My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 165 Calm down, Professor!

The senior put the vanilla-flavored ice cream ball in front of Marville, and the latter's eyes lit up immediately.

Lu Cheng scooped up Buffy in front of him, tilted his head to look at the gentle senior sister, and immediately remembered what Tang Xia said yesterday.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"


A soft sound pulled Lu Cheng back from his distraction.

Looking down, senior sister was handing her own ice cream to Kyuubi's mouth, and Kyuubi let out a happy cry.

Lu Cheng felt a little hot on his face, and when he looked up, he saw his senior push a design drawing in front of Lu Cheng.

"Look!" Mu Wen smiled, pointing to the sketch, "I spent more than a week designing this, how is it?"

Senior sister is wearing a pair of wooden frames and a white dress today, exuding the fragrance of books all over her body.

Lu Cheng scratched his cheek, coughed lightly, and looked at the sketch.

"Is this the new style you plan to launch?" Lu Cheng asked in surprise.

"That's right!" Mu Wen said with some pride, "It took me a lot of hard work."

Rao Yilu Cheng's layman's eyes can also see the amazingness of this outfit.

The classic design of the red and white jacket, as accessories, choose a hat with a poke ball style, and black and red gloves...

This, isn't it the configuration of Master Chi in the handheld!

However, there are no Pokémon-related games in this world.

Looking at this set of well-designed clothes, Lu Cheng had a hunch that if they were designed, they would definitely sell well!

Lu Cheng swallowed, nodded and said, "I think it's pretty good."

"It would be nice to add a few more details."

As he said that, Lu Cheng put forward some suggestions for modification, so that the clothes would be closer to Chi Ye's domineering look in his memory.

Listening to Lu Cheng's suggestion, Mu Wen's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile, "Unexpectedly, you also know about fashion design."

Lu Cheng scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "I understand a little, I understand a little."

"That's fine." Mu Wen put away the drawing and said with satisfaction, "When the modification is finished, I will make a finished product for you. You can try it."

"If you can, you can wear it when recruiting for the school team!"

"Huh?" Lu Cheng was a little surprised, "Isn't this listed on Taobao for sale?"

"What!" The senior sister smiled, showing her snow-white teeth.

"This is an early celebration of your joining the varsity team."

"You have to work hard, if you're sorry for this suit—"

As she spoke, a dangerous gleam appeared in Mu Wen's eyes.

Cold sweat dripped from Lu Cheng's forehead, and he nodded frantically.


Today is Sunday, and Lu Cheng happened to have time to visit Professor Liu Bosheng, whom he had been talking about for a long time.

Although it has been nearly a month since school started, Lu Cheng has been busy with training, and it is rare that he is free.

During this month, Lu Cheng didn't know that the two papers he and Su Xiangrou wrote,

What a shock it caused in the academic world.

"According to that senior sister Fang, Professor Liu's research institute should be on the side of Qiushi Mountain." Lu Cheng murmured,

"I don't know if they have seen my appointment."

"Forget it, let's go there first!"

After making up his mind, Lu Cheng got on the school bus.

The scenery outside the window rushed by.

After the bus stopped, the research institute appeared in front of Lu Cheng.

A secluded path leads to a metal building with a technological appearance. There are many plants planted in the two articles, which are obviously carefully taken care of.

A serpentine bear jumped out, yelled at Lu Cheng, and ran back to the backyard from a small path.

When he came to the door, Lu Cheng realized that someone was waiting to greet him.

"Welcome." Fang Weiyue smiled, "Your scheduled visit time is two o'clock, right?"

Lu Cheng nodded and said with a smile, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No problem."

I saw Fang Weiyue standing outside the metal door, facing the camera, and from the LCD screen, there was an electronically synthesized sound.

"Iris recognition complete!"

With a "click", the door opened, and a laboratory full of technological sense suddenly appeared in front of Lu Cheng.

Fang Weiyue led Lu Cheng in and explained:

"This is the research room. It's in the backyard. It's used to observe elves."

Lu Cheng nodded and looked around.

I saw several scientific researchers in white coats passing by in a hurry, and there were densely packed buttons on the huge instrument panel.

In front of the dashboard is a virtual display projected on the wall, and complex data scrolls back and forth on the display.

At this moment, a violent roar came from next to my ear: "How many times have I said that the observation data needs to be backed up, have you all ignored it?"

Lu Cheng looked in surprise, and saw a gray-haired professor in a white coat angrily smashing his hands on the table and shouting:

"Also, which student took care of the dumb beast in the backyard? Why is it so skinny!"

A pothead raised his hand and said weakly: "The senior of the breeding department, he went back to the school for a defense in the past two days..."

"I don't care, if the dull beast keeps losing weight like this, you don't want to eat anymore!"

Fang Weiyue smiled awkwardly, and explained: "This is Professor Liu Bosheng."

Looking at this grumpy professor, Lu Cheng couldn't help feeling a little disillusioned.

This is Professor Liu Bosheng?

Shouldn't professors be role models?

Why is this professor's hairstyle still an afro!

Seeing the sound, Liu Bosheng with the explosive head looked back, calmed down for a while and said:

"Oh, Xiaoyue is back."

After speaking, Liu Bosheng narrowed his eyes, looked at Lu Cheng and said, "Who is this?"

"This is Lu Cheng who is coming to visit this afternoon." Fang Weiyue smiled, while secretly winking at Liu Bosheng,

"It's been a long time since you talked about it last time!"

Hearing Lu Cheng's name, Liu Bosheng was stunned for a while.

Immediately, he walked to the table and began to rummage through the messy documents. He casually threw the documents to the lid of the pot and murmured:

"Lu Cheng, this name is so familiar, where did I hear it?"

"Professor Liu, I am a student of Teacher Du Wendu."

Lu Cheng glanced at Jarhead who was desperately picking up the documents, stepped forward and said:

"Before, I sent you a letter."

Lu Cheng sent Du Wen's recommendation letter to Liu Bosheng at the beginning of the semester, but he never had time to come to his laboratory.

If this is the case, Lu Cheng is also a little worried.

With Liu Bosheng's messy desk, even if he never read the letter, Lu Cheng would still believe it.

Shouldn't it be thrown directly into the trash can?

Lu Cheng thought with shame.

Hearing Lu Cheng's words, Liu Bosheng scratched his disheveled head, and his cloudy eyes lit up.

"Lu Cheng?"

"I see, did you write that Mannini paper!"

Lu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, but Liu Bosheng suddenly rummaged through the table quickly.

After a while, he held up a folder and shouted, "I found it!"

Your action is like the action of Xiaozhi acquiring a new elf, professor!

"Don't panic, the professor usually has this personality." Fang Weiyue forced a smile.

I saw Liu Bosheng hastily opened the folder, pointed to the file, checked the name, and suddenly laughed:

"Good boy, you finally delivered it to your door!"

Lu Cheng:? ? ?

"The paper on the evolution of moves in early June was also proposed by you, right?"

Liu Bosheng took off his glasses and said with trembling fingers.

"Yes, it is."

Lu Cheng suddenly realized that something was wrong.

I saw Liu Bosheng walking towards Lu Cheng slowly.

He grabbed Lu Cheng's lapel, complained, and burst into tears:

"Do you know that because of that paper, our research lab spent two months researching for nothing!"

"Two months, do you know how I spent these two months?"

Liu Bosheng wiped his tears while grabbing Lu Cheng, and the people around hurried up to dissuade him:

"Professor, calm down, calm down!"

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