My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 177 I Just Want to Preserve My Strength (4/4)

On the sidelines, the discussion was somewhat stagnant.

"What is this, chickens pecking at each other?"

"Is this the U20 champion of Zhejiang Province? It's really funny!"

At the same time, the game was finally decided.

Following the impact of the carp king like a mountain crushing the top, the weight of more than forty kilograms was pressed on the weak body of Xiangri Seed, which immediately made it lose its fighting power.

The carp king was taken aback for a moment, and then his tail fluttered excitedly.


Damn, this uncle actually defeated the elves with his own strength!

"The winner, Lu Cheng." Chen Dayong watched the scene helplessly, and announced the result.

"What, I can do it myself!"

"Hey, so the school team assessment is all about luck, and this kind of elf can actually advance!"

Lu Cheng took back the enthusiastic carp king.

He ignored the noise in his ears.

This is the best chance for the Carp King to actually fight. In this kind of competition, it is not always possible to meet a weak opponent.

An excellent trainer must believe in his own training plan without being interfered by the outside world.

Besides, the Carp King performed very well this time, as long as it can grow, that's enough!

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng unconsciously smiled.


At this moment, a coquettish sound made the whole venue quiet down.

Lu Cheng looked up, and in the stands, Deng Ruyun suddenly stood up and looked straight at him.

"Is the opponent not strong enough?"

Her voice was very clear, with a hint of indifference in the ethereal, as if it came from far away.

"What?" Lu Cheng didn't hear clearly.

"Why not use Nine Tails." Deng Ruyun said.

"This is only the first round." Lu Cheng said with a smile.

"Preserve strength?"

"No?" Lu Cheng asked with a strange face.

The guild hall was silent, and everyone was quietly listening to the dialogue between the two.

A strong desire to gossip hovered in everyone's hearts at the same time.

The rumors say, can't be true?

Lu Cheng was a little embarrassed by Deng Ruyun's stare, so he couldn't help looking away.

After a while, Deng Ruyun opened his mouth and said:

"Impression points are also very important."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

"What's the meaning?"

Chen Dayong stood up helplessly and explained:

"President Deng means that I hope you can show more things."

"Otherwise, in order to allow strong players to enter the next round, we may brush off some players who won but did not perform well."

The implication is that Chen Dayong is not satisfied with Lu Cheng's performance just now.

"Based on your carp king, it can only be regarded as pending." Chen Dayong flipped through the documents and said,

"However, your information shows that you should have other elves."

"President Deng means to give you another stage of self-display." Chen Dayong laughed,

"Is that so, Xiao Deng?"

Deng Ruyun nodded, watching Lu Cheng silently.

At this time, a freshman who was eliminated complained in a low voice: "Why, I also want to have more self-presentation sessions!"

"At least he won, you didn't even pass the preliminaries." His friend sneered,

"Can't you see that? It's clear that President Deng values ​​this person very much!"

"To make sure nothing goes wrong, I asked him to show it again."

The freshman curled his lips and said, "Coach Chen Dayong doesn't like this, the school team still has to focus on strength."


At this moment, a golden figure made everyone's breathing stagnate.

Immediately, the surrounding fire energy seemed to gather towards Nine Tails.

Dazzling flames soared into the sky, and the explosive flames contained incomparably terrifying power!

The three-meter-thick jet of flames dazzled everyone's eyes!

Lu Cheng snapped his fingers, and the flame went out immediately.

Only a tall figure wearing a hat and a pair of shining red pupils remained.

"Is this okay?" Lu Cheng said.

He didn't want to reveal his strength.

But since it was the request of the school team coach, Lu Cheng naturally didn't hide it.

Chen Dayong was still immersed in the gorgeous flames just now, he was stunned at this moment, and couldn't help laughing loudly, saying:

"All right, all right, the next contestant!"

In this way, it should be foolproof, right?

There are still so many ways to join the school team.

Lu Cheng secretly said as he walked towards the exit.

This time, it's thanks to Senior Sister Deng, otherwise I don't know how I was brushed.

I will have to thank her again next time.

In the stands, although Chen Dayong was watching the game, his mind was still on that nine-tailed bird just now.

Looking at the data board in his hand, Chen Dayong couldn't help feeling rejoicing.

This year, there are unexpectedly new students of this level.

Almost missed it!

Looking at the expressionless Deng Ruyun beside him, Chen Dayong couldn't help but said:

"Little Deng, look at the strength of that nine-tailed..."

"Very strong." Deng Ruyun said.

"That level of flame..."

"It can be regarded as a professional trainer." Deng Ruyun said.

After finishing what he wanted to say, Chen Dayong couldn't help but sit back in his chair silently.

But there was an uncontrollable smile on the corner of his mouth.

He had a premonition that this year's freshmen would definitely be outstanding.

Deng Ruyun silently looked towards the exit, the back that had long since disappeared.

She was also afraid that Lu Cheng's performance would be bad, and Chen Dayong would brush him off.

Deng Ruyun, the trainer who can fight the big move between the elf and the fire monkey, has already missed it once, and she doesn't want to miss it a second time.

This year is her last year at Jiang University, and next year, she will start a tour of gymnasiums in order to qualify for the national competition.

She doesn't want to leave any regrets in this National College League!


Three days later, the second-round roster of the Jiang University team was announced.

On this list, Lu Cheng saw many familiar names.

Needless to say, Gao Chi, Jiang Zhuo from the combat department, Lu Cheng's roommate Deng Jiawen, and even Shi Hong from the Breeding Club entered the second round of selection.

This made Dongzi yell in despair.

My roommates are all on the school team, and I'm the only one left!

No, I have to train hard!

After going to the training room for three consecutive days, Dongzi hid back in the dormitory to play games.

As for Lu Cheng, he made an appointment with Gao Chi for a mock battle.

On the battle arena in the training room, the forest lizard avoided Haoli's flame fist, and the bone sword in his hand hit Haoli's knee joint with a "slap", causing him to kneel down in pain.

Gao Chi sighed, and took the elf back on his own initiative.

"How is your awakening power?" Lu Cheng smiled.



Gao Chi sighed, and said, "In exchange for money, I bought nutritional supplements for the new elves."

"When did you raise a new elf?"

Gao Chi didn't make a sound, a red light flashed, a black kitten with red stripes and whiskers stared at Lu Cheng unkindly.

The Royal Sanjia of the Alola region, Fire Spot Meow!

Lu Cheng was taken aback, and asked curiously, "Where did you get such a rare elf?"

Gao Chi scratched his head and said, "I was downstairs in the dormitory that day, and it didn't seem to have anything to eat, and then..."

"Okay, needless to say." Lu Cheng interrupted, "I'll go downstairs to your dormitory for a walk in two days."

Gao Chi scratched Huobanmao's chin, and said, "By the way, there was someone who made a big splash in the school team selection yesterday, did you know that?"

"Who is it?"

Besides me, is there anyone else who is making a splash?

Gao Chi thought for a while and said:

"He is a freshman in the newly established coordination department this year. It is said that he once studied with the champion of the Gorgeous World Series for a while."

"In addition to the gorgeous style of play, the strength is also quite good!"

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