My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 115 Making Elf Cubes? Audition!

"With this card, you can visit gorgeous clubs all over the country for free."

Lu Cheng widened his eyes.

"Free nationwide?"

"Yes, it's free for the whole country." Xiao Qing said with a smile, "Including bringing people in, it's also free."

Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

This favor is too great.

He just spent two hundred yuan when he came in, and this card is equivalent to a free lifetime card.

Xiao Qing smiled, but didn't tell Lu Cheng the other functions of this card.

This card is actually the status symbol of Xiao Qing's student.

With this title, there is no problem even if you start a coordinator's teaching institution.

I don't know how many coordinators flocked to this card, but they didn't expect to give it to Lu Cheng so easily!

Seeing Lu Cheng's bewildered expression, Xia Lu couldn't help gnashing her teeth.

I haven't gotten this card yet!

"I can't have it."

Lu Cheng waved his hand and apologized.

"I really don't know enough about the Gorgeous Contest. This time, I made a joke out of you!"

“Thank you so much for your review!”

Lu Cheng has a natural fondness for this old lady, which also makes him respect the gorgeous contest a little more.

However, his goal is to be a trainer after all.

Xiao Qing was very satisfied with Lu Cheng's politeness. Under his repeated refusal, she sighed and said with a smile:

"Since you have no interest in becoming a coordinator, I won't force you."

"Of course, if you have any questions about the gorgeous event, you can come to me."

After taking Xiao Qing's business card, Lu Cheng kept nodding.

"However, you have no reason to refuse this card, right?"

Seeing Xiao Qing's faint smile, Lu Cheng couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Ginger is still old and spicy!


When saying goodbye to Xiao Qing, grandma gave Lu Cheng a little pressure with her fearsome eyes.

And the blond beauty next to Xia Lu stared at Lu Cheng with hatred for some reason.

It seems to have seen a competitor.

Shaking his head, Lu Cheng walked into the hall, just in time to see Lu Ning also finished the evaluation.

"How?" Lu Cheng smiled.

Lu Ning shook the pink ribbon in her hand, smiled and said nothing.

"Congratulations, are you treating me to dinner?" Lu Cheng joked casually.

"Didn't you also take the ribbon, why didn't you invite me?"

Lu Ning put her hands behind her back and blinked slyly, revealing her snow-white teeth.

This woman is not easy to deal with!

Lu Cheng shrugged and said, "I'm not hungry yet."

Lu Ning didn't pursue it, she smiled, and immediately fell into deep thought: "I heard that there seems to be a famous coordinator as a judge today, but it's a pity that I didn't meet..."

"By the way, where is the fruit mixer?" Lu Cheng wanted to ask this question just now,

"I searched for a long time and couldn't find it."

"You can also make elf cubes?" Lu Ning was a little surprised.

"No, don't you want to observe it?" Lu Cheng rubbed his nose and said,

"If I can learn a scale and a half claw, wouldn't it be a profit!"

Lu Ning sighed and said, "I've also learned how to make elf cubes before, but unfortunately it's so difficult that I haven't even learned the fur."

"The fruit mixer is in another hall, it's fine anyway, I'll take you there."

Lu Cheng nodded.

The Menus Pavilion has opened up a special hall for fruit mixers. On one side are the sales points of various tree fruit vendors, and on the other side are large fruit mixers.

The square tree fruit mixer has four buttons each, allowing up to four people to operate at the same time.

Fruits can be placed in the square slot in the front,

Mixing is carried out in the circular glass tank in the center, and the mixing process is a test of the operator's skills.

There is a cross pointer in the center of each tree fruit mixer. When the cross pointer turns to the bar groove in front of itself, it means that this is the best time to mix tree fruits, and the operator also needs to press the button at this time.

Among coordinators and nutritionists, there is a legend of the so-called "perfect moment", that is, when the fruit is mixed, the closer the timing of pressing the button is to the "perfect moment", the higher the quality of the elf cube will be obtained.

For operators of different levels, the tree fruit mixer also sets different pointer rotation speeds,

Theoretically, the faster the pointer rotates, the better the quality of the sprite cube.

In the nutrition world, there is a phenomenon that is difficult to explain.

Obviously, the machine can perfectly meet all the requirements for making elf cubes, but the elf cubes produced by machines are still far inferior to those made by hand, and elves prefer handmade elf cubes.

Although it is difficult to explain, among the coordinators, a consensus has been reached.

That is to make the appearance of the elves more outstanding, and the manual elf cubes are definitely more reliable than the machines.

That's why advanced nutritionists and breeders are so popular.

Lu Cheng looked left and right, there were five or six berry mixers, but they were all empty, only a young lady with short hair was standing on the most side machine.

"Would you like to take a look, don't you want to observe the production process of the elf cube?"

The two came to the young lady softly, but she didn't respond, she was still staring at the berry mixer with all her attention.

With the insertion of four berries, the machine started to operate.

Since it is a single-person operation, the error tolerance rate is lower, and the young lady needs to be more focused.

The pointer moved quickly, and at the moment when the pointer approached the bar groove, the young lady suddenly slapped the red button hard.

Like a successful hit, the young lady let out a sigh of relief.

Lu Cheng seemed to see a big "perfect" and jumped out.

What is this, Audition?

There is only one button, who do you look down on?

It's just that after she pressed the button, the speed of the pointer became faster and faster, and it was even difficult for the naked eye to catch up with the speed of the pointer.

At the back, Lu Cheng could clearly see beads of sweat oozing from the young lady's forehead.

It's all done by feel.

"This speed should be in the middle range." Lu Ning said softly with some admiration,

"When I'm at home, even the pointer at the lowest speed will make mistakes many times."

"But her mistakes should be within ten times, and she can already produce high-quality elf cubes."

"It's still a one-person operation, it's too powerful!"

Lu Ning's voice came from beside his ears, exhaling like blue, which made Lu Cheng's ears itchy.

He took a step back carefully, staring carefully at the pointer on the fruit mixer.

Mid-range speed?

That's it?

Doesn't seem to be fast?

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