hummed, "You are really a greedy ghost. The peerless medicine is Chinese cabbage, and the royal treasure house only keeps three."

Ye Fan came to the spirit, geared up, and said with a smile: "Three, then give me one."

"no way."

Gai Jiuyou refused very simply.

"I don't have the right to decide on the top resources like Peerless Medicine. I can fight for you a royal jerk, how about it?"

Ye Fan picked up the teacup and said leisurely: "All the items collected in the royal treasure house can be called royal jerk, and the moisture is very high. I want the emperor to learn, or..."


"The complete mysterious technique."

Gai Jiuyou wasn't surprised, the Guihai Qianjun had all studied the mysterious art, how could Ye Fan not gain anything.

"Mysterious Secret Art is a fragmented scroll, and there is no complete one in the royal treasury."

"I can apply to the general manager for the emperor's unique knowledge. As long as your intelligence value is large enough, I will come forward and the general manager should agree."

The chief steward whom Gai Jiuyou said was the chief steward of the palace.

Control all affairs of the palace.

Powerful and scary.

Ye Fan knew that enough was enough, and it was very good to be able to get another master of the emperor.

"and many more."

Suddenly, Gai Jiuyou remembered something, "No, you still owe me a head, so why do you still need it."

Ye Fan smiled and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, Jehovah won't kill now, he will definitely kill later. The deal we are talking about now is different from the previous one, so don't confuse it."

"Grand Marshal, listen to me talk about intelligence..."

With regard to the anti-bones faction, Ye Fan was informed of the fact that after hearing it, Gai Jiuyou fell into deep thought.

Ye Fan had already captured the excitement deep in Gai Jiuyou's eyes.

a long time.

Gai Jiuyou took a deep breath and said with satisfaction: "Ye Fan, thank you very much, this information is of great value. No one can compare with the emperor's unique knowledge. So, in addition to the emperor's unique knowledge, I will apply to the general manager for another peerless treasure. But hope is not great, I will try my best."

Ye Fan was very moved, and Gai Jiuyou treated him with all his benevolence and righteousness.

He clasped his fists to express his gratitude, and then frowned: "Grand Marshal, the rebels must be saved. It is of great use to us. However, I conclude that the Eagle Congress will send a strong military force to the Bermuda Islands to save people. It is not easy; and the biggest trouble and concern is that once the rescue is successful, the relationship with Eagle Nation will deteriorate again, and subsequent outbreaks will be unpredictable."

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