My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 120: Squeeze the wool of the Armed Forces!

"Boss, I almost can't come back this time!"

Wu Ye rushed into the meeting room in disgrace.

Huge conference room with only one bare round table.

The man stood in front of the huge LCD screen, looking at a lithograph.

That is a breathtaking bird.

The backward carver can't cover up its majestic momentum.

And under the lithograph, there was a scene of tragedy.

The meteorite landed, and the flames engulfed the earth, like a purgatory on earth.

The mourning was everywhere, and the surviving humans bowed their heads and bowed down.

"Modu's operation failed?"

With his back to Wu Ye, a distorted voice came from the man.

"It didn't fail."

Wu Ye leaned back on the chair carelessly, straightened his pale yellow bangs, and complained:

"It's just that I was chased by a fire-breathing dragon of the king level for a long time!"

"Charizard." On one side of the man's figure, half of the metal mask was exposed. "The one of the Dragon King?"

"Then I didn't pay attention." Wu Ye touched his chin and said, "But the mega evolution is the X form."

"You should be lucky, it's not the old guy." The man said coldly, "Otherwise, I might not be able to see you."

Wu Ye laughed, but his eyes fell on the lithograph.

"Is the top of the battle tower the remains of King Feng?"

Wu Ye nodded: "On the top of the tower is a colorful feather, sealed with a stone tablet."

"Just as I wanted to take a closer look at the stele, a fire-breathing dragon came out."

"You took Lie Bite Lu Shark?" The man's eyes flickered slightly.

"What I want to bring is the fat one, so you can collect the corpse for me!"

The man was silent for a while, then turned around and said:

"The gentleman is here, take someone to meet him."

"That old man playing with swords?"

"If you're so talkative, I can't keep your tongue."

Wu Ye's face changed slightly, and he got up without saying a word, leaving the man alone in the huge meeting room.

The virtual projection on the screen, the picture changes, and the flood is overwhelming, just like the end of the apocalypse.

The rainbow light suddenly appeared, a series of flaming holy flames fell, and the three holy beasts roared up to the sky.

There was an imperceptible ferocity in the corner of his eyes, the man turned silently and stared at the lithograph.

His voice was soft, like a question, or a whisper.

"Is it salvation or God's punishment..."


"A charizard with blue flames?"

Guo Zhang frowned, leaned back on the soft sofa, lost in thought.

In order to conceal that he knew about Mega evolution, Lu Cheng deliberately used "blue flame" to refer to Super Charizard X.

Looking at the hideous scar on Guo Zhang's face, Lu Cheng said:

"It was dark then,

The charizard appears to be chasing a shark-like elf. "

Biting land sharks rarely appear in the public eye.

Commoners often only know that there is this kind of elf, but they don't know what it looks like.

"The shark-like elf can fly, so it should be biting the land shark."

Guo Zhang rubbed the center of his eyebrows, and said a little depressed: "Why didn't I receive such a big news at all?"

As he said that, Guo Zhang raised his head and called out: "Hey, brother Liu, how does the Criminal Investigation Department do things!"

Liu Shengnan walked in with a dark face.

It's okay for colleagues to joke around, even the boss calls him this nickname.

The key is still in front of newcomers.

I, Liu Shengnan, don't want to lose face!

Liu Shengnan frowned and said, "I reported to you yesterday that someone saw an unidentified flying elf in the sky above the Eastern Battle Tower. Just let the traffic bureau deal with it!"

Guo Zhang was taken aback for a moment, touched his chest and said, "Is there such a thing?"

Seeing Liu Shengnan still wearing a black uniform, Lu Cheng thought of something else entirely.

He sighed.

What is this inexplicable loss?

To be honest, when Lu Cheng first saw the name of this cafe, he was quite excited.

"The Cat and the Maid" Cafe.

The results of it?

Cats do.

Charming Meow, Xiangwei Meow, and a somewhat indifferent super-powerful Meow.

But what about the maid?

What about the maid?

What about a maid like me?

If you can call a maid by dressing a cat in a maid outfit, wouldn't it be a "Cat and a Beautiful Woman" cafe by wearing an apron?

Hey, Industrial and Commercial Bureau, someone here is suspected of false propaganda!

By the way, business here is actually quite good.

The waiters only wore ordinary black short-sleeved sleeves, and Super Neng Miaomiao helped them serve the dishes with mental strength.

There is also a meow that walks upright. Although it can also serve as a waiter, you can tell it is a licking meow at a glance!

Whenever she was free, Miaomiao would come to that Charming Meow, but Charming Meow ignored it.

Lick meow until nothing is left!

When Lu Cheng entered the so-called dark pavilion, Guo Zhang was beating PS4 with a ferocious mongoose.

The mongoose also had a hideous scar on its cut face. It squinted its eyes and looked at Lu Cheng, and a sense of society came to its face.

If it's a brother, come and kill me!

"You have to keep up with the trend." Guo Zhang put down the handle and explained with a laugh.

Lu Cheng couldn't complain anymore.

When I came to the conversation room, there was the scene just now.

Guo Zhang rested his hands on his head, leaned against the sofa and said, "The Armed Forces Department will take over this matter, don't worry."

Lu Cheng frowned, pretending to be puzzled, "Why is the flame of that fire-breathing dragon blue?"

Guo Zhang looked Lu Cheng up and down, as if he wanted to see through Lu Cheng.

That scrutiny made Lu Cheng very uncomfortable. He lowered his head, only to find that Guo Zhang put his hand on his shoulder.

"Lu Cheng." Guo Zhang said in a deep voice, "With your level of confidentiality, I can't tell you about this."

"But I assure you, when your elf reaches that point, you will know everything."

Lu Cheng sighed silently in his heart.

Sure enough, mega evolution is confidential information.

However, Guo Zhang's words are also very sincere, Lu Cheng's strength is still too weak.

Only by constantly becoming stronger can we gradually reveal the truth of this world.

Lu Cheng clenched his palms tightly.

Mega stones, Z moves, bond evolution, mythical beasts, ultra beasts——

Only keep getting stronger!

Looking into Lu Cheng's eyes, Guo Zhang nodded imperceptibly.

However, being too competitive is not a good thing.

"Forget about it!"

Guo Zhang patted Lu Cheng's shoulder heavily, and laughed loudly:

"Brother Liu told me about the mission last time!"

"You boy did a good job, tell me, what reward do you want?"

"Can I choose the reward myself?" Lu Cheng's eyes lit up.

"Of course." Guo Zhang said with a smile, "The treatment from the Armed Forces Department is pretty good!"

"Baby dragon or Yukira's egg..." Lu Cheng said weakly.

Guo Zhang glared at Lu Cheng and said, "The upper limit is 100,000 yuan, you can figure it out yourself!"

Lu Cheng glanced at Guo Zhang contemptuously, and the latter said cheekily:

"The industry is in a downturn. I still have a group of people to support!"

Only one hundred thousand yuan?

It's better to convert it into cash and give it to me directly.

Lu Cheng sighed, and suddenly thought that there seemed to be a logistics department in the association that was responsible for raising elves.

In the logistics department, there should be berry mixers that have been eliminated, right?

Anyway, I just want the basic version. Even if the public stuff is eliminated, it won’t be too bad!

Lu Cheng's eyes lit up, and he told Guo Zhang this idea.

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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